Do you white nationalists think minorities will be deported one by one so that you have an all white, non mixed population? How would you legislate this?
Civic Nationalist here
A Fucking Leaf
Reject division ops
Avoid infighting
Wear the outer garment of the law
You don't need to, just make the muds feel unsafe staying and they'll self-deport for the most part, and the rest can be deported by force
I'm a civic nationalist too, but that's because I'm not white.
I'm a white nationalist but I recognize this is a sincere problem
I'm not sure it could ever be implemented in America without brutal militaristic force
I do hope it for Europe as brown "people" have zero right to be in those lands
I'm think of something more efficient
I like Breviks idea of following the model of the Bene decrees which were used to deport Germans from Czechoslovakia after WWII.
Well it doesn't have to be all of America. There are wo,tmany niggers down south might as well wall them off then wait for them to die off
Fuck off leaf kike. You don't understand shit you maple syrup drinking moose fucker
This is why the alt-right should make room for civvies like me. Even if we're in it for our own self-interest, our path is the best way.
This, Europe desperately needs Ethno Nationalism but it'd be difficult to impossible for the US to be 100% white since it was never really that in the first place.
The best for the US is to be majority white and enforce its already strict immigration laws
Get gsased civic commie loving faggot.
the pictures on the left are just smart white nationalism that could pass as palatable
we're literally on the same side spastic faggot
We were 90% white prior to getting jewed in 1965.
If there's one thing to be learned from the failure of ethnocentrism in the 20th Century, it's that you can't FORCE racial segregation.
The only way it works is if you convince people (on both sides) that it's in their own self-interest. They have to accept it, willingly. You can't FORCE Black people to accept segregation, you have to convince them they'll be better off having their own businesses and public services and putting their own community first.
The foundation is already there - the Black community has been pushing for 'safe spaces' and Black-only schools and businesses for a few years now. If there's ever going to be any hope of ethnocentrism in the 21st Century - that kind of thinking is where it's going to start. Convince Whites and Blacks alike that there's nothing wrong with WANTING to be among your own kind and put their needs first. Convince them that this doesn't exclude people from living and working together with different ethnicities, it just doesn't FORCE them to coexist and cohabitate.
>letting irish come to america
Our countries don't need to be 100% white. But 70% (Canada's current level) is not enough. And 40% in Toronto and Vancouver is not by any means acceptable. I'd like to see a return to the 1950s. Over 90% white, some immigrants from Africa and Asia are accepted but they are only admitted in small numbers and must assimilate completely.
True. There are blacks against race mixing and want black owned businesses. But this just makes our country divided don't you think?
I mean most Blacks and Whites already self segregate and don't usually intermarry but we don't want a completely racially divided nation. Obama tried to do that and the Democrats are trying to do that.
Passing laws that ban races from mingling will backfire.
If Trump can deport all of the illegals and stop non-white immigration into your country, it will be a start. It won't be a solution however.
The biggest population of white people in the USA are old boomers and once they start dying in huge numbers in 20 years a demographic disaster is going to happen.
America will either ethnically cleanse itself or Balkanize.
The Immigration Act of 1965 was pure fucking evil, consider this.
Between 1990 and 2000 about 240,000 IIRC Salvadorans immigrated LEGALLY, however in reality there was probably triple that number coming in ILLEGALLY.
How is that fair to the ones who came here legally? The illegal ones probably even got Amnesty from Clinton, solidifying a voter base while he was at it.
There would only be 240,000 Salvadorans in the US for that decade in a country with a 300 million + population but the number is much much higher thanks to loose borders and that damn immigration act.
Thats just Salvadorans, now imagine Mexicans and the rest of Central America
>Passing laws that ban races from mingling will backfire.
You don't need laws that forbid miscegenation if you live in 99% white society.
>I'd like to see a return to the 1950s. Over 90% white, some immigrants from Africa and Asia are accepted but they are only admitted in small numbers and must assimilate completely.
Going back to the 1950s isn't good enough, Canada. We tried an immigration policy of only admitting the best the non-white races have to offer and it led us to our current situation.
Immigration is not based upon merit, it should be based upon race 100%. No chinks, africans or indians no matter how good they are.
Nahh, you're all just bored
40% of the US population is non white.
Those people are not going anywhere, they're continuously breeding, taking jobs, positions of power and influence, and having mixed children with whites. By 2050 whites will be a minority in the US.
We're all in for some dark times ahead lads, i'm a white nationalist, shitskins continue to grow globally whilst whites decline, it's going to be a fucking disaster.
>The biggest population of white people in the USA are old boomers and once they start dying in huge numbers in 20 years a demographic disaster is going to happen.
what do you mean? explain. I've heard this argument before.
I don't think we should forcibly deport them all. Criminals and those in segregated communities, sure. The rest? Pay them to leave voluntarily (a little bit will go a long way in Pakistan/Somalia). Pay white people to have kids. That would probably be enough.
Balkanisation wouldn't be such a bad thing. Your country is so huge you could have a white state/states that would be a wonderful place to live.
>Passing laws that ban races from mingling will backfire.
No one said anything about passing laws. Read my comment again.
The whole endgame for ethnocentrism needs to be convincing people to embrace it VOLUNTARILY.
You don't pass laws banning races from mingling, you convince them it's in their own self-interest to stick to their own.
>If there's one thing to be learned from the failure of ethnocentrism in the 20th Century, it's that you can't FORCE racial segregation.
>The only way it works is if you convince people (on both sides) that it's in their own self-interest. They have to accept it, willingly. You can't FORCE Black people to accept segregation, you have to convince them they'll be better off having their own businesses and public services and putting their own community first.
If you know anything about the founding of the NAACP, you'd know it wasn't set up by "African Americans". It was a ploy by your Jewish population to use them for their own interests and undermine your own.
>The NAACP was founded on February 12, 1909, by a larger group including African Americans W. E. B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells, Archibald Grimké, and the previously named whites Henry Moskowitz, Mary White Ovington, William English Walling (the wealthy Socialist son of a former slave-holding family),[16][17] Florence Kelley, a social reformer and friend of Du Bois;[18] Oswald Garrison Villard, and Charles Edward Russell, a renowned muckraker and close friend of Walling. Russell helped plan the NAACP and had served as acting chairman of the National Negro Committee (1909), a forerunner to the NAACP.
So there were 3 negroes and 6 (((whites))). Without Jewish incitement, niggers would have done absolutely nothing.
Racial segregation works but the preferable alternative is having a 99% homogeneous population so you DON'T have a racial question in the first place.
>Going back to the 1950s isn't good enough, Canada. We tried an immigration policy of only admitting the best the non-white races have to offer and it led us to our current situation.
That's what happened to us with the chink housing bubble. I wouldn't mind taking in a couple hundred to set up a restaurant or work as a nurse. When the numbers are small and the government encourages integration, things are fine. I remember looking through my mum's high school yearbook and seeing one Chinese guy named John. When I graduated, we had chinks galore and all of em had ethnic names. I wouldn't mind John Chang, but I don't want 60000 Qui Zheng Lis.
We have nukes mate, we could reverse 60 years of misguided empathy with a blanketing of Africa, Asia and South America.
Don't say it can't be done.
It's not impossible especially with their current president. There are a couple ways to go about it.
>bounty hunter system; some form of compensation [tax reduction whatever]
>neighborhood infomers
>mandatory classification of illegal status on ID/Drivers; failure ot compliance is termination of work permit and deportation [for DACA/DAPA]
>creating a fake signatory petition to for illegal immigrants to sign, report all to ICE
What is there to explain? The baby boomers are a huge percentage of the white population in the USA.
Take away the Boomers and I'd say America is majority non-white already.
It just need to happen. I post this around civnats and a lot of other research I have and they shut up. You advocate an America that is just as dumb as the lowest common denominator. You are fine with dysgenics. Culture that you base your nationalism on is so easy to subvert.
(2013) Edward Dutton and Richard Lynn conclude that Finland has suffered a negative Flynn Effect between the years of 1997 and 2009 in all IQ metrics.
These results are in contrast to the gain Finland accrued between 1988 and 1997. The likely cause is the massively increased importation of migrants from other races, ethnicities, and cultures within that time period coupled with a slackening of mate selection criterion and racial endogamy. These findings are in-line with the consensus that outbreeding reduces IQ and the importation of migrants preempts that happening.
The manifestation of dysgenics in Finland supports IQ heritability, differences between races, and opposes the Flynn Effect and miscegenation propaganda in the same manner.
(2015) Michael Woodley and Curtis Dunkel conclude that France has suffered a 4-point drop in IQ scores in the decade between 1999 and 2008-9 during a period of mass migration from the Middle East and North Africa in particular.
Their conclusions are as follows
• Dutton and Lynn have identified a 4 point decline in French IQ.
• Dysgenics and replacement migration are causes.
• French IQ losses are found to be associated with the Jensen effect (ρ = .833).
• A common factor of g loadings and 3 biological variables loads on the loss-vector.
• This supports biological causation.
Who's gonna press the button mate
Me personally, no. But I think policy should be maniuplated in discreet ways such as to favor the progenation of the White American nation. If East Asians or other civilized races living in the country can benefit from this as well or even integrate into the white nation, so be it.
Self segragation + cultural nationalism + racial pride = viable ethnic nationalism
Obviously loading all blacks on a ship won't work, they'll just get one shitty piece of the country and can self govern.
For a flood to start first it must sprinkle with rain.
99% white country allows for 1% of the population to provide all the chinky exotic foods and what not, but that 1% should have NEVER been expanded in the first place. And they shouldn't have permanent residency.
It's going to take a huge amount of effort on our part to achieve a 99% white population, if we ever will.
Frame it in economic terms and chinks will take over your country.
Frame it in compassionate terms and refugees will take over your country.
The Australian-Anglo Empire, of course.
You're invited.
You can't live in Australia though because we're full.
As a white nationalist who is pro small government, my end goal would never be for the entire US to be an all-white nation. It's totally unrealistic. It's more about making sure the major races (blacks, whites, hispanics) stick to their own concentrated general areas, and they already do that naturally for the most part (most blacks live in the southeast, most Hispanics in the southwest, most whites in the north and midwest). My end goal is balkanization. The US is too big and too culturally and racially diverse to function well as a single nation anymore. We need to split up into multiple countries, which is why I welcome any political upsets with open arms. Whether that's California or Texas wanting to secede or blacks pushing to get their safe spaces (resegregation) or Mexicans hoping for a reconquista. It's a nice thought to think we could all be unified as a nation, but we never will be. It's not realistic and we need to push forward asap.
I should have said ethnonationalist, as I think every race deserves their own nation to govern themselves in, no matter what that is. Not just whites. I'm fine with the other races as long as they don't get involved in my business or the business of my people.
>as I think every race deserves their own nation to govern themselves in, no matter what that is.
How do you reconcile colonization of peoples that never had a true nation state?
The ultimate arbiter of what is right in the world is force.
Some elements of division are actually preferable. Blacks that own businesses and look inwardly to their own communities will just be less of a tax burden and more conservative than their peers because of a greater reliance on private property.
Blacks should network, to the exclusion of other races if it means more success; it is a step up from having an entire demographic, whose voting behavior is based on the immediate gratification of wants and needs. That just generates more dependency on state resources.