Spencer punched again!

Is he on a quest to travel city to city to get punched in the face by communists? Rally more people to his cause?

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They like punching this man


>punching him only makes him stronger

God dammit Spence, I thought you had bodyguards this time. Why don't you just Trayvon these fools already?

He didn't get punched again.

This happened before the infamous sucker punch to the side of the hide.

Try to keep up, sweetie.

haha what a fag got punched by a shit eating cuck and a girl such a pussy

fucking kek

is spencer Sup Forums's comic relief character?

Oh dear, the communists said this was in Philly.

Richard Spencer's Fighting Around the World

i feel like im the only one in the middle... like these people are not commies... thats like saying the anarchist are anti trump and the trump supporters are anti womens rights.

for one, a lot of communist ideas are good when implemented correctly, the issue with communism is when the whole government system is communist and someone corrupt gets in, they now of complete full control. separate communist polices are not inherently bad.

there is good and bad with both sides

the right has a lot of religious fueled nonsense that influence laws

the left has a lot of over sensitive special snowflakes that influence peoples feelings

in bot cases they both strive because of the promise their way is correct and the other is wrong, there for you can restrict their freedoms and rights.

when will you sheeple actually take the true red pill and wake up to this, you guys claim to be red pilled but you are only swallowing the right wing blue pill.

you guys have forgotten your roots, its truly disappointing

that being said, the memes where pretty dank this election :D

also fuck off, im french, my english sucks

Now that Jeb's out of the picture maybe. #PunchA"""Nazi""" trending among shitlibs is no laughing matter though.

This is hilarious

>If you punch me I win!


You have to go back.

>let's travel to big cities full of antifa and niggers without any kind of security or even friends to back me up when half of the internet is calling for my blood
Does he think this makes him some kind of martyr or is he too thick to realize the position he's in? I half expect to wake up one morning and see my normie friends celebrating posting some VICE article confirming someone murdered him.

Being murdered seems to be his plan.

Shut the fuck up you stupid leaf. Nothing about communism is good. Go back.

nah, smilies have been around long before reddit, you might be to young to remember :P

if they where emojies than i would agree

I think Richard Spencer is a pretty fashy goy eh siegs heil and doesn’t afraid of commie fists.

>Being murdered seems to be his plan.

It worked for Jesus.

>I'm french
No you aren't

Good job America, keep setting that precedent that violence is an acceptable way to silence someone's opinions. Definitely just laugh at alt-right tool richard spencer getting hit cause he's not one of you, don't actually get angry that leftist violence is being normalized now.

Dems are a party of peace.

The sheer fact that you think he's implying smilies originate on reddit, as opposed to the pointing out that you look like a total dipshit who has no idea where he is, speaks volumes as to how correct he is. Lurk more, or better yet just go back.

Gunner Lake

Her bio says:
> ' Marxist-Leninist'

>brown hair

false flag not a liberal

>religious fueled nonsense
This country was founded by a religion faggot.

thats teh awesome


If they fucking fag dragged and lynched this nigger liberals would praise that they saved the world.

SNL would have a lynch sketch.
CNN would declare it national lynch a whitey day.

Kek. Real Canada is Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Anything that joined post Confed is a shithole that got populated by immigrants in order to quell injuns.


thanks, Bess

Good. I hope some antifa faggot shoots him. It'll make Antifa look like the psychos they are and it'll make Spencer a martyr for the cause of White ethnocentrism while simultaneously ridding its supporters of his Nazi LARPing faggotry.


did you even read what i said?

a full communist government is indeed a bad idea

however communist policies in a democratic government has been proven to work, such as basic income and universal healthcare.

let me explain these very simple concepts to you

Basic income:

remove social benefit shit like welfare and retard money, give everyone a basic income, just enough to make it buy, this lifts everyone past the poverty line, increasing total public health (this decreases stress on the healthcare system) gives people more money to spend on to fuel the economy, that money goes back to the government in the form of taxes, people will also be able to afford proper educations, and drug and alcohol abuse will go down leading to less arrests and criminal, also less petty crimes like theft. the police budget can then come down since they will only be needed for serious issues. everyone is more happy and less stressed out. i could go on and on about all the little tiny benefits because there is a lot more. at the expense of a little bit more tax.... big deal, you are getting a whole other minimum wage income, at the same time kicking people off the teats of welfare. those who choose not to work will still live in poverty, but will have the opportunity now to lift them selves back up.

whats wrong with that?

universal healthcare:

this one is pretty simple to, people will not have to pay for health insurance. instead everyone chips in via taxes to help out the very few amount of people who actually need it. if you are paying for health insurance and nothing happens to you than its a huge waste of money, if you are not paying for health insurance and something happens to you than you ore financially ruined. how is it not better to spread that load and have everyone pay a tiny fraction to help out everyones health and then you to will have a safety net encase something happens to you?

that doesn't sound so bad, most first world countries do this and ti works


well he did explicitly point out the smilie so its safe to assume its what he is talking about.

He's just a stupid pussy
I really wish the Jews would just put him out to pasture
He's a failed meme and I'm tired of seeing his face

>cuck gets punched
>does nothing but cry on the internet
>gets punched again
>whiteknights shitpost on Sup Forums

Well if that's how you feel why not let B.C. join us then?

They already want to.


He's a literal punching bag. I hope this starts happening on a daily basis. I can't stop laughing.

>I am le leader of le alt right XDXD

Fuck this faggot.

Get a job

no. its not at all. your country was founded on freedom from the british empire, who was very religious, hence the reason why separation of church and state is in your constitution


Of course, should've known spencer would be too big of a pussy to show his face in public again.

So is this guy actually a Nazi or do they just not like him?

he does have a punchable face I must say.
Never quite liked him

get the fuck out of here! again?

hahahahahaha. fuck these idiot leftists but this shit is hilarious.

He enjoys it. Listen to that lisp.

Except instead of fighting, it's just him getting punched in the face by people who hate fascism.

He should really take the tour to Europe where they'll just present him with a letter of indignation for his rhetoric.

didn't read lol

On the one hand, they're making a martyr out of him. On the other hand, dude's a fucking cuck.

He's the opposite of a martyr. He's a liability. He's making us look like a joke.

Please have those marijuana hippies and chinks.
You may also take Alberta (traitors and lack of patriotism), Saskatchewan (meth hellhole of flatness), Manitoba (literally who), the Territories (dunk indians), PEI (potato fuckers), and NFLD (inbreds)

84 Nazi men were murdered in the streets in 1932 by Communists.

after he got punched the first time he went on twitter and, in a brave display, signaled he is not a man that was punched but is a man that chooses to not be a man that was punched

he marked himself as a bitch and the vultures are circling

But where is Jesus now?
Losing subscribers on youtube and shooting up heroin in his Moms barn, thats where!

Bad example desu


They are basically Americans already anyways.

Nah, fuck that. Those states look ugly as fuck.

take it to /leftypol/ faggot, RS is a faggot retard here, no one cares about him.

This guy is a smug faggot shill plant. He does nothing to deter libshits or strengthen conservative values.

goddam these antifas theyre memeing punching us nazis

I defended him the first time he was punched, but now I'm reconsidering it. If he doesn't fight back, he loses my support. We can't have soft pretty boys leading a white nationalist movement.

Such wisdom.
I must introduce you to our leader.

you idiots should have never claimed him. Ive been denouncing him from day one.

You guys are a joke

Holy shit you really think you're being insightful and saying things we haven't heard before? Take my advice, moron, and lurk more. Btw you're talking about tenants of national/european socialism. You don't even appear to actually understand what Communism is yet you're presuming to lecture someone else.

>people will not have to pay for health insurance
Cool, free healthcare! Are all the doctors volunteers?

lol rekt

This is the fate that awaits all reactionaries and racists.


ur dum, we take

Yes, captain dipshit, he was referring to the smiley face denoting your complete lack of awareness and cultural understanding of the place in which you're posting. You need to work on that reading comprehension, because I think I made that pretty damn clear.

Not him stronger but His Ideas
Since they can't debate his ideas and just punch him that's saying to every moderate I do not have a valid point

If you punch the Spencer, he wins.

not you again


having capitalist and communist polices create a socialist government, socialism is in the middle. i suggest you look up the origins of socialism. and weather you call them tenants, policies, systems or what ever, it doesnt change the fact that their origin is in communism, and they work extremely well under most governments regardless of what type of government it is.

and i know people have heard it before, i just dont understand why they are not understanding why this is a good thing. its been proven to work better than the system that america uses now days by far.

that phoney is being hammered by KEk:)

said the french guy and his shitty communist country

i personally would prefer someone who volunteers their skills as a doctor, as long as they are educated, rather then being forced to. i dont get the issue here, they are not volunteers in the sense they dont get paid. they get paid by everyone collectively there for you dont pay health insurance directly, thus saving you and everyone else money at the same time providing you with a safety net.... is this not what i said?

Socialism is not stable. It creeps over time as its institutions drag society further to the left.

the cultural understand of Sup Forums? like most websites there is not much to understand... its not like you guys have had a crazy complicated history.

>its been proven to work better than the system that america uses now days by far.

where? in france? laisse moi rire....

lol listen to this ducked broad, says white Devils lived in caves and ate shit when black people found us lol


The Trudeau doctrine being practiced by an Alt Right.

If you punch your enemies, they win.

i do agree this happens when you have a left wing leader, or a right wing leader.

the ideal leader for this system is a secular leader that thinks rationally, critically, and logically.

due to the way the system is set up, left and right wing system is set up, this can not happen, as long as people squabble over petty stuff and refuse to vote people who will actually remove globalist from power. trump was a step in the correct direction, but in some ways a little bit of an over step.

he will be the first Martyr-Saint of the God-Emperor.

You are a complete moron and can't grasp what has been spelled out for you. I know very well the roots of socialism, the roots of communism, the roots of NatSoc and many other political ideologies. One of the most basic fucking things that makes Communism what it is is the complete redistribution of wealth brought about by an uprising of the proletariat to overthrow the bourgeoisie. Without that, it's just not Communism.

What you described is actually antithetical to communism, because it's in large part the roots of NatSoc, particularly considering that you deliberately stated it would be possible to work harder in order to elevate yourself and receive a larger income. That is a key differentiation that pushes you decidedly away from communism and into Fascist territory ideologically. The only thing you're missing is the nationalist aspect.

That and the people that go

"Bu-bu violence is against free speech! This will only help the right"

Nope Nazis are one of the only kinds of people we're allowed to punch in the face without consequence and that's not gonna change for a long time.

>muh respectable moderate stance

It's cowardice. Pick a side.

really? i thought they make him look like weakling

No. You realize Sup Forums is ONE board on this large conglomerate of boards known as Sup Forums right? You're either utterly daft or just being deliberately obtuse at this point.

well most first world countries use healthcare and it works.

as for basic income, look no further than Alaska, they have been doing it successfully since 1982, and they are able to afford it because of the economic boost it gave to them

there is about 30 other places that have done it or tried pilot programs for it, most of them succeed in their goals and saved a lot of people a lot of money.

I know niggers are stupid but seriously how do they not see the flaw in thinking that they were superior to us and civilized us while also being enslaved by us. That's some strong mental gymnastics.

Fuck off and die commie

Mate, if these cunts use violence they are trying to shut down any debate.

But they've made a mistake, cops are on our side, and hopefully with new anti-black block laws, like we now have in Spain, they'll be able to smash these cunts.

Otherwise, right-wingers in the US need to start meeting in conceal carry states to ensure this doesn't go unpunished.