Is anyone here white?
Is anyone here white?
But you sure as hell arent
yes but why don't you pay denbts
and cease shitpost
> Greece
> White
Part of my family came from Samos 100 years ago, guess not.
Of course I am, my bisexual Mediterranean counter-part
Proof? Post your blue eyes and blonde hair.
I'm not going to post my face here. I'm part Greek, from Samos but rest are western and nothern Europe. Hazel eyes, brown hair.
Blue eyes and green eyes are caused by the same gene.
daily reminder that you are not white if you have a big dick
of course I'm white.
>posting retinal identification on this board
nice try fbi
I'm 1/8th Mexican, but I'm still white (brown hair, hazel eyes)
Me, White as fuck, Straya cunt, Maga
I'm pretty Germanic looking w/ red beard but i inherited mental problems and poverty.
If you know you're Mexican then you're not White.
blond and blue checking in. I don't know much about my ancestry, but I know my great-grandparents, and we are all white going back at least before 1900. Also, I'm married to a woman that's blonde and blue and we have kids.
Good to see a younger cunt that isn't dressed like a total faggot these days. Good job.
hello my fellow white brother, how do you do?
the white skin is good, yes?
Born with blonde hair blue eyes. Now brown hair blue eyes and I will fuck shit up
You don't think with your skin, it's your head that's most important. If you're Mexican you're a result of mongrelization and have become less human, aka non-white.
Tired of all the fags that dress like theyre about to get dick in their ass
That image doesn't show his nipples. Isn't nipple color one of the criteria?
I'm sort of a beige, olive color
Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.
24. Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.
Excuse you, but I am chiefly not of the brown or tawny races, no sir, I am chiefly of the white race.
I will not say anything bad about you since you are already a minority in this board.
White. Blonde hair, blue eyes. And very happy to be white, thank you very much.
white boi reporting in
I'm a white man trapped in a niggers body
According to nazi Germany and South African Apartheid I am.
>tfw honorary aryan
Are you 14?
Nice hat queer
Hazel eyes Auburn hair, how pozzed am I?
faggot kid
Quality posting chink
No were all secretly flipino
t. konstantious papathodopolis
I'm white however I let a Slav fuck me so I guess I lose some race points.....sheit but it feels so good!
>Sup Forums is right leaning board
>all whites are leftist cucks
Therefore, everyone here is a nigger.
My ancestors left Greece before the Ottoman raping. They were white. Try again.
school shooter?
Greek American reporting - (also have Polish in me) - but look mainly Pontid. Going to just fuck your race up, senpai.
nope. 50% of the "people" here are chinks. Another 20% probably spics. some 5% niggers and 25% white.
What's next? You're going to claim Slavs are white?
just about 50 percent. I'm dominican. So the 50 is (((Iberian))) White
Greeks were white before the Ottomans tried to genocide them. Western civilization wouldn't exist without them.
You're def not pay denbts
i'm half white!
does half irish one quarter welsh and one quarter scottish count as white?
So 0 percent white. Mediterraneans are not white, no matter their skin color.
t. non-white
The US wouldn't have existed without ancient Greeks. Stfu, Amerifat. Lrn2history
sorry m8, you do look a bit abo. nothing personal, i know you grand grand grand grand grand daddy has a long ride on that schooner and had to nut into something when ashore.
kek funny jamal.
greeks and italians are a great cautionary tale as to what happens when you pollute your genome
IQ is strongly heritable
No such thing.
My family were slaveholding aristocrats in Cuba of wholely-European blood (one of my great grandfathers was French, everything else Spanish) until the niggers and mongrels and Jews overthrew their rightful masters and forced us into America. Do I count as white?
>detached earlobes
My hair is a dirty blonde mix in the winter time and when I start tanning: crisp blonde.
I have blue eyes too.
>faggot kid
>school shooter
>posting nigger memes when you see a white person
So white that the sun cooks me
I will agree. Take Sicilians for example who have strong North African/Arab genes. They are frowned upon by northern Italians. It's sad that Greeks/Italians were a buffer zone to invasions, but that also developed their societies faster.
Learn to tumblr tumblrxplain
why is it every immigrant in the US has that story of being an aristocrat family in the old world. you parents were common shit and you are common shit. get over it.
spanish is not white. just look at a map of the ummayad caliphate
>no chest hair
This is my exact colouring
>white skin = you're not white
>brown eyes = you're not white
>brown hair = you're not white
>DNA test shows 0.01% African genes = you're not white
>according to Sup Forums no one is white
>white race is only a concept
Fuck off jews.
>blue eyes
its c-compicated...
Only the rich white people left Cuba. All the poor shits stayed for dem programs.
Not an argument.
T-Taylor is that you?
not really
Only the Argentinians, the rest of us are all niggers.
>jew trying this hard
We get it, you're not white either.
Why the fuck would you tan? Are you ashamed of your race or something boi?
>only rich cubans left
>what is wetfoot dryfoot
>brown eyes = you're not white
>brown hair = you're not white
that's accurate, dont try to sidle up, white hispanic.
I had bright blue eyes with dark blue rims as a child and arou d 3rd grade they turned green with dark blue rims. I also have red hair.
....lolz like you are giving one. Just look at them Greeks. They be mostly Arab.
>im sadly a califag
>beach season june-september
White men look godly with tans, especially with blonde hair and blue eyes.
You pass the white test emu-bro
>I also have red hair
ginger is not even human
'rich cubans'
they smell like 'mexican intelectuals', don't they.
white people is a MYTH like santa, and the Sasquatch
I meant in the first wave, sorry. My maternal grandparents went to Miami a couple of years before Batista left. My paternal grandparents went to Colombia and then Costa Rica, but I'm not sure when. So at least I came from an aristocratic vagina.
I've seen a lot of white guys with little or no chest hair.
Well, the guy in my OP is white
And another white guy posted here So we have 2 whites confirmed
All the rest are spics fighting over who is 1% more european
Do you have to be blonde to be considered white on this board?
I'm talking about Greeks prior to the Ottoman reign - ya know, when they tried to kill them all. Greeks have changed dramatically over thousands of years, they were the fighting force that kept Arabs out. Be grateful, shitlord.
3% native american, 2% berber
the rest is western/northern european
>inb4 get out mudskin
No. We know what the other 1/4 is because you didn't mention it.