Do you think the FBI agents who watch us are stone-faced functionaries, or sympathetic philosophers?
Do you think the FBI agents who watch us are stone-faced functionaries, or sympathetic philosophers?
Other urls found in this thread:
Starts with the former, ends with the ladder
Do you think they want a qt mexican boyfriend once the Utopia where men can breed with other men is achieved?
I dunno but they probably suck each other off between posts
They're just dumb 120er's who aren't that dumb because they have wives and houses and they don't really give that much of a shit about pol they just want to keep their house and get to fuck their wives who are like 5'7 women
>stone-faced functionaries
the majority of agents
FBI Chads are not monitoring 4chins.
its weebs they hire for mundane desk jobs, probably a number of them don't even show up to Langley either because they remote in or are subcontractors.
I would like to see the face of the agent that has to review their reports.
Just imagine being the poor bastard who has to explain the meaning of pic related to his boss.
>sympathetic philosophers
A few on their way to becoming philosopher kings. You could join them. Narc on your fellow Sup Forumstards for being criminal degenerates and then do the right thing by joining your local Freemason lodge.
>120 page report about the boganoffs
Agent, before i read this can you give me a quick rundown?
>implying FBI agents work at Langley
>implying they know specific shit about who monitors Sup Forums for the FBI and those people's contractor status and who they report to
Kek. Fuck that stupid meme
Therez like 33k people who work for the fbi
Probably just as diverse as we are, to be honest.
Hey Uncle Rob don't tell my dad thx
I hope the FBI are responsible for some of the memes here.
Yeah they're litterally ayyy lmaos
lol what are they gonna do?
steal my maple syrup?
poker face, not stone face, it comes with the job
I am not going to commit a terrorist activity on US.Soil.
That'll get them thinking :^)
do they desperately try to suppress laughter at times?
why 5'7"?
Probably boomer faggots snitching all the time
>We are forcing information agencies to process a shitty forced meme about some guys who made themselves look like caricatures
Whoa, im actually #rogueforbog now.
Where are you FBI user???!!!!!
Come out and drop us a red pills! Goddamn it, We are hungry.
You guys never heard of FBIanon?
I don't think anyone in the FBI gives a shit about what's morally right or wrong, or whether we are right about our political philosophies. They've been trained to become desensitized to even the most manipulative of people.
You think if the FBI got invested into what was morally right or wrong everytime some terrorist or ex-con killed someone, I doubt they'd get much of anything done.
I think most of them are stone-faced functionaries.
This. Nice digits.
Spoke to a local agent at a conference who monitors Islamic terrorist propaganda online they are just normal middle aged slightly overweight dudes with normal families
Given how much bullshit they're used to I have to assume they're just looking for red (or black,amirite?) flags.
FBIanon threads 1 and 2
I like to think that we are there sole entertainment for the week..... feet up on the console, big old bag of popcorn, and laughing their asses off.
The best part? They are now all red pilled.
Why would the F.B.I care about this place?
>Q: What? Sup Forums is liked by the FBI? Elaborate please?
>A: Sup Forums is an amalgamation of minds from various geographic and demographic factions. We study very intensely the ideas which emanate and gain promimence on this board, as well as which ideas other organizations try to promote which ultimately get defeated (JIDF, for example, is highly unsuccessful as making Sup Forums pro-Israel). And most of us just enjoy the posts in general. We like to see how close to the truth everyone is. And we occasionally let our true nature slip.
you can't be exposed to this non-stop.
I think they are incompetent cucks and/or interns who got assigned to the shittiest position in their agency so they can't fuck it up.
But hey, at least they are not Pinkerton thugs 2.0 like NSA and CIA.
>be brand new three letter agency analyst
>be told you are assigned to an important case because you are believed to posses great potential
>"I want a full report tomorrow morning" says senior analyst Senpai
>you eagerly tear into your dossier, ready to impress your superiors
>it contains 7 days worth of Sup Forums threads
Chad wants to breed Chads
100 times more likely to be slightly sympathetic patriots
My niece is in the FBI, I'll ask her next time she's in town. If she can talk about it openly, she won't hold back.
So..whats their endgame?
Wow thanks user that's very helpful considering you could have asked her about it anytime over the past year or so since you came here from /r/the_donald
>my niece is in the FBI
Are you me?
I suspect that they're a bunch of desk jockeys who hate their lives.
Sound about right.
Why is mexico so filled with faggots? Honest question, have never gotten hit on by so many girly looking guys anywhere else in the world, and I went to a fucking gay bar in Japan (long story).
If you're here FBI,
for risking your lives and jobs to prevent a tyrant into office.
Also thankyou for shining light on the cia protecting civilian interest!
They probably just have bots that search for trigger words and phrases. like:
OP is a dirty bomb terrorist civilian murderer, he started a thread yesterday wanting to murder people with ammonia anthrax fertilizer no2 bomb bomb bomb unabomber hero islam allahu akbar
Check his IP
Have fun OP
Hey now, you're wasting their time.
I think they prolly come to monitor and then end up having some laffs and join in on the shitposting. That's pretty much how most ppl who don't immediately leave Sup Forums react.
Wow this is why you need to burn in hellfire
>bomb bomb bomb
Yeah buddy ill get right on that
Their are no "agents" here. They have computers to monitor the internet.
lol dummies
Will we ever find out if Dorner is out there riding around on his stallion searching for his wallet and scuba gear? I want to believe
My layman's speculation is that they get involved when things start escalating.