Shia just got arrested!
Shia just got arrested!
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who cares. not political, etc. go gossip on twitter sage
Maybe this is all part of his art. He's playing the long game to eventually present a greater message.
Poor Shia.
Hell be fine
Hahahaha just lurking in the last epic bread
Good job Sup Forumsblart
It's the damn Donald Trump curse. Holy shit!
Then can we get a sticky on /hu/?
Just watched it happen on stream. He showed up and assaulted our leather jacket guy unprovoked. He might be drunk or on drugs because he started shouting and calling the police and people nazis.
about fucking time
Hopefully he can get the help he needs. Jesus, what is with these Disney kids going insane all the time.
damn nig blocked it all. What happened anyone know?
This is some creepy cult shit, just endless, mindless, chants.
Can't because of noise complaints.
Guys, be safe around there, some fucking ressented people might want strike back, just head home, and leave this place NOW.
Don't get rekted for nothing!
Maybe the cop car will transform and rescue him.
Guess shia wasn't expecting to have to put third shifters on his payroll.
This might make future nights difficult.
Why did he get arrested though?
There still the other guy, Smith son.
You will not divide us
We did it reddit
that music last night when the black dude was singing along was ridiculously loud
fucking lol
how can the webcam be real if our eyes aren't real?
He kinda beated on of our guys, leather jacket man, gave him a slighly 'friendly' slap on the chest and a hard handshake, more shit out of the cam
Seriously, I swear it's MKULTRA or something.
Pol literally gets Shia arrested lmao
>free shia!
>f-fuck you, y-you nasis...
Hahahah how low energy was that guy
Literally happens at least once every year
guys i went to the store for an hour, wtf didi i miss?? please i need links or info
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. And based Sup Forumsblart at the end
What's he charged with?
fucking stupid drones blocking the camera
He's really in a hole now.
With that bearday he's more like Sharia
Oh Noah it's another shoah!!!
Someone please explain why hes in jail????? SOURCE?
Was BrittanyVenti there?
Sounds like something out of System Shock 2
Somebody needs to secretly build a wall there, as an art project
Hope he get rekted as well.
Hope our anons be safe, just go home and call it a night!
This just showed how divided this country fucking is. He was arrested just 5 days on the project. It was to go for 4 or 8 years.
Shia BTFO.
I say there will be more shit happening tonight. Anons, plz go home.
Being a rebel without a cause