Are Australians autistic?

Are Australians autistic?

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actual aussie here

Yes Yes we are

we get very bored and do stupid shit like this

>that pig disgusting accent

>he doesn't toadstack erryday

What's yr record boiz? Mines 13

ITT normies who can't into toadstack

This just might be the greatest video I have ever witnessed.

Dont disrespect our culture you leaf, toad-stacking is as Australian as drinking warm beer from the back of the boot

What happens when you mix frogs into the toad stack?

Moose stacking plz

listen m8 when its 45 degrees most of the year and your nets slower than a lefty takin photos of their food you go slightly crazy

So what is the world record for toad stacking, anyway?

someone answer this


this was won it for trump



That's pretty rough OP. I know threesies isn't the best for a man his age, but that doesn't mean he's autistic.

Maybe his father died when he was still young and couldn't teach him proper.

>australian """"""""""""culture"""""""""""

who here hates phil liggett? i hope he dies soon

>Australian intellectual

shit like this is why you aussies are fucking hilarious

it's no good

nice stack!

This is fuckin great and kek approves.
Literally IRL doubles or triplets.

>tfw shitposting on an Australian toad-stacking forum

Wow, his technique is TERRIBLE.
What kind of autist can't even stack toads properly???

The toad stack that saved Europe

Damn m8 are you considering going pro? You could make a good living on the professional toad stacking circuit.

This video is so viral it's turning their world upside down

The build quality would really suffer. I've seen frogs incorporated into four or five toad builds but beyond that it's almost impossible to get it right.

I mean, you COULD technically do mixed frog and toad stacks, but as a rule of thumb people usually just recommend to stick to one or the other. Really there's not much point to it other than to maybe show off, but then you'll completely ruin the utility of your build.

If you're interested, I'd recommend you read, 'Toad Stack Essentials' by Hewlett Powl. It's a pretty short book, not too information dense, but it is often the go-to book for beginners.

>Two's easy, anyone can do that
Fucking lost

Stop race mixing


OMG is Australia going to petition the Olympic Committee to allow toad stacking just like Canada did for curling?

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so..who invented it and is it really a thing there?

> He hasn't heard of toad stacking

Its current year man, all the cool kids are doing it

You guys know how on the Simpsons they had wacking day where the towns folks would go and club snakes to death? In QLD we literally do that with canetoads and cricket bats.

Well I did as a kid and teenager, haven't seen any Canetoads where I live.

How do you get above 4? Do you need to build a wider base of toads? Mine keep slipping over.

How do you get above 4? Do you need to build a wider base of toads? Mine keep slipping over.

How do you get above 4? Do you need to build a wider base of toads? Mine keep slipping over.


How do you get above 4? Do you need to build a wider base of toads? Mine keep slipping over.

No, they're Austistic

When I lived in hawaii, I used to murder cane toads with a hockey stick. Not only legal, but encouraged by the government of Hawaii.

It's like a drinking game. first you lick the toad, then you stack the toad. repeat.


I'm willing to bet you are a pro race-mixer with a degenerate comment like that.

What happens if you just leave the toads in the stack and walk away?

Do they eventually come to their senses and hop away or do they just go into stasis and die?

Cane toads are literal scum, the main sport here is finding new ways to kill them

I remember see a stack of about 12 or so up in Newcastle at Australia day event about 3 years ago.
Pretty nice stuff they also had frog and salamander stacking for the kids.
Also so really cool artisan glass blowing and wood carving contests.


>fucking AUSSIES

are frogs and toads the biggest memes in all of human existence?

Have you ever seen Cane Toads: An Unnatural History?

It's a documentary about the introduced species in Australia. They showed this to us in school.

Here's the highlights, right

Man sings at toads from shower

Toads give a man a lot of enjoyment

Enthusiast of toad smoking weighs in

Man observes toad fucking a dead toad on the road

Girl plays with toad who enjoys it and makes chittering noises

Watch as we feed a pet mouse to a toad

Man in a wagon drives over toads and enthuses over them popping

what the fuck is up with that pic

You fucked it up

he's linking with time stamps you mongoloid


i fucking hate seppos

I dont like the big cane toads
once I hit one with a pickaxe and some of the poison on their back squirted went in my eye and it burned for a while

god, I hate when this happen to me.

but he said they don't stack frogs

it's a shame since they surrender so easily

>tfw when perth doesnt have cane toads

Does this count as a hate crime?

holy fuck

>Cricket Bat