Richard Spencer got fashbashed again
Richard Spencer got fashbashed again
This happened before he got sucker punched to the side of the head.
i want to kill all leftists
Is this guy some staged op? I first heard about him after he got punched by that guy who literally eats shit, and he's claimed to be the leader of the alt-right (kek).
what, on the same day?
>in the neck
I wonder where they learned that?
Kek Spencer is going to sue these cucks.
Spencer is probably a plant anyway tho.
I heard on TDS that he's getting some swole goys to follow him around after this.
I'm kind of interested to see what come from it tbqh
Fuck him for being such a pussy weakling, no fucking honor. He better redeem himself or he's done for me. What a fucking fag. You can tell a fat old man he's a pussy because he doesn't attack you on a public event where you're not alone, but you're taking all the punches in the streets like a bitch? Yeah whatever eat shit.
Kek. Fashes get bashed.
Yes, don't listen to the edgy faggots who tell you otherwise
>Support of reactionary right-wing politics is growing with young, connected people
>Interesting because there's no clear ideology or structure to it
>Suddenly some guy names himself king of the "alt right" and (((coincidentally))) makes a bunch of Sup Forums kids Roman salute at a highly publicized event
>Media has a sweet new "all young right-wingers are literal Nazis" angle to push
Same with Milo, though he's used to absurdify it with his retarded attention-seeking stunts.
that's some bullshit too, no need for SWOLE GUYS. buy pepper spray and fight. fight, spray, retreat. just act like a fucking man.
Yeah, right before.
Spencer said he thinks it was the same guy that punched him the second time.
His face is extremely punchable
You're a fucking newfag. Spencer is an OG and has been in the white nationalism scene for 8 years. I remember listening to his podcasts with jonathan bowden in 2012 on Alternative Right Radio
Whether he is controlled opposition or not, the majority of Sup Forums users fucking hate him and only reddit takes his lame ass seriously
Obvious non-white Canadian.
eat a cock kike faggot
Ivan, I'd love to be able to whip gay people/ protestors with a belt in the middle of the street but here in America we still have an extremely dildo judicial system. If you hit these fuckers unprovoked you go to jail for months at best. If you hit them in self-defense you'll still wind up getting arrested and put through s bunch of bullshit. Besides, Spencer's trying for a Congressional run supposedly and the last thing he needs is to clock some skeletor leftist faggot on camera.
Having an entourage is purely psychological
Nobody gives a fuck about you inbreds, NPI has been working, organizing events and invinting great people for lectures for ages, while you were farting and masturbating to interracial porn. Fucking degenerate scum.
Shut your trap, leaf.
I can't even respect this guy. He's a pussy and a wimp. You can twist and contort it all you want, but he's not a real man, he's a pussy bitch.
You would follow that? You'd follow this "man" into battle? He's basically a battered woman.
Say what you want, but Trump would never just let that happen to him. He'd throw punches back.
I don't even like Dick Spencer but G'DAMN NIGGERS
>being this retarded
Spencer wasn't even fucking relevant on Sup Forums until a few months ago. The alt-right doesn't exist; most of us are just Nationalists or Ethno-Nationalists. Plus you can't call someone a newfag when you yourself are a newfag
Good. Controlled opposition faggot deserves it.
All of Sup Forums cheers
I've never heard of the cunt until October, when he decided to call everything we do "alt right" and proclaim himself the leader. Suddenly there were dozens of Spence threads every day.
It's shitty one of many shitty narratives currently spreading among newfags and retards.
>Sup Forums is the center of the political universe
Goodnight Alt Right
Before you r/the_Donald dickriders came, Radix, VDARE, etc would be linked on Sup Forums. This is how I know you're a newfag or on damage control
Alt-right members are soft cocks.
Because you are fucking uneducated retarded morons who studied nationalism and racialism on fucking Sup Forums of all places, when I myself being a fucking Russian have been already watching their videos some years ago. You are the dumbest pieces of shit ever and you don't know shit.
That's because you are a miserable nothing and you have done nothing except post memes on Sup Forums
>if Sup Forums didn't know about it, it didn't exist
xx and he will get punched by a member of the 'alt-right' next.
I've been here since /n/ was still a board faggot. Spencer is controlled opposition and you faggots are desperately trying to convince yourself he isn't
He has a concussion and a punctured ear drum.
When will the minutemen who have been keyboard warrioring it up go protect our people?
there's a world outside of pol you fucking worm
which one of you fags is gonna do it?
>controlled opposition
Can you prove this? I am curious
richard spencer? more like richard punching bag
>Spencer's trying for a Congressional run supposedly and the last thing he needs is to clock some skeletor leftist faggot on camera
>last thing he needs
more like the best thing.
have you been paying attn the past 18 months? if spencer mans up and destroys some antifag in self defence, he would win a congressional seat easily. normal americans are fucking fed up.
It's just speculation on my part to be honest, but I've been lurking for so long that I can't trust anyone or take anything at face value anymore. Sup Forums has destroyed me from the inside out
Sup Forums is for people who know shit. They gather their information from different places and then they discuss it here. You're just inbred motherfuckers who don't know anything outside this poor fucking board, you're eating up some other people's opinions, you don't study shit and you think Sup Forums is a relevant SOURCE of information? It's not a source it's a place for like-minded people to discuss their thoughts and actual news and shit like that.
This. The whole situation and attitude of those who are ready to vote for someone like him is that you should fight, fight, defend yourself and attack those who attack you, i.e. be a fucking man. And Richard keeps acting like an intelligent faggot who knows better, yeah whatever, fuck that.
tolerant peaceful lefties strike again
Over your left shoulder Juif.
Nice trips you fucking slimeball.
Back in the /new/ days Spencer shitposting was all the goddamn rage.
No it fucking wasn't.
>media never called right wingers nazis before spencer
>I get my information from the podcast of a 20 year old LARPer
Sorry, I didn't realize I was in the presence of real scholars. Get out of here with that bullshit. It's not a coincidence that Spencer starts getting shilled here at the same time the media tries to pigeon hole every Trump supporter as a Nazi. If he's not controlled opposition, then he's at least a useful idiot.
Bitch needs a pistol
>thinking your opinion matters
t. newfag
When will the apex autists recognize they mean shit. People out there are actually doing something , making videos z redpilling normie while autismos have flamewars and post on a kantonese noodle recioe ce board u ironically Thi king it's the center of contemporary political action
Virtually every right wing person is a plant for them .Every single one.
Autismos kys. You're nothing and done nothing .
>We memes trump into office
Unirocnically kys
Shitposting nigger cockes not elect a president by 40 mil people , 99.99% of whom never even heard of 4chinz
It's just too perfect
I'll admit I didn't lurk /new/ that much, but the times I did, I never once saw a post about Spencer
>m-muh trump blease dun insult my daddy
reddit gold.
>this nigga is calling me a newfag and he doesn't know how to use meme arrows
t. Dion Bews
>furious leaf
you know how fast Sup Forums is? well /new/ was just as fast now shut up fucking retard.
I wonder how long it'll take them to realize that they are the fascists.
I bet it'll take them 20 years to come to terms with it.
this where is the proof
fuck you faggot do you even know what /n/ was? stupid as fuck
Sure thing.
I agree and I bet these lebbit fuckheads dont even know who Jared Taylor is or Amren for that matter.
I don't if Trump is controlled by them or not but I can tell you he bent his knee to them. I mean everyone who wants to be leader of the US has to bend there knees to them. They control everything.
If I see anybody in a black hoody and face mask near me, xhe is getting chest ventilation complements of Springfield.
> I get my news from CNN and
Neck yourself my man, Spencer never said that, only normies journalists claim so.
>/new/ was just as fast
Are you retarded? Back then Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums were the fastest boards, and with the influx of reddit faggots, (particularly /r/the_donald) and shit posters, Sup Forums is a lot busier now then those three boards were back then
Don't you have Comet PingPong to investigate retard ?
pretty much this. I know for a fact that myself, Ad Majorem, and TRWN used to shitpost Alt. Right articles about edgy Evola shit pretty much every evening on old /new/
kys fampire
Yeah, he's definitely bent the knee. That's why the media, the bankers, and Hollywood love him.
I have no interest in that
Fuck off back to TRS.
you fuck /new/ was just as fast as it is now maybe slightly slower but I know for a fact it was never slow
not an argument, fuck TRS, Spencer still did nothing wrong
daily reminder that spencer deserves it
None of you will do anything about it
and nothing will happen to the people that do it
Why is it always the dopiest, most autistic people who care about race? It's just interesting that it's never well-adjusted human beings advocating for these points of view
really makes you think...
come on mates, must we do this all over again?
yeah sick nice post you two tone fuck.
>makes a bunch of Sup Forums kids Roman salute at a highly publicized event
You're really reaching
You forgot Stormfront.
It doesn't matter if they disliked them you know how fucking KIKES play both sides.
He sent his shill army here and he autistically shrieked "Hail Trump" in front of the cameras.
He's nothing but a LARPer. It's easy to get up on stage and act tough, but when a literal cuck punches you, you run and hide?
>i get my information from randomly post infographs without links of any kind as proof