Fuck these assholes. They are the most smug pieces of shits ever to walk on the face of the earth. If you ask them for help in class with a 'stupid' question, they will help of course, but they will also laugh with their friends and ridicule you in their language for being so "stupid". I should've shown them the IQ chart, just to see the look on their faces that most people in their home country are literal turds who live in extreme poverty and are irrelevant.
Oh, and fuck Asians, too. The gooks, especially Chinese, are smug as well, but aren't as obvious as Indians in their facade.
It shames me that there aren't enough white men in Universities, we've been considered as "slackers" in academia for decades. STEM is completely dominated by people from Asia while whites are representative in Humanities and Arts. It's embarrassing.
I say it's time to stop welding and running the oil rigs; we need to take back our country from these invaders!