
Fuck these assholes. They are the most smug pieces of shits ever to walk on the face of the earth. If you ask them for help in class with a 'stupid' question, they will help of course, but they will also laugh with their friends and ridicule you in their language for being so "stupid". I should've shown them the IQ chart, just to see the look on their faces that most people in their home country are literal turds who live in extreme poverty and are irrelevant.

Oh, and fuck Asians, too. The gooks, especially Chinese, are smug as well, but aren't as obvious as Indians in their facade.

It shames me that there aren't enough white men in Universities, we've been considered as "slackers" in academia for decades. STEM is completely dominated by people from Asia while whites are representative in Humanities and Arts. It's embarrassing.

I say it's time to stop welding and running the oil rigs; we need to take back our country from these invaders!

Brother, it's because our white men rather engage in degeneracy instead of applying themselves and suceeding. It's sad to say but the gooks and currycels are going to take over all the good jobs in our nation if we don't step up to their level.

White people are supposed to be the smartest, yet here we are.

We've gone way back in our degeneracy to recover, especially when you look at what we're producing in these imageboards with furry, MLP, pedo, and transsexual porn.

People from other countries are getting ahead. That should be us.

Hey at least we help and don't tell you false answers like Chinks

Indian chicks can stay wherever they want. They make great wives.

They are more socially engaging than other Asians, I'll give you that.

By the way, what does banchewd mean?

at can poo in the loo.
Say, Apu, why can't you?
Dog can poo in the loo.
Can you, Apu? Can you?

Monkey, too, can poo in loo.
I say, Apu, why can't you?

Sloth is slow, slow as glue,
Yet even he can poo in loo.

Elephant is big and large,
He needs toilet size of barge.
But he is smart compared to you,
For elephant can poo in loo.

Even Slav who dumb as bricks,
And barely rub together sticks,
When needs to go, what he do?
Unlike you, he poo in loo.

Rat is small and lives on streets,
Feasting on discarded treats,
But when it's time for number two,
Even rat can poo in loo.

Lying Jew who says "Oy vey"
And cheats and steals all the day,
Yet he knows just what to do,
He takes his poo into the loo.

Dirty Frenchman smells so bad,
He thinks that soap is just a fad,
Yet he cries aloud, "Mon Dieu!"
And places poo within the loo.

The time has come for our tale to end
So let's remind our Indian friend,
Unless you're stupid you already knew,
The loo is made for you to poo.



The one who fucks his sister (Sister fucker like Motherfucker)

Go shart in Mart, it won't work on any Indian today.


One thing to understand about Indians (it's probably also true about Chinese) is how diverse that country is.

I don't mean that in the sense liberals give to the word "diverse", but basically you have as much variation between regions as you have between European nations.

Some Indians are bro-tier, smart, educated, while others are barely above Africans.

It's perhaps like comparing a German and an Albanian.

Chinks only give false answers because they actually don't know the answer. All they do is cheat.



Getting cucked by asians, is there no level that canada won't stoop?

No, I don't.

Hey, at least we get the best immigrants. We could be Europe right now.

No, they give false answers so you don't get more marks than them if you thinks its otherwise then you are stupid.

>If you ask them for help in class with a 'stupid' question, they will help of course, but they will also laugh with their friends and ridicule you in their language for being so "stupid"

You're triggering memories of my Organic Chemistry prof. Any question ever asked during class would start with about 5 minutes of railing the student for not being better prepared for class. As you could guess, no one asked questions by the end of the semester.

>t. pooper pained Pakis

I'm told that people from West and South India are the smarter Indians. North and central India is where the street shitters are at.

Sheila Dikshit.

I'm Iraqi, not Indian but the problem is how white kids behave in high school. It fucks them up when they reach college age.

I went to a Catholic school and even then the kids were awful. They're so spoiled and relaxed that they have no motivation to do good. I come from a poor broken family and I wanted to get out of that mess so I worked hard to get to University and hopefully get a job in Compsci.

Half the white kids went to community college, and half went to university. A big number of them went into shitty majors.

Truth be told the white kids who actually care are always head of class.

They have insane diversity quotas. Does it really matter if some poo or chink is doing well in school? Odds are they bought their way in, and acting like a cunt all the time will get them fired.
I recently read an article saying that chinks with ethnic names almost never receive callbacks from job applications, while whites received the most of any even in Toronto. Don't worry lad, these disgusting drones will never win.

100% true
Its the dalits who don't poo in loo

In my experience, White Torontonians are dumb as shit, which is probably why they do so poorly in school. I have cousins in rural Ontario and they are much brighter than the crap we've produced in the cities.

>tfw punjab

You can pretty much get into any uni in Canada with an 80% high school average taking academic level courses.

They rank right up there dindus as my least favourite people.

It could be worst OP.
Just look at Sweden. I'd be surprised if Sweden maintains its welfare state after 10 years. Take comfort in the fact that we are getting richer because we are importing elite tier Asians at the expense of the average Pajeet and Wang who still can't afford a toilet. And hopefully the fear of being taken over by Asians will push more whites to invest in their children. This is healthy competition that'll only keep our nations prosperous.


>A racial group is doing better than me even though I am white
>I will insult other people in the country where their parents were born
>That will show them
You're brilliant, you should go to University.





Thank you finnbro, never stop


oh hi there mark


Well maybe if you poo in the loo we wouldn't hate on you so much, pajeet!.

Some even 75%, but lowering the bar for city whites still won't do it. We should drop it to 70% to make sure they have enough marks to get their asses our of the trades.

You know what doesn't work on any indian today, pajeet? Shitting on your streets! Take your poo to the loo!

>idiot asks retarded question to poos
>gets laughed at
>literally shaking idiot salvages his ego by pointing out there are more poo idiots than white idiots
>fails to see that this doesn't make him any less of an idiot

You're a fucking disgrace to the white race. If you're going to show them an IQ chart, then just fucking do it. Don't bitch on a Cambodian graphic design website.





>Indians that immigrate to Canada representative of Average Indian IQ

You're starting off with some shit assumptions there OP. The last Indian guy I associated with was a Brahmin.

Like we care about what you feel about us. What are you gonna do? You are just a tiny frozen piece of shit country, you can't do anything against us neither economically nor militarily.

So, shove your hatred up your mongolian ass.

HAHAHA since you guys are too stupid to understand the concept of Sovereign countries, let me explain you



I had an 86% avg and went to uwindsor for engineering. Solid school and program plus I lived close by.

They accept people with a little over 70% into shit like business which is hard to get a job with.





No fucking way, India actually has a a space satellite called the "SCAT" sat? What does it do? Find out if we poo alone in the universe!?? Everything in India's space program centers around poo!








Why do indians love swimming in and drinking poo? Do they love shit that much?


indians are naturally arseholes.

they get all smug when they enter western countries.


Fucking hell I still cant believe the madman actually said that on tv.



Indian parliament in session.


The dream of pooing in a loo.

We don't. That's only for US expats living in India so they won't miss America anymore.




Your wagon wheel will forever be broken, pajeet. Accept it.



Combat it with some "american arrogance" user

That's how I handle asians and I deal with a lot. They can't compete with our banter. Theirs sucks




Kek, a 200 year country of landwhales shit talking about the cradle of civilization. You are cute but retarded.


Our streets, our poo, fuck you!






At least we poo in loo.




>has an anus on it
>literally poo
pajeet eternally BTFO

>What is shart in mart?
>What is commifornia?

The measure of civilization is the distance between one's nose and the final resting place of one's bowel movements.
Therefore, the only people lower on the civilization chain than Indians are Antifa.