Calfornia Senator Kamala Harris

What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

"Im an idiot"


She's saying that she committed multiple human rights violations by wasting so much fucking taxpayer money that could've went to infrastructure.

jesus fucking christ

i hate this "everything is a human right" meme

I think something about having a right to a job and you need a way to get to the job even if you can't afford a car?

"The world has entirely rejected our ideology and we have nothing left. Bridges are racist."







It was an ALL-DEMOCRAT Senate Race this year, Commiefornia has entered full blown One Party State territory.

Two feminists to boot. We're a big fucking Sweden over here, pls Trump deliver Justice unto us

Stop fucking complaining

This is America, you can move to any state you want.

I voted for her.

Please name the Americans starving at night because of potholes.

Don't listen to this guy. The rest of the country has enough Calishit diaspora spreading their cancer around. Fuck off we're full.


I think she means how Flints water is poisonous from lead contamination.

I really hope it doesn't mean she wants to work with the president on infrastructure spending. I will not vote for any Democrat in 2020 who plays ball. Kirsten Gillibrand has shot to the top of my list because she is the only senator who voted no on all Trump's nominees so far.

She's being groomed to run for governor.

Are you lost?

Deport Harris along with the beans

Stop nagsplaining, you misandrist.

She means that's she's retarded.

1. That makes no sense.
2. Increasing infrastructure spending is one of the keystones of Trump's domestic policy. So her criticism of him actually turned out to be high praise.

She's a dumb cunt like the rest. Can't think critically. All she does is play the victim card, appealing to emotion.

she seemed like a good choice

gimme my free flying car now!

I like candidates who can appeal to emotion. Hillary could have done a little more of that. Also please don't call the future president a cunt.

when i was in university studying urban and regional planning, i was constantly lectured at by "academics" about how this and that is a human "right", we need to make peoples lives easier because if we don't we're nazis, blah blah blah

thank fuck that now i work for a local government i can see that councils give no fucking shits about this idealistic fuckery

we always joke about how libshits think mo money fo dem programs just grows on trees, and the only reason we don't have lightspeed supertrams is because evil old white men are hiding the money to build minority-gassing-chambers, but public transport is something that your average stick in the mud leftie thinks just happens automatically.

if anything, working as a public servant has made me hate the left more than any time spent on this right wing cambodian knitting board has.

I believe in this type of shit. Human rights are a fiction, but they're a useful fiction because they help to socialize base levels of privileges for society. Generally, when members of a society have access to more privileges, productivity and innovation can flourish because people can afford to be less focused on subsistence. So, by characterizing transportation (i.e. creating better public transportation so low-wage people can have access to a wider variety of occupations) as a human right, she is trying to establish that this privilege has become necessary in order to move away from an inefficient subsistence model of societal organization.

Of course human rights are totally made up and undefinable. It's just a title policy wanks give to values they think are important.

TL;DR... Kamala Harris thinks that Public Transportation is super important

They think infrastructure means public transportation, i.e. ways to get to jobs without cars
Translates into poor people getting jobs and saving the environment
In lunatic dems mind at least.

working as a public servant made me hate cunts like you too

why is everything a humans rights issue to these people?

Good to see a democrat supporting the wall

She means that she is a fucking moron.

It is but we can't let President Trump fulfill one of his key campaign promises. We need to do what Republicans did to former President Obama.

sex is a human right too

gib me da pucci boss

"I'm a cock juggling jizz monger"

>sex is a human righ
The Forced Redistribution of Sex

Trump skews left on some key issues. Opposition to TPP, protectionism and huge government expenditure projects are three examples. This whole wall project is like a bizarro version of the WPA. FDR would be proud.

>We're a big fucking Sweden over here, pls Trump deliver Justice unto us
This. Visited Commiefornia for a few mos. It's the modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.
>anti 2nd Amendment, which facilitates oppression of the entire state by the degenerates in (((SF))) and (((LA))) - this year and upto next year, they're passing gun control laws requiring background checks for ammo and more restrictions on ARs
>pro (((degeneracy))) such as feminism, trannyism/faggotry, leftist BS (communism and socialism), pro drugs, pro promiscuity, pro abortion, etc.
>anti white, pro illegals/Latino, pro nigger, pro chink
>anti Christian, pro Mudslime, pro Jew, pro atheist

And like how it happened in the good book, it needs to be destroyed.
>liberals and their bastions, San FAGcisco and City of (Fallen) Angels, should be destroyed

And everyone looking back should be turned to a pillar of salt.
>liberal infrastructure that facilitates the one-party leftist rule in Commiefornia should be also be destroyed - to Make Commiefornia California Again
>ensuring 2A will never be infringed upon by leftshits ever again

>Visited Commiefornia for a few mos. It's the modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.
Downtown everywhere is like that.

It means she has no idea what human rights are.

You have no power over Trump, you will fail like the rest and your failure to prevent our success will make my sides hurt for 8 years.