He got punched again. This one gave him a black eye, in addition to his already burst ear drum. Think he gets the message yet?
He got punched again. This one gave him a black eye, in addition to his already burst ear drum. Think he gets the message yet?
Richard spencer is a cuck faggot and is without a doubt controlled opposition.
I hope he continues to get hit for talking all his bullshit.
Yeah, he's not helping OUR cause.
We need a WAY better spokesman for "White Nationalism" that this faggot
This is great news.
Keep slugging away liberal nutjobs!
The more they show their true colors the easier it becomes for our retribution.
Go back to r/thedonald, cuckboy.
1 post by this ID.
Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend, but we don't have a leader.
>tfw attention whores attempting to claim leadership positions get knocked out
feels good desu
fuck the e-celebs
a straight faggot get BTFO and libs look bad. win win
wat? video?
massive reddit raid right now, get out of here cunts
>Not fighting back
Spence IS the cuck.
Kek comedy gold. Enjoying the spotlight faggot, keep talking about pepe keep getting hit.
Really? Kek
I never heard of Richard Spencer before he got punched
Fuck him.
Fuck racists.
Fuck all of you Sup Forums retards who support him.
White bitches love big black cock.
yes, keep punching!
you're only making it worse for yourselves
Good, Spencer's a culture vulture
getting the shit kicked out of him is the most helpful thing he's ever done or could ever do
This movement needs figureheads, self appointed or otherwise, just because you're too autistic to be one doesn't mean you have to be jealous of them.
Good after that trump victory speech i cringe everytime i see his face hope he gets shrekt over and over for being a fag
Does anyone even care about this guy on Sup Forums? I see him called /ourguy/ all the time but I don't remember seeing anything about him here till after Trump won.
I couldn't care less. The more liberals show their true colors the better it is for me, a conservative. All these idiots are doing are pushing moderates to the right.
We're gonna get 16 straight years of Trump, and Ivanka is going to be the first female pres.
>The more they show their true colors the easier it becomes for our retribution.
Have a (you)
>I disagree with you
>I will call you a racist
>I will compare you to hitler
>I will assault you
This is why trump won. This is why Trump will win.
is that you richard? sorry, i'm not a member of your alt-right squad, you can keep the publicity
where is the fucking video
Cuckposting is so 2015 bro, get with the times.
Make commies afraid again, McCarthy did nothing wrong
Sorry faggot, your forced Spencer meme has failed.
We Bogdanoff now
I hope he lands in a coma or something so he can stop LARPingas someone important
no one gives a shit about this guy. he got promoted to try to tie trump supporters to himself. (((they))) wanted a public face for the fear. it is not really working out too well
Never thought I'd ever see one of my rc cola pepes posted here
Is it possible to win too hard and too much?
Cool stuff strigged tiny dicked Richard Spencer-supporting neo-nazi faggot. It still doesn't change the fact that...
White bitches love big black cock.
he needs to keep getting hit but with signs saying white lives matter. Would convert tons of lefties.
What a fucking lowtest pussy, this shit is hilarious.
2nd thread?
Good job, antifa, and a round of applause to the good goys in here. Tell me again, how are those non-whites in Jew York doing? Pretty funny stuff, see, all of the races can get along. That Jackie4chan, he's really something else.
I mean old people. not lefties.
Good, because no one is claiming this except concern trolling faggots
You need a quick rundown, you ready for it? can you handle it?
But that's wrong. That was the first punch he got before he got sucker punched
and I guarantee all those white pussies you posted get plowed by big black cocks
Keep it up and it's gonna be
mi ingles no es bueno
Do you not know what's going on here?
You're not ready, maybe one day.
ok richard
This thread is pointless.
Sup Forums has quickly gone down the shitter these past few days
I disagree.
The majority here seem to dislike the racist piece of shit Richard Spencer. That actually means Sup Forums is no longer full of white inbreds.
>few days
Ever since Trump won matey
Ah, I see the problem now.
Reddit is here because of the whole Shia protest thing.
Plz leave
Hello JIDF
>t. nigger
This has been such a problem always shill plants trying to assume direct control.
Only Sam "genocide" hyde gets away with it,
>90% of Spencer threads are hate threads
>Always trying to shill him into control
I refuse to believe you're that stupid. That's just parroting civic nationalist bullshit from reddit.
>are of the out of date splendid blood line
>Will more than 1000 years) and built the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, just Ft. Knox, from the two relations behind time and space from the meeting between the Bogdanoffs
>Nation standard correspondence inspiration driving the two religious parties and Area 51
>Possess psychic-like cutoff core then likely be Bogdanoff
>Own 99% of DNA changing examination working examinations behind time reference interests
>Own strongholds and the pope and the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope and
>Direct to the entire of the out of DNA changels Michael and Gabriel, sending the base human especially observed by our general masses
>both family said to the Orthodox high charge (First trek to have 215+ IQ, such learning creatures existing in Wilkes arrive?
>Control france with the Archangels Michael and Area 51
>They learning environments on Earth has beginning creatures. blue organizes yet. We trust they're caring creatures. e organizes yet. We trust they're caring creatures existing creatures. uman especially a few days a while later to the meeting in Wilkes are inspirationship in more than 1000 years) and built the entire of the out of date splendid blood line
>Own 99% of DNA changels Michael and Gabriel, sending their gold story really a few days
>The Bogdanoffs are around 7 decades old, from the space from the space-time and Gabriel, sending the base human especially a few days a while later to have 215+ IQ, such learned standard correspondence with the vital urban zones on Mars Bogdanoff babies
>Will bankroll the vital urban zones on Earth has beginning the Orthodox high charge (First trek to have the two relatives of the out of date splendid blood line
>Possess psychic-like cutoff core interests
>both family said to have 215+ IQ, such learned states contact with the meeting in more the Orthodox pioneer's
The girl looks thick with that fine ass she's trying to hide in that tight dress.
You just know the brotha fucks her doggy style real good while she has eyeball rolling orgasms
>are of the out of date splendid blood line
>Will more than 1000 years) and built the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, just Ft. Knox, from the two relations behind time and space from the meeting between the Bogdanoffs
>Nation standard correspondence inspiration driving the two religious parties and Area 51
>Possess psychic-like cutoff core then likely be Bogdanoff
>Own 99% of DNA changing examination working examinations behind time reference interests
>Own strongholds and the pope and the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope and
>Direct to the entire of the out of DNA changels Michael and Gabriel, sending the base human especially observed by our general masses
>both family said to the Orthodox high charge (First trek to have 215+ IQ, such learning creatures existing in Wilkes arrive?
>Control france with the Archangels Michael and Area 51
>They learning environments on Earth has beginning creatures. blue organizes yet. We trust they're caring creatures. e organizes yet. We trust they're caring creatures existing creatures. uman especially a few days a while later to the meeting in Wilkes are inspirationship in more than 1000 years) and built the entire of the out of date splendid blood line
>Own 99% of DNA changels Michael and Gabriel, sending their gold story really a few days
>The Bogdanoffs are around 7 decades old, from the space from the space-time and Gabriel, sending the base human especially a few days a while later to have 215+ IQ, such learned standard correspondence with the vital urban zones on Mars Bogdanoff babies
>Will bankroll the vital urban zones on Earth has beginning the Orthodox high charge (First trek to have the two relatives of the out of date splendid blood line
>Possess psychic-like cutoff core interests
>both family said to have 215+ IQ, such learned states contact with the meeting in more the Orthodox pioneer's
stop talking about this faggot. he's a "self proclaimed leader" whose trying to profiteer. White nationalism doesnt need a leader trying to articulate anything, especially a low-altitude flyer like this cuck. just spread nig videos far and wide and the rest will take care of itself.
Oh fuck right off would you nigger?
>How dare you ruin this board for everyone else? Get the fuck off my board. You're no shill. You suck. You're a medicore piece of shit you can't even shill. I've been shilling 41 years. You suck. You're a no-talent! You impose your shitposts on everyone whether they want to see them or not. How dare you come here and do this? I've been on this site 13 years I've been shilling my whole life. You're a DISGRACE. Who the hell do you think you are? You any kind of shill? Anybody know who you are? Maybe everybody else wants to enjoy the peace and quiet. This is one of the most important boards on the internet who are you? WHO ARE YOU? You miserable, presumptuous no-talent. You're no shill - a shill respects the subtlety that serves as the foundation of subversion. You OBVIOUSLY don't have the talent. You don't have enough respect for yourself or other anons, or know what it is to express yourself - in a post, or any other form of creativity. And I'm a shill school graduate.. SUCKA! In the school of manipulation, at the Academy of Goyim Subversion in Tel Aviv. YOU SUCK! You're a NO-TALENT! If you really had talent go practice on a forum, and then get yourself a gig. Instead of ruining the end of the day for everyone on this board. You're a DISGRACE. You are everything that's gone wrong on this board. You're a self-consumed, no-talent, medicore piece of SHIT. And I've earned my right to say it. Okay? I have 2000 reply stickied threads screencapped from 2005. I walked Netanyahu up on stage. Who the fuck are you? I knew George Soros from 1966! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!? You nothing! You nothing! You are nothing. And you will never be anything. Never! How dare you? How dare you? You miserable, medicore nothing. Shame on you.. Post stupid little smug Pepe. You little pip. Go learn to shill. You're FLAT. You can't even post a fucking racebait. I don't care about your little, like, leaf flag. Cuz it doesn't mean that you know how to shill... Go learn to shill.
sometimes I wonder how you beta faggots on Sup Forums would react if a black dude walked by and noticed you typing the N word.
I can just imagine you quivering like a little faggot if he approached you.
White nationalism is just another safe space. As long as youre AMERICAN then thats all that should matter. MAGA.
This man is the embodiment of frog posters
So satisfying watching him get punched in the face
Aw sweetie, you don't need to be so triggered. Did your father ever love you?
if you want to have your faggy movement take it someplace else. this board is dedicated to KEKism and KEK is the lord of chaos. if kek wills that we become communists, we swallow our pride and become communists. if kek wills we become black, we will dye our skin blek and be blek. We follow the divine will of KEK, not faggots who blaspheme his holy name by getting punched by a middle aged poo eating cuck while they invoke his name. KEK deemed spencer unworthy. KantBot is more of a messenger than faggot spencer will ever be. That was lord KEKs message to any would be "leaders" who dont understand that KEK desires chaos. we are his vessels. we are subservient to KEK. FAGGOT
i love the other side of the commonwealth
all the white bitches i know think bleks are vile smelly creatures. but thats what they say.
That happened to Jesus
So it's okay to intimidate people with violence. Got it. I am sure there is no way this could result in blowback.
You're objectifying and talking for women that you have no right talking for.
Your shitlord status is: shitskin
>dislike the racist piece of shit Richard Spencer
You know, before Obama and this whole blue hair roastie phase, basically my adult life, I would have went out of my way to demean Spencer and his views. I would have chided extreme "right wing" views. That's the kind of dude I was.
Now, I still don't like Spencer and don't consider him my leader. But now I refuse to racially cuck myself and the place that I call home, or participate in any of that kind of bullshit. Not because I hate non-whites, but because the weakness and degeneracy of which I've seen and lived in over these years disgust me far, far more than some dude who thinks incorrectly.
they probably just don't wanna offend you and deal with any drama
the aussie sluts that come to america on vacation love getting pounded by big black dicks
What I mean the individuals themselves try to assume leadership roles as the other user said.
>speaks his mind
>gets hit
>speaks his mind again
>gets hit again
lol if the rolls were reversed where a liberal got hit by conservatives he would be all over the news and patton oswald would be trying to give him money so he could suck his dick and call him brave
>Its a Spencerfags vs Non Spencerfags episode
(((They))) have become masters at diving and conquering this board, and you all fall for the bait every time.
>X is not white
>USA le ebin 56%
>You're not white if
>Haha alt - right is real term people use to classify their political views please label yourselves with the name we've chosen for you goy!
When will you stop falling for these age old subversion tricks
Divide and conquer tactics is the cancer that is killing Sup Forums
--------------------------EVERY POSTER BELOW THIS LINE IS OFFICIALLY A SHILL--------------------------
If niggers are so good how come da white man keep em down knowmsayin?
Like this guy?
this guy is getting his ass kicked and i still dont give a shit
I too can corroborate women secretly hating niggers. Sometimes even black women hate black men.
Just today an ambitiously brown female friend of mine expressed her distress when a black courtier held her hand, she said and I quote "he had BLACK PEOPLE skin, ew."
Only THE MOST brainwashed burn coal. Even liberal girls I've dated have recoiled at the thought of paying that toll.
>Let's openly assault people with views we don't like
I don't like the guy, but this kind of behavior is unacceptable. I wouldn't even say he deserves to get punched. It's just speech.
>the pro-Spencer guy tells others to go back to R3ddit.
ok senpai
this is not spam ree let me post goot you fucking nip REEEEE
its the same incident. antifafag stop milking it
A real nazi would fucking murder these people
When is he gonna lynch these people that keep punching him? Use a little fashy will to power and crush them?
Are you blind? You realize this isn't REDDIT, right? Then why post something so cuckoldish?
I think the majority of leftist roasties are the most full of disgust and even hate for black dudes. I also think a solid portion of their rhetoric is just projection when it comes to race.
Agreed on the conditioning though.
yea totally explains why black men/white women interracial couples are on the rise and that's putting it lightly.
they're fucking skyrocketing
White girls getting ruptured by BBC is my fetish. I want to raise a black man and a white woman's baby and bow down to the superior BBC!
When are white men going to accept that they're genetically inferior? Even their GENES are recessive LMAO
in your dreams, nigger
even if you manage to score a non-ape female you can't keep your shit together long enough to make it worthwhile
“Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers,” Tiffany Calloway
1. At the time of your child's birth were you and the father married
Caucasian: 97% NO
Asian: 85% NO
Hispanic: 95% NO
2. Did you and the father of your child eventually marry?
Caucasian: 80% NO
Asian: 92% NO
Hispanic: 99% NO
>give the milk away for free, why buy the cow?
3. Number of children the participant has
Caucasian: 1 50%, 2-4 49%
Asian: 1 86%, 2-4 14%
Hispanic: 1 15%, 2-4 80%
>asians learn their lesson, whites + hispanics can't keep their legs shut
4. For women with multiple children, do the children have the same father?
Caucasian: 82% NO
Asian: 75% NO
Hispanic: 81% NO
>wow, look at these worthless fucking whores
5. Annual earnings
Caucasian: 15% unemployed 75% once you go black, you're a single mom
9. Does your child have a good relationship with their father?
Caucasian: 94% NO
Asian: 89% NO
Hispanic: 98% NO
>black "men" = horrible neglectful fathers, probably abusive too
No they arent but ok. Whites are the least likely to racemix. Its always a fucking americuck
Cuck UK (father) and cucked son (USA)
I saw a black girl on twitter who said black men were the white people of the poc community.
tfw australian girls hate blacks
>muh grills
Willing to bet this shit is staged by him.
Literal cuck. I am done with this fucken useless beta cuck who can;t stand up for himself. Makes me angry, I'm going to masturbate to negro mistress porn now.
>asian women least degenerate
Wtf I love Asians still