I'm still PO'd about this last election

How did you guys get over losing in 2008 and 2012?

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Wait, are you actually not shilling?

just moved on in life you've created an ech chamber in what you think is going to happen won't :/

OK well here's the thing. If you believe he's actually a bad thing for the country, then he will show himself as a bad thing. This is how I dealt with Obama. He seemed very radicalized in ways I believed the country truly didn't want, but didn't understand at the time of his election. I knew he would move the subversion too fast, and for it to be noticeable by the populous. Before Obama, it was hard to explain to people the dangers of globalism and leftism. I knew it would be easier after his presidency, and that ended up being the case.

If you think Trump is really that bad, then you'll get the same effect. You'll end up with someone right up your alley.

(won't happen btw though as Trump is exactly what this country needs)

I just tuned out and stopped caring until the next election cycle. Worked great!

I was underaged in 2008 and I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012 so I knew I was going to lose before it happened.

Will follow your PX Doctor.

>How did you guys get over losing in 2008 and 2012?

We were 80% libtards back then. Then we grew up.

i voted obama both times

i've only ever voted for the guy who won

>How did you guys get over losing in 2008 and 2012?

we didn't care, we didn't want that pedophile Romney more than we hated Obama

nobody took McCain seriously, it was like a joke ticket, they basically gave it to Obama

Kek united us. Our memes were so strong and widespread that even she had to attack our Pepe. That's where she went wrong. That's when she took it too far and the normies could see she was BTFO by a comic frog used by even celebs. Didn't take long for even Sup Forumstards to join our side on the meme wars even though they are historically more liberaltards.

what ever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger

This desu.

And also, we're not faggots.

We made Sup Forums

We patiently waited and then we struck

Unfortunately for you your ideology is dead so there will be no comeback, your only option is to capitulate.

Because we understand that you need to raise up before you get knocked back down.

Started talk radio shows to bitch about it and claim everything the president does is the start of the apocalypse.

It's called being an adult.

Should try it sometimes.

We tried our best to imagine how adults would behave, and then we did that.

Yeah boyeeee

I voted for Obama both times and I voted for Hillary. I've just started to realize that I'm never going to get over it. I'm just going to be pissed for four years. At first I was depressed but now I'm angry.

I don't think they ever got over it either. That's why we have President Trump now. But he won't be there forever and then we will make them pay. Hopefully it will be in four years. That wall will be halfway built and the new Democrat can undo it on the first day. I'm joining the resistance. I suggest you do the same.

No you didn't.


Your mom didnt

You mean EIGHT MORE YEARS ftfy

>Im an enormous butthurt faggot: the post

Good luck winning in 2020 when people are getting a $200 a month reduction in taxes

>for me it was a lot of xanax and vodka

>Then we will make them pay.
>Wanting to punish people for voting for someone else
What the fuck is wrong with you? At the end of the day we are all on the same side.

>the resistance
how important do you need to feel saying "lol DRUMPF sucks!" on twitter

Not being a faggot is the first step.

I didn't, I always pick the winning side. Git gud at elections faggot

I don't think that will matter too much when Trump is getting us into wars with his Twitter. He's already so unpopular. He's gone down since his election. We're going to have our own tea party movement on the left and sweep back into power in 2018. Trump will get impeached. If not we'll beat him in 2020 because he will be even more unpopular by then. We'll have a better candidate next time too. Honestly I think our economy will contract and go into recession due to trade wars. I just worry he won't give up power in 2020 if he loses. I'm afraid the military will protect him instead of the constitution and we will really be a dictatorship. Now I'm not saying he won't be reelected. I'm not falling into that trap again. But I do not see it as of now. I could be wrong though. I was before.

I committed suicide it worked for me.

Wait......200 extra bucks for me to spend on guns and ammo?

>1 post by this ID

Why do you hate America?

Most of these new fags were 14 in 2012 and 10 in 2008.

No we're not. The right decided that when they voted for Trump and when they obstructed Obama for eight years. You are taking your rage out on us now. We will remember and come back even harsher next time. I feel like we were playing a game and you guys were fighting a war this past cycle. I mean aligning with the Russians just to win? Lock her up? I feel like that crossed a line. Even tonight he said he didn't know about further investigations into her. We can't forget. We won't. We won't forget the EOs either. This is a war now. Hopefully it never turns into a violent one but we are not on the same side.

Thank you for all the love and your great achievements Hillary. You will always tower over Trump, and the racist, sexist man he is. Because love trumps hate. You, will, hopefully, in 2020, return to save this ALREADY GREAT NATION, and defeat Trump.



>Trump is Hitler-lite the post

Have you ever even considered he wants the best for all Americans and he isn't the demon you think he is?

We aren't them. Trump is a reaction to Obama and W, not just a reaction ro Obama.

I love America. I hate seeing what is happening to it now.

Didn't get over shit until Trump was elected.

I was celebrating.

I jumped off a building


I didn't care about either of those elections so it didn't really bother me.

He hasn't shown me anything different. Did you ever give Obama the same consideration?

I was never a true libtard, I never actually took a side until Trump.

Listen, and I am 100% serious here. You are literally brainwashed. Brainwashed in every sense of the word. I wish I could wake you up.

We organized and held town halls to narrow down a real set of tangible policy goals. Tea Party protests were civil, very clean and sought attainable goals instead of generic "omg Hitler grab my pussy fuckoff! fat fag pride! Duke against Mike!" Etc etc. We sought out legislators and presented them with SPECIFIC legislation we wanted or opposed. The fact that not a single Republican voted for Obamacare is a testament to it's effectiveness. Only problem was we didn't hold Congress at that time, once we did this tactic was super effective.

We blew you the FUCK Out in midterm elections through today. Prepare for 2020.

Obama literally only won in 2012 because he's black, charismatic, and the timing of Osama Bin Laden's death.

>The resistance

Man maybe the minute you chucklefucks act like it's the real world and not one of your young adult fictions you might get somewhere.

>I'm joining the resistance
You mean screaming "HE WILL NUT INSIDE US" and crying in the middle of the streets every day? Yeah, real scary resistance there. Faggot.

>four years
Prepare your anus, boi

I wish you guys could wake up. It so scary what is going on right now.


Yes, you are/were wrong because you're an inferior human

I wasn't emotionally invested in 2008 or 2012. I coudn't care less because both choices were the nearly the same. This time around we had an actual choice, and lo and behold, shit is getting done.

Prepare for the worst, OP. It's already begun.

Real life basically is like one of those books now so that is what this moment calls for.

Explain what's scary about Trump.

Yeah I know. It's awful and it's only going to get worse.

>Trump will get impeached
You regressive idiots have anally raped the shit out of this word with your constant misuse of it and the rest of us in the real world laugh at you every single time you utter it. Eat shit.

I and most Iowans were for Obama for '08 and '12.
So technically speaking, we always ended up on the winning side.
Time has changed though and we are now on Trump side.

>That wall will be halfway built
Wall will be done within the year, under budget and ahead of schedule.

I didn't have too.
Obama may be shit but he was slightly better than those neo-con cucks McCain and Romney.

>mfw my horse in the race always wins.

By only thinking about war. I seen this day coming. I knew as soon a white man was president white would turn on whites and welfare babies freak out on riot.

No way. That's going to be a massive public project. I live in Texas so I know how big the border is.

You don't lose when you bandwagon the winners

I voted Obama.
And I voted Trump.
Feels good to be moderate and constantly win.

>I mean aligning with the Russians just to win?
It's okay when she "aligns" with fucking Qatar just to win though, right?
>Lock her up?
She's committed treason on multiple accounts.
>I feel like that crossed a line.
The only one who crossed any line was her and that's why everyone decided she was a steaming pile of shit and elected Trump.

I'll give you that Obummer was at the very least better than the Al Qaeda shill and the Mormon retard, but he was still shit regardless.

I was going to call your bullshit but I guess Angela Merkel can be your Daenerys and all those fucking muslims can be her dragons. I mean they explode, dragons breath fire, it's close enough.

Maybe you'll be lucky and get that Hawaiian veteran to be your katniss everdeen. I'm sure that'll work out for you. I mean look at Syria and how the plucky resistance led by idealistic young professionals won the day. Egypt too, those cute college girls chanting in Tahir square won and had secular democrats take power.


>It so scary what is going on right now

I moved on by not really giving a fuck.
I have preferences as to what I think should happen, but if it doesn't I don't really care. You can't change the past, and why waste time dwelling on things you can't change?

Again, 4U.

He's unhinged and his policies are awful. He has no respect for the free press. He's a dangerous narcissist. He wants to "take the oil". He wants to build a great Great Wall. He wants to break up families and ban Muslims from entering the U.S. He wants to take away people's healthcare. He wants to rape the earth. He wants to bring back torture. He wants to turn back the clock on civil rights. He lies constantly. He tweets crazy things. The language he uses is dark. His supporters are really mean.

mostly I just adopted a wait and see approach
I was actually more pissed about this one, basically I just took note of everyone who had pushed Romney on the party and every journalist and talking head that had lied about Romney's "inevitable" victory. I saw a lot of them last year in the #neverTrump camp, fuck Karl Rove.

Anyways from a personal standpoint you just need to just stop being upset about it, it won't change anything and if you really want to help the Democrats kill all whites or outsource all the jobs or whatever you won't get there by mentally torturing yourself. Hope this helps.

>voting for McCain
We arn't neocucks

>I live in Texas
I told you all they were cucked beyond redemption. I TOLD YOU Sup Forums.
Let me guess, you're a Houston cuck? Or a Tarrant cuck?

You actually supported John McCain over based Obama? kystbh my dude

Look on the bright side.
In 2024 we can meme Ivanka into the White House and she can be the first President with a pussy

most of Sup Forums couldn't vote back then

I'm a big boy




You guys still don't grasp why you lost. Understand most.Trump voters are not Sup Forums. Those people in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania- they voted for Obama twice and now Trump. This has nothing to do with race for them. Look at the union workers who met with Trump yesterday. The DNC has LOST the true labor vote. The RNC didn't gain them either, they're for Trump. But the DNC for SURE has permanently lost them. You turned on labor and chose identity politics and demonized your traditional rank and file. Now you have a basket of fucking degenerates and fruitcakes as your core.

Are they actually starting to reach the acceptance stage in the 7 stages of Trump 5 days in!?!

If Obama hadnt been so shit trump never woulda run

I should add that if in these rust belt states populist Trumpian Republicans begin winning primaries vs Mccainesque neoconservatism for 2020 you will -PERMANENTLY- lose these states and never win again, even in lesser posts or state level.

I was really big on her even though I voted for Hillary over Bernie in the primary (regret that now). That was until she went to Trump tower and then to Syria to meet with the butcher or Damascus. Now I'm not so sure. I would still take her over Trump any day though. I do agree with her on domestic issues. She is an attractive female minority with a military background. But Bashar Al-Assad? I don't think so.

>He's unhinged and his policies are awful

>He has no respect for the free press
You mean the same press that consistently lied about him and his family from the minute he ran, in favor of Hillary? THAT press? Because go fuck yourself if you're actually defending them.

>He's a dangerous narcissist
He is a narcissist, but that isn't per se dangerous

>He wants to build a great Great Wall. He wants to break up families
How fucking hard is it to fill out paperwork and meet all the necessary requirements to live here?

>and ban Muslims from entering the U.S.
He wants to ban Syrian refugees which are guaranteed to have ISIS migrants among them from entering this country? Sounds good to me.

>He wants to take away people's healthcare.
Obamacare was a total nightmare. Don't act like it was anything but.

>He wants to rape the earth.
Now you're just being plain overdramatic.

>He wants to bring back torture.
McCain pls

>He wants to turn back the clock on civil rights.
No he fucking doesn't. That's what BLM wants you to think when anyone who can actually think for themselves knows that isn't true.

>He lies constantly.
He's been true to his word on everything so far including the wall. Also so did Hillary, your point?

>He tweets crazy things.
Fuck your feefees

>The language he uses is dark.
See "rape the earth"

>His supporters are really mean.
See "tweets crazy things"

>He's unhinged and his policies are awful.
Because the policies of globalist liberals has done us so well. And he's not unhinged. He's an agitated 70 year old man. My grandfather is the same way.

>He has no respect for the free press
The same press that criticized him constantly during the campaign and said that he had no chance of winning, whilst putting his opponent of a pedestal of non-criticism? Can you blame him?

>He's a dangerous narcissist.
Every politician is.

>He wants to "take the oil".
Stupid statement.

>He wants to build a great Great Wall.
A good thing. Israel built a wall with US taxpayer money. You don't see anyone (liberals or conservatives) saying they tear it down.

>He wants to break up families
If your illegal alien Mexican father is a murderer, you can go back with him to Mexico.

>ban Muslims from entering the U.S.
He wants to slow the rate until things get under control.

>He wants to take away people's healthcare.
He wants a better system. He even praised certain aspects of Obamacare.

>He wants to rape the earth.
So will the earth hold a press conference accusing him of such?

>He wants to bring back torture.
Just waterboarding.

>He wants to turn back the clock on civil rights.
Give an example on this.

>He lies constantly.
Name a president since Nixon that didn't.

>He tweets crazy things.
He's controlling the narrative of the media.

>The language he uses is dark
Only to emphasize the dark times we live in.

> His supporters are really mean.
Grow a pair.

The fact that you factor her being a minority into your choice to vote for her at all is your problem. I'm speaking not from a Sup Forums point of view here. That shouldn't even be a FACTOR, AT ALL.

Erie here.
his name is taboo now. he literally did N O T H I N G

>He's unhinged and his policies are awful.
Opinion. I disagree.
>He has no respect for the free press.
He does. Just not liars and slanderers and those who only smear him and not the opposition.
>He's a dangerous narcissist.
I'll give you that he's a narcissist.
>He wants to "take the oil".
Literally no different than any previous president, including Obama.
>He wants to build a great Great Wall.
This is a bad thing? It will make it so much harder for drug runners to conduct business and illegals to cross the border. And I'm pretty sure you like China's grrat wall, why do you oppose us having one?
>He wants to break up families
Families that should not be here in the first place. Their fault. It's already the law, just not being enforced.
>and ban Muslims from entering the U.S.
Good, we don't want to end up with constant terror attacks like Europeans are currently facing. Nor do we want a foreign, barbaric religion in our lands.
>He wants to take away people's healthcare.
No, he wants to replace Obamacare with a beter deal. Most regular Republicans eamt the same thing.
>He wants to rape the earth.
>He wants to bring back torture.
Not really
>He wants to turn back the clock on civil rights.
No he doesn't.
>He lies constantly.
He has lied before a few times. Not "constantly" and certainly not as luch as Shillary.
>He tweets crazy things.
>The language he uses is dark.
No it's not.
>His supporters are really mean.
As opposed to the literal communists beating people on the streets and lighting fires? As opposed to niggers attacking people with MAGA hats nationwide?

You're brainwashed, my dude. Just about everything you said is a meme.

Yeah I know we had problem with Rust Belt voters that we traditionally do well with. I couldn't believe when Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin went red. I already knew Ohio and Iowa would. I don't think we've permanently lost them though. We just have to return to our roots as a worker's party. I also think we just didn't turn out enough of our people though. Why tf was Hillary in Arizona and not in Detroit or Ann Arbor? Milwaukee? Nothing...