What is Honest Liberal/Leftist Explanation to this Fact?

Mainstream Biology and other related scientific disciplines agree without question that all animals in the world had evolved into sub-species and even into sub-sub-species... throughout evolutionary history.

However when it comes to humans, liberals (including liberal scientists) deny scientific nature of race concept. They say millions years of universal evolutionary mechanism can't be applied to humans because of what (culture?)

history of human civilization/culture dated back to 10k years ago at most which is a very tiny moment for biological process.

so, how do liberals justify their position on race/evolution matter? I can't find satisfying answers on google. what I care is scientific reality, not politics.

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We don't say thAt. You are thinking left wing freak shows

I'm a liberal

They ignore the scientific reality because it is too uncomfortable. We have no problem understanding that race causes differences in height, build, facial structure, and hair color, but as soon as we make the obvious conclusion that it means differences in brain function as well they SHUT IT DOWN

Different species can't breed fertile children.

Learn to read.
Hell, learn anything.

Bad argument. Just look at coloration of small cats

facts dont work on libtards, you have to use alternative facts.

t. cockroach

post the abo one it's better

See: Zedonk, Liger.

You are a retard , there's not a significant difference between races. Some humans just have different traits , all humans are the same species.

this could lead more serious contradiction in their scientific narrative.

there are thousands if not more of sub-species in the world that can breed fertile. for example, all tiger sub-species or all wolf sub-species or all horse sub-species can breed fertile. you're only true on the level of tiger+lion or donkey+horse.

coloration of small cats indicate what?

race reality doesn't necessarily lead to racist politics.

do you have any idea one animal specie can be biologically categorized into tens of sub-species and each sub-species into sub more?

at least go to wiki and search for any well known animal.

you have smaller brain than a roach. get a life.

if you dont want to genocide all non whites you are a cuck.

In most soft sciences (of which biology is one), when you find statistically meaningful dimensions via Principal Component Analysis (soft sciences tend to use this like voodoo magic, because they're not great with math), they treat them like real quantities. And that certainly exists with human races.

But sadly, in the soft sciences, there's never anything so compelling, that it cannot simply be ignored when the consequences are disliked.


I’m tired of playing this game with you. I’m leaving this message for you to tell you that you have insulted me for the last time. You have insulted me. You don’t have the brains or the decency as a human being… I don’t give a damn that you’re 12 years old or 11 years old, or a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn’t care about what you do as far as I’m concerned. You have humiliated me for the last time with this and I’m going to fly out there for the day just to straighten you out on this issue. I’m going to let you know just how disappointed in you that I am and how angry I am with you that you’ve done this to me again. You made me feel like shit and you’ve made me feel like a fool over and over and over again. I am going to get on a plane and I am going to straighten your ass out when I see you. Do you understand me? I am going to really make sure you get it. That I’m going to get on a plane and so you better be ready. I’m going to let you know how I feel, about what a rude little pig you really are. You are a rude thoughtless little pig. Okay?


Pick one

>No Continuum

No neandertal DNA admixture by way of Saharan desert displacement.

rhetoric like yours is the reason why people stay away from scientific human race discussion. if you're not a troll then you must be hollywood style cartoonized racist. nothing more.





Anyone that says the human species, or any species for that matter, is easily classifiable is wrong. That means both sides. People have just enough knowledge about biology to be dangerous and form an ignorant opinion.



libtard. can't get much more cucked than this...



Siberian and Bengal tigers have several physiological and physical differences of which magnitude you won't find many differences between human populations except in extreme cases.

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post...

>trying to reason with marxist ideology

Its a noble pursuit, Chinkbro, but its a futile one that will only leave you frustrated

Interesting, tell me more.

>Africans are too stupid to understand subsistence farming
When will this meme end? Agriculture has been in Africa for centuries, and most sub-Saharan economies have large agricultural sectors.

even leading liberal evolutionary scientist richard dawkins admit the importance of working on human races.

even leading liberal evolutionary scientist richard dawkins admit the importance of working on human races.


You do have the IQ required to read? Per happenstance, you could learn something about race via this infographic, Goy.

Holy shit.

Most of the solidly known and explained racial differences (sickle cell prevalence, skin melanin levels, some parts of bone structure) are observable in humans but don't necessarily correspond to clean-cut boundaries like "white," "black," or "Asian."

I don't want them exterminated but I want them out of Europe, Canada, and America. Generally speaking they are burden, hinder progress, and waste valuable resources that could be used raising someone worth a damn.

I don't care what they do in Africa or the middle east or wherever else.

The question is why would it be a bad thing to be a different sub species?

Given that Africans have agriculture as you claim, why have they not yet (left untouched by the white man), invented a two-story structure, dreamed a sail, nor yet invented the wheel?

I would agree with every myth except #5.

Then look-up further then Minnesota Trans-racial adoption data. The fore-brain of the Congoloid is less advanced.

College educated scientists say that race is not real
Dumbfucks on Sup Forums say it is

Hmmm I wonder who is right

The negroid (untouched by way of 2 century) has not yet even invented the wheel.

Fuck off Carl.

Daily reminder.

I'm pretty sure they had two-story structures before colonization, and they definitely had sailboats. They didn't invent the wheel independently, but I don't think that's unusual; there weren't many independent inventions of the wheel IIRC.

A trump supporter.

Yes he realizes the entire thing is fucked.

Let me elaborate. There is this thing in Taxonomy called the species problem.


Scientists to this day cannot agree on what the definition of a species is. A pomeranian isn't the same as a great dane. What the fuck is a red wolf? OP's pic shows the problem as well.

The root of the problem is humans like putting things onto lists and in boxes to categorize them. Nature doesn't give a fuck about your boxes. Life just does, and changes every second, and there is your problem with classification.

Even with a PhD in a related field or as a macrotaxonomist for a living the entire thing is torn apart since there isn't and will never be a clear cut answer to the question. Currently that is the answer: there is no answer.

Does race exist? Experts agree maybe.


from scientific viewpoint, every human sub-race should have been perfectly adopted to it's environmental conditions.

I believe every human race has it's unique capabilities and features. it can be harmful or useful in certain social context. for example, africans run fast. they can run away from cops or they can run in the olympics. for example middle easterners think more spiritually (desert life). they can be religious terrorists or religious philosophers like they were in golden age of islam in the middle ages.

No, there are no existing two-story structures in non-colonial Africa. I'll need a source on your "definitely had sailboats", and yes, they have a lower IQ score than Koko, the Gorilla.

Well then by your own logic your opinion has no value then please shut the fuck up


not a leftist, but the modern explanation is that no one is really a pure breed (like an animal) anymore. Eg. I'm "Caucasian" but I have the features of an anglo, nord, scotsman, German, kike, nigger, and redskin

Sure, Goy. We need multiculturalism, because it is our strength!

Someone else red-pill this zombie. I'm tired.

cool niggers are adapted to the wild jungles of africa, native americans are adapted to forests and white people and asians are adapted to civilization. Let's keep ourselves in our natural habitat.