Are whites who speak out against whites/whiteness worse than niggers?
Are whites who speak out against whites/whiteness worse than niggers?
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Of course they are. Traitors are always worse than your enemies.
yeah it's fucking embarrassing and validates the derogatory treatment of us.
yes. even blacks will admit there are problems with blacks. white cucks are the worst scum.
I don't like other whites enough to be a racist. Almost every person I know, white are otherwise, is a degenerate, airhead or complete scum.
Yes, I'd rather associate with people from other races than stand being around self hating whites. They are the worst.
That's what really gets me, it is humiliating as a white person to see a white girl posting this garbage
Do you live in a city?
And glad we are all in agreement, but what causes this level of self hatred? Is this the new "daddy issues"?
Self hating white people are literally the fucking worst. Have some godamn self respect would you?
Honestly though they can't *mostly* be jews since there are so many of them. Though I believe the people starting these ideas are filthy jews, it's dumb white teen girls picking it up and agreeing with it, and the occasional cucked faggot
Sidenote: why don't these people actually fucking try to make their signs look nice? If I have to read your shitty opinions I'd rather it not be in thin chicken scratch, I thought these were supposed to be artsy fags
You're right, but these ideas would not have any traction except for the tireless work of white-hating Jews, many of them entrenched in our formerly most prestigious institutions, etc.
I honestly have no issue with other races / tribes (non violently and non intrusively) detesting whites ASLONG AS we too, can detest everyone else, up to and including other whites ( I cannot stand germans and hate being placed in the same category as them).
However I absolutely abhor whites who, from a place of insecurity and self hatred, seek to make me bend at the knee to others who do not share my views.
Yes, especially because a good chunk of them turn out to be Jews.
It's painful to see self-hating whites, cause I've always wished I was born completely white
Of course they are, they are traitors... a nigger is just a nigger, he was born that way!
White people will loose a race war because of these cucks.. they will fight with the niggers and spics, and when they win will kill the white cucks who helped them..
Why are white people a scapegoat for everything? And more importantly, why isn't this considered blatant racism? How is this ok?
Theyve eaten into the propaganda and now directly wage war against their own bloodline
So does anyone know how these people get together and decide to systematically dismantle our culture? And I don't mean something vague like "Bilderberg" but do they have some kind of monthly Soros Newsletter that tells them what to work on next?
"Hey Rosenburg, write a book on white privilege"
After my 1st year of college I got a letter in the mail from the local Jewish Association or some shit inviting me to join (only reason they would have done this is by noticing my jewy last name on a list-I was adopted) and the letter basically just said "join our group, we love giving money to other jews"
Wasn't as redpilled back then but considered joining for the lulz and free money, kicking myself now for not infiltrating the group and seeing what that was about
they hate themselves
That person is a Jew.
Traitors are always worse than the enemy.
Should have studied harder in college.
>So does anyone know how these people get together and decide to systematically dismantle our culture?
At the root is genetics. How does a pack of wolves successfully hunt a moose? The Jews, as a people, have been naturally selected to want to live in racially diverse environments, because when they live in majority-non-Jewish racially homogeneous societies, they are frequently killed or otherwise treated badly (because of their anti-white-society activities, etc.) It's a chicken-and-egg thing. Of course, part of the dynamic is that, while they want to live in diverse societies, they do not shy away from non-diverse societies, but rather intrinsically choose to inhabit them in order to change them. With regard to their relationship to the Jews, the West's problem is mostly one of misidentification of a natural enemy -- This is why Hitler made them wear the Star.
Aww it hurts me to know that there are people out there who would genuinely appreciate whiteness while other squander their opportunity
So true, they are making the choice to be cunts
Racism is acceptance/being an ally
Right but I mean, take that Rosenburg white privilege bitch for example...
What made her decide to write that book?
Are jews naturally SJWs, or when they do this subversive shit are they actively planning it and getting orders/suggestions from other jews? Is there a jewchan somewhere that they discuss how to ruin countries by slowly making cultures more degenerate? I understand the broader picture of this type of stuff but am baffled by how it actually plays out. Like the video of the guy with the "white people against Trump" sign getting called out for not being white....surely he at the very least was part of a group that told him to do that. JIDF maybe?
Pretty sure a lot of these Jews belong to Jew-centric professional organizations, and read Jewish newsletters and such. (And donate to Jewish groups and causes.) Most college faculty lounges may as well be called Jewish meeting spaces as well. Then there is synagogue for those so inclined. Jews are naturally very political, and keep up with what the Jewish community in their area is thinking, I believe. I'm not an expert, however.
>the text "white" is white
>it makes it hard to see, just like your privilige, goy.
Fucking this.
They do that because they believe that if they spit on their own kind constantly, it will allow them to recieve sex as a reward, much like white-knights.
So you're saying that really, these people are just race-mixers trying to get BBC/BBP and virtue signaling in an effort to do so?
I guess it all comes back to (((degeneracy)))
Self-hating whites are possibly the least respectable people in the world. Their thoughts and feelings aren't even their own. They exist for no other reason than to be vessels of the anti-white propaganda that's been stuffed inside their heads.
I completely hate them.
Checked, Kek hates them too.
They are truly human garbage. I wonder how many will grow out of it in a couple years. I pity all the young, clearly brainwashed people spewing this shit. The 25+ year olds can go fucking die.
""self-hating white"" = JEW
This dude is just after some libtard pussy, maybe a threesome with two white self-hating half lesbos.
Cuckus Maximus !
how are jews so fucked in the head?
I don't think they can even keep a handle on their kikery. its too dishonest to last or maintain.
Funnily enough seeing all the pathetic white cucks in force makes me question my white supremacist views, I still think races shouldn't mix but we have some serious problems that need to be sorted out.
i wonder if the kikes think they're going to survive in the age of free instant information
Fucking hell that sign is a special kind of stupid. He's still fucking broadcasting his opinion.
Day of the oven when?
Haha I know what you mean, but these are just the weak links. Look at our weak links vs niggers...white supremacy restored
Saving all these jew propaganda pics, anyone got any more?
They are just begging to be gassed
Yes by far.
Nigger gonna nigg.
Jews gonna jew.
Mudsilmes gonna blow.
It's all in their nature.
But those guys chose on purpose to be emasculated and support directly or indirectly white genocide.