>Mom, dad heres my girlfriend Kate
How would your parents react?
>Mom, dad heres my girlfriend Kate
How would your parents react?
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She's cute I don't mind coons if they are girls but
The darker the fruite the darker the juice is, eh?
be courteous then my dad tell me she is the wrong color and to ditch her.
already happened to my cousin.
She's a bit bizarre looking, desu
Where is she? I can't see shit
Literally happened to my parents because of my faggot racemixing brother.
Most likely due to the excessive photoshop.
At least you are not gay
>wow great job user you finally got a girlfriend!
don't lie to yourselves faggots
Son how did you make a red dress soar empty through the room? Stop it that's scary
Get that animal out of my house now. Bad son/daughter you know better then bring disgusting creatures into our house.
>you have no unlocked Kate as a playable character
I've only dated two black chicks so they probably think it was in due course.
Field trip to the zoo recently?
>She's awfully dark, I hope she was on sale
This chick was photoshopped black
Wait, black girls come in matte now?
Sign me up.
>i thought you hated niggers, user!
"just don't marry (or have kids with) her"
>How would your parents react?
extremely surprised i wasn't gay
This sounds like a legit dad answer
>Introduce me to your parents, estupido.
>Oh, another non-Spanish girl, user?
I would appreciate a source on that sweet, sweet dark chocolate.
That's some mixed kid already, natural Congo dark do not have that face structure at all.
>"Should've got stainless son..."
Probably wouldn't care, probably just happy that I'm finally not a lonely loser.
A girl dating you would call you tonto because calling you estupido would bring immense shame upon her by association
>How nice of you to spend some time with user.
>Psst I don't know who put you up to this, but here's some cash if you don't go through with whatever prank.
When I brought a vietnamese girl home my dad pulled his eyes back and started yelling in "ching chong one dorrah"
I dunno what he'd do for a black girl
Son, as an interracial polygamists and supreme commander of the world, im disappointed you don't have more interracial wives as you should want to rule the world and all vaginas like me, like a real man
she would legit be a 9 if it wasn't for such dark skin, sigh...
>how would your parents react
Are they unsure you're male or female?
Don't screech at me for assuming your gender, though
Another one, Good hunting.
>facial structure of a white person
>dark as a homo erectus
What the fug
>At least you aren't a faggot, you coon loving Ninny
S-sorry dad
>turn the light on, I can't see her!
Wtf? She has white facial features. This is a shop right?
"Does your wife know?"
women can pull off all sorts of tricks with makeup user
>tfw got dragged by parents from Russia to this cuckpit
>tfw no lineage to continue
>tfw family on both sides consisted of losers, underachievers and alcoholics
Might as well put and to it
No black girl will get with a fucking inbred drongo that ends every sentence with "but".
knowing this much of the nuances of latin culture
you have to go back
>How would your parents react?
They'd say "You have a girlfriend?!?"
They'd be impressed that I was such a good boy last year that Santa dropped a waifu down my chimney
just tweak the skin color values in the character creator dood
bestiality may be legal in Canada son, but it's still a sin
Required watching
>posts some photoshopped whore
this is a real black beauty user
I don't think they would believe me if I brought a chick this hot back home.
she just looks like a white girl who's covered in black body paint
My father would support it, my mother would probably get mad that I won't have children that look like her.
Delet this!
Let's be honest, you're probably from UkrSSR.
This game is shit and you're shit for using it for jokes
Well, I saw many black girls but this pretty ugly.
this pic is of a realdoll lol
Nigga you gay!
And then...surprise!
damn son
>be white kid years ago in spanish class
>call classmate "estupido"
>latina teacher flips her shit
>explains that that word means "dishonorably retarded"
>should only be used for gibsmedat chromosomes
At least you're not poor anymore
Why haven't you unlocked her yet?
The niggerest of niggers, her palms are blacker than most run of the mill nogs,
Who wouldn't?
Multiple countries and ethnicities in Africa besides the congo
You should get her to the banya and wash this black staff of, she looks pretty slav if not considering colour.
>hey, ma! check out my nigger!
>the fuckd you get that nigger? put it back where you found it.
>fuck you, whore.
I love this colour. I wouldnt even mind wifing her if i liked her personality
everything about her looks white besides the skin.
can anyone find the photoshoped original?
I know that feel bro.
>Both Grandfathers were war heroes.
>Retired and became Drill Sergeants.
>Married their Son and Daughter to each other.
>I was the result.
>Parents move down to Florida.
>Not a single White woman in sight.
I gotta get outta here.
While he is young,
Wow son we thought you were gay congratulations have some money for a date
I'm already a mestizo, so a pretty normal reaction I suppose.
Glad someone got it ffs
I truly believe our nations can get along.
crispy as fuck
I like 2 and 5 more without the makeup
Sadly shes pro blm
>have seven bros and sisses
>parents are both massive sluts
>dad likes dumb as fuck normie memes
"fuck her right in the pussy, son! Hahaha!"
lol yeahh was pretty disappointed by resident evil 7.
maybe a 6.5/10 at best
From the preview I thought it has horns.
Demonic shit right here.
Probably has black gums too.
"Son, what the fuck is that?"
Well, the fact that she was in law school was a big help. Her father on the other hand was a Giant Nigerian who hated my slacker ass.
"I thought you were a nazi?"
"Don't let your somali girlfriend give you aids."
Shit, she's so black so I can't see anything but her eyes on my phone screen.
She's using that swed blacked spray
yes I would
t bh she pretty good looking compared the non-existent girls Sup Forumsacks bring home to their parents.
Not sure about nigresses but my mom specifically told me that if I were to get an Asian or Slavic GF I shouldn't come back home
this kek