First the they ask for task returns and now this.
First the they ask for task returns and now this.
Other urls found in this thread:
tax returns*
lol now they are worried about deleting data?
They helped Trump because they could get tons of dirt about him compared to Hillary's goofy mails.
No they arent faggot
Theyre just posting something you dont like
It's been compromised since 15 October, 2016, when Julian Assange was murdered.
His name is Robert Paulson.
Holy shit.
>implying they were ever pro-Trump to begin with
They just want to fuck up whoever the biggest dick is. Once it was Bush, then it was Hillary, now it's Donny.
OP retarded
Assange said he preferred Trump in an interview.
>We were even told ahead of time the day he was going to be assasinated
>he goes dark on that day
>put out proof of life using old photos of him
>put out an interview with him with multiple CGI errors
Its really sad how no one cares. They killed him and no one even reported on it. Where is infowars? Why is it only us on this shitty website who know?
The Illuminati had no more use for him so they offed him. wikileaks will now be CTR level
It doesn't matter who he prefers, he has been dumping classified info on anybody and anything for years.
Why people ever thought this guys political opinion meant anything i have no idea, it's liek they forgot everything
I thought Wikileaks was a Russian agent? If Trump is a Putin puppet, why would Wikileaks act against him?
You dumbass. Wikileaks is an anti-american grey propaganda from the Russians. The Trump-tards were too dumb to realize it during the election, but now I think they're starting to figure it out.
They asked for tax returns half a year you fucking shill
Being this retarded while being an american.
I can prefer drinking piss to eating shit. Does that mean i like drinking piss?
Trump isn't a Russian puppet. He's a useful idiot. Putin wants to weaken America. He'll do anything he can to destabilize Trump.
>let all american citizens know that the US Government was spying on every single one of them. Among countless other countries citizens.
B/c these people actually think Trump has no dirt on him. Its become a fucking cult
They aren't pro Trump and never were. They publish what they think the people should know about their government. If they had dirt on Trump they would have published it. Now, you can bet there will be dirt coming out eventually, whether serious or not, I guess we'll see.
Have you stopped beating your wife?
If a fag started fucking your asshole would you beat him off or let him continue?
Wikileaks is independent, they have no allegiances or sides. They want full government transparency. Asanges just hated Obama and Hillary, as they were trying to deport and imprision him. They even tried one last ditch effort to honeypot him and label him a paedo.
It's just them saying "hey look, we are neutral, we totally didn't care whether Trump would win or not". Of course Assange cared. It's basically his card to freedom.
Of course, it's not Assange's fault that nobody sent them anything on Trump. Most likely because it doesn't exist. And if it did, it would have been leaked directly to MSM, like they did with the tape.
Being anti US and making accurate criticisms of our government are not mutually exclusive. But if you think they're your friend, you're an idiot.
I don't see the exposing how the Russians or Chinese are getting ripped off by their oligarchs.
Is there other proof besides this?
>it's only good if government transparency works to prop up my narrative
Way to be a faggot.
Nah, if they back up the data they could ask for server cost support. Just looks like a cash grab to me.
pol is sometimes too much of an echo chamber
i agree with all the wikileaks weirdness going on it is very suspect how they've railed on Trump a few times BUT it's a little deserving
He DID say he was going to release his tax returns after the audit, now he says he won't. I personally don't give a shit about his tax returns but I do give a shit about holding politicians accountable for shit they say
IF he wipes out climate change data that is also a huge deal. Could be true, could be fake, probably a mixture of both but to just throw it out would be a huge mistake. If we get more data saying it's bullshit to back up the billion dollar carbon trading bullshit then get rid of it but we can't just delete it like a Hardy boy because he doesn't like it.
Voted for the dude, hope he does well, disgusted by the rioting and bullshit the libs have done. But holding people accountable is my #1 issue with politicians.
The world will know. It's slowly spilling out of proportions. The Assange AMA on reddit was alreadry a disaster because the shillmods couldn't deal with all the posters asking for clarification about the dubious october events and the lack of proper signature keys on new documents. After we get reddit on our side we win. The truth is first known on Sup Forums, then on reddit, then on twitter, then it's out there in the world.
>After we get reddit on our side we win.
Reddit purpose was to discredit Wikileaks by claiming they were comprised
>are of the out of date splendid blood line
>Will more than 1000 years) and built the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, just Ft. Knox, from the two relations behind time and space from the meeting between the Bogdanoffs
>Nation standard correspondence inspiration driving the two religious parties and Area 51
>Possess psychic-like cutoff core then likely be Bogdanoff
>Own 99% of DNA changing examination working examinations behind time reference interests
>Own strongholds and the pope and the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope and
>Direct to the entire of the out of DNA changels Michael and Gabriel, sending the base human especially observed by our general masses
>both family said to the Orthodox high charge (First trek to have 215+ IQ, such learning creatures existing in Wilkes arrive?
>Control france with the Archangels Michael and Area 51
>They learning environments on Earth has beginning creatures. blue organizes yet. We trust they're caring creatures. e organizes yet. We trust they're caring creatures existing creatures. uman especially a few days a while later to the meeting in Wilkes are inspirationship in more than 1000 years) and built the entire of the out of date splendid blood line
>Own 99% of DNA changels Michael and Gabriel, sending their gold story really a few days
>The Bogdanoffs are around 7 decades old, from the space from the space-time and Gabriel, sending the base human especially a few days a while later to have 215+ IQ, such learned standard correspondence with the vital urban zones on Mars Bogdanoff babies
>Will bankroll the vital urban zones on Earth has beginning the Orthodox high charge (First trek to have the two relatives of the out of date splendid blood line
>Possess psychic-like cutoff core interests
>both family said to have 215+ IQ, such learned states contact with the meeting in more the Orthodox pioneer's
But that's the truth. Wikileak is compromised and should be discredited.
Thank god someone else on here is sensible
it's almost like they're journalists doing their job and acting non partisan
Just cause wikileaks wants transparency from trump doesn't mean they are compromised
>now he says he won't
No he did not
>IF he wipes out climate change data that is also a huge deal.
never said he would do this either
You are just concern trolling. Go kill yourself.
Weird huh?
Its almost like Wikileaks isn't politically biased and the left was completely full of shit when they accused them of being Ruskie puppets.
No, but assange vanishing during late october, the announcement of his deadman switch being activated, wikileaks refusing to address the issue, wikileaks refusing to give proof of life, wikileaks immediately changing communication pattern, wikileaks not releasing promised documents and wikileaks being unable to provide the correct identification key for new documents, that means they are compromised.
>no he did not
His spokeswoman said he wouldn't then back peddled on it.
>never said he would do this either
I agree he didn't say that, it's usually what the IF in a sentence written by a NON SCREAMER means.
I fucking love wikileaks for everything they've done over the last 10 years. It breaks my heart but I'm very skeptical JA is still alive and well in that embassy BUT if he was I would want him doing exactly what he's doing now.
Fuck party affiliations, fuck echo chambers and circle jerks. 75% of non-shill pol is now worse than liberals; instead of making minorities and other religions infallible you've made one person infallible. Once again for prosperities sake I voted for him and have loved his first week, outside of softening on lock her up and the tax returns.
wikileaks are leakers. they dont care who they leak.
>okay you are right
>okay you are right
>let me repeat the same bullshit concern trolling
Fuck.... offf....
>what the fuck is a crossfade
you got your a clip and b clip and then you smush them together
Wikileaks is sketchy af now. I don't think anybody should fully trust them
>i want to believe
Your right. Shouldn't be mad when people point you out as being wrong though.
>octobers hashes are different from septembers hashes!
Gee, I wonder what kind of document caused that hash to change? Protip: it only takes one alteration.
>why does an egotistical australian not like the u.s. government, when it invades anywhere it wants and engages in massive spying everywhere
spoiler: doesn't involve russia, outside of russia making you mad as shit
this is correct
Assange is an attention-whore who uses wikileaks to fill his needs. Russia has been using him. He has some weird anarcho-bullshit political beliefs but it's irrelevant since he puts his attention-seeking above all else
>>let all american citizens know that the US Government was spying
Snowden has nothing to do with wikileaks idiot. Wikileaks published a bunch of boring diplomatic cables that served no purpose and a video of some Iraqis getting killed.
Snowden mostly filtered his releases through individual reporters like Greenwald and a few big name papers.
>A database the world relied upon that was maintained exclusively by the United States is now being controlled by one of the most open information sharing networks on the planet.
>or the CIA
Either way, Trump just saved us money and like the Danes and their baby killing fund, shows the world to take care of your own problems and stop relying on the government to bail you out.
t. Autist
>believing that trump can press hillary's reset button
Putin wants whats best for Russia and that means a weak US, including Trump and a government in disarray. Retard.
Wikileaks has no allegiance, you dumb fuck.
>IF he wipes out climate change data that is also a huge deal.
He needs to skip the data and go directly to the scientists. Drone them or something. Otherwise, they will produce more fake data.
This. Wikipedia must go for everything it can get their hands on. The climate and tax messages are mostly PR though
WikiLeaks is doing exactly what it should do
Yeah except the rest of the body is fine
It's weird about Infowars I thought the samething. Then in early November Alex did do a video and he apologized for letting it slip for so long and he will follow up with updates about the situation. There was never another video.
What about when he appeared on the project the other day? Anyone inspected that?
Wtf are you talking about, WikiLeaks just goes after whoever is in power.
Assange said they have stuff on him but "it's not as bad as the things he says every single day"
Hi tubby
The Russians already hacked Global Warming Research centers. Will Wiki-leaks really expose the lies, as the Russians did? Or will they not release the fraud they find?
still haven't got round to The Witcher 3 yet, what'd you guys think of it?
I agree with OP here. I've been looking a lot in to this and everything Wikileaks has been doing lately is just fishy. Why, in all the latest Assange interviews hasn't he mentioned one thing about pizzagate when that's the biggest recent leak? And regarding big leaks, where's the big leak he's been promising? Oh he said it takes time to process. Maybe it's just taking alphabet agency time to scrub all the real dirt.
Alex Jones is this close to suffering the same fate
He doesn't want to die, he's a coward and a bit of a cuck, he shares many of our ideals, but like most of us, when faced with the risk of imminent death, he backs down
Wikileaks is not partisan. Is time for Trump to get schlonged by the ultimate aussie shitposter.