>The night of Donald Trump’s electoral victory, as journalists and pollsters sat stunned, alt-right trolls on the online imageboard Sup Forums were declaring ecstatic victory. The election outcome was, for them, the culmination of a long-orchestrated campaign they had dubbed “The Great Meme Wars.” “Will we ever experience something this great again?” an anonymous poster wrote on the site’s “politically incorrect” imageboard, the post accompanied by a twist on one of the site’s more popular characters, Wojak, the character’s MS Paint-rendered visage outfitted in Nazi SS gear. “The meme wars of 2015/2016 are over and we are the winners.”

>Who were these self-declared winners? A bizarre allegiance of online trolls, experts at manufacturing memes—the jokey, absurdist images, often overlaid with text, that are copied and spread endlessly with slight variations by people online. Through memes and the clandestine net spaces they used to share them, these trolls met and formed a Frankenstein political bloc out of adult My Little Pony fans, furries, anime enthusiasts, self-described “masculinists,” disgruntled video gamers, Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, xenophobes, neo-monarchists, reactionaries, old-school racists, and nihilists in search of edgy lols. They were coronated the “alt-right” by white nationalist “leader” Richard Spencer, and referred to Trump as “God Emperor” on Reddit, where they made the r/The_Donald forum into one of the most popular on the hugely popular news and web content aggregation site.

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Psh, we have almighty Kek (PBUH) on our side.

They never stood a chance. Sad!

Literally every description of what the alt right is is wrong. Why do these people even bother?

>capable of producing non-shit memes

Kek will back us because if he doesn't there will be no chaos, chaos is the order of the universe.

Lefty memes are absolute shit tier, just look at leftypol, they can't make a good meme to save their life.

This. Lefty memes are horrendously unfunny. I remembered there's a pic saying >we are winning because the memes and jokes here are unhinged and it's a punch to the gut kind of funny.




>It will work this time.

This is true, this is one of the ones they created, terrible!


is this the best they can do?

>Take one simple meme she made in November. Featuring a stock photo of two Jet Ski riders carving through ocean waves, a message is written in goofy blue font: “It’s time to get EXTREME about destroying white supremacy.” The nonsensical image was liked by 2,100 people, shared over a thousand times, and resulted in conversations between Addy and upset commenters about white guilt and the definitions of racism and white supremacy.


They tried this already... hell they had the fucking UN publish a goddamn research paper about trying to understand Sup Forums memes.

It won't work.

Memes are organic, you can't force them for a political agenda.

CTR got ousted so hard by that

They may be unfunny now, but never underestimate your enemy. They're here now trying to actively subvert us in various ways.

Do not make the same mistake the left did in dismissing those against you as weak.

leftists are fundamentally bad at making memes because they're too afraid to make anything that will offend anybody

Memes come from the heart, not from the head. That's why jews are so bad at memes, and why memes anger them so.

I made the memes of production joke back in the primaries when Sanders stole some Trump meme. Who do I contact to make them stop appropriating my culture?

The truth wins the memes though. Sorry lefties.

lolwut? which side am i supposed to be on?

In capitalism people like that guy don't have food in the fridge. In communism nobody has food in the fridge.

>dat picture

Seattle Weekly is written by bottom of the barrel faggots. Only The Stranger is worse. Pay no mind to this cocksucking faggot.

this is actually a pretty fucking funny anti-meme

you're an autistic leaf so you don't get satire

>implying left-wing identity politics memes won't be even worse for their position

Trump will make nanomachines real.

We have the gift of autism that makes our memes special.

Socialism says everyone can have equal food but only after the one who owns the food gets enough.

They cannot control chaos. Hell we can't. We're simply a vessel for Lord Kek

They've been here actively trying to subvert us for months, no one falls for their garbage.
Just let the ancaps deal with them, let autist fight autist.

Delivery drivers make decent money though. They're certainly not min wage employees even if the quotas are kinda shitty leading to missed packages and pick up notices but that's more a consumer end problem.


what a conspiracy theory, there are no alt-right trolls and no internet memes.

Jesus Christ I couldn't even get through that article.

>yes I'm a memer says addy a trans girl who is chugging mountain dew.

Who the fuck writes this shit

This. God that shit was cringy. Was there even anything funny or remotely humorous in ANY of them?
>it's time to get extreme about destroying white supremecy
That shit is hillary clinton campaign tier level of shit


The lefts memes are shit for the same reason lefty comedians arent funny. Political correctness.

How is that picture somehow more confusing and distracting than a MLGheadshot420noscopeblazeit picture?

It physically hurts to look at, I don't mean it being unfunny, I mean the way it forces your perspective to the front and back at the same time is straining on the eyes.

They just don't get it no matter how hard they try, do they?

Memes are meant to be somewhat edgy. Because rightwing opinions are already edgy rightwing memes have that extra factor. Leftwing memes are literally what commie faggots like Schumer and Sanders are saying displayed through wordart. No one is going to enjoy seeing that.

god almighty making that will get you a fucking newspaper article?

>'Sup Forums d-did nothing, you guys didn't p-play a role'
>up to almost daily articles about Sup Forums and how it works now

The only way the left "wins" is through violently silencing opposition

It's their only play because their ideas fail when faced with ours

They will be trash memes. We will prevail.

>they're still writing about us

Where is leftypol anyways?

Memes are the DNA of culture.


Nice Trips lad!

They're obviously losing.

I bet those fuckers didn't allocate enough memes to be produced for Hillary in the 2015 five-year plan.

>tfw the Kek Korps of Krieg was there holding the line along with millions of Kekforged warriors

really makes you think.....

>they were co-ordinated by Richard Spencer

But leftists suck at memes

It's a board on 8ch.

>They were coronated the “alt-right” by white nationalist “leader” Richard Spencer

It was kind of ok as far as stupid attempts to explain this site for effect to liberals except for this. Why are they trying to force things on Spencer. I didn't even know who he was really until he started getting punched lol.

We make the best memes
I know it
You Know it
Everyone knows it
the best lefty pol can do is the pig with the top hat!


As in he's the one who coined the term. Need to improve your reading comprehension there friendo.

You can't teach a women to be funny the same way you can't teach a turtle to play chess.

It goes against their nature.

My 90 year old grandmother is more in touch with memes than this cunt.

i've asked this before in other threads, but:

where do these supposed "lefties" or antifa even hang out online? is there some kind of left-wing Sup Forums? (besides every other board on Sup Forums excluding sp and fit) is it just tumblr and etsy and pinterest and facebook? is that where they "organize massive protests"?

>where do these supposed "lefties" or antifa even hang out online? is there some kind of left-wing Sup Forums?

Damn truth

The memes have to be biased on factual information or they aren't funny. This is why leftist memes are always shit.

memes require controversy to really fly


Revee up the Memes of production boys, we've got a war to win.

probably just reddit

Cartoon frogs were a serious topic this past election.

Elon Musk was right, this is a simulation. The real world cannot be this absurd.

Forcing things on people means a boarder target.
For example if Spencer is forced on Sup Forums and the leadership of Sup Forums is forced on Spencer, hurting Spencer "hurts" Sup Forums as the leader was hurt. Now of course we wouldn't give a shit but the point still stands.

This, they want a meme war I say we give it to them!

Did anyone read the article? This shit is fucking hilarious

>I actually consider myself more of a ‘social hacker’ than a memer. Every hacker is either addicted to chaos or addicted to order. I myself am addicted to chaos, but I’m chaotic good.”

>Before she came out as a trans woman, Addy (who asked Seattle Weekly to withhold her last name) spent a lot of time on Sup Forums and took part in the same early troll culture that would, many years later, form the alt-right. “I was the embodiment of Sup Forums,” she says. “I would say anything just to get a rise, do anything just to get a rise. I don’t even feel comfortable talking about the person I used to be.” Then something changed. Addy’s sibling married a black woman; along came two new black nieces; and soon Addy had a biracial child of her own. “I started realizing I was a racist, a sexist, all these things. It wasn’t hard to admit that—it was empowering to admit that, because once I did, I could destroy it. I’ve been on a warpath ever since.”

>She left Sup Forums and began spending more time in another meme-making community she found on Facebook. There she would start her own page to distribute her own memes. She named the page Lettuce Dog

We must control the memes of production.

There are antifa sites and there's leftypol, but I don't think they have much to do with antifa, they're just commie loving autists.

lmao this, what a bunch of tinfoil retards
>muh spooki cabal of teenage mastermind internet nazis woOoOoOoO!!!
take your schizo meds CNN

ahh, yes, forgot about that

I follow some communist and leftist meme pages on Facebook just to make sure I'm not in a complete echo chamber on there. But by god are their memes absolutely fucking atrocious. If anything they've helped make me become more right wing. I do not see how some of those faggots can look at some of their content and decide that it is worth posting.

>>capable of producing non-shit memes

They still think the cringey Biden meme is funny, the same guy who nearly sexually assaults children on camera.

>richard spencer and milo are the leaders of the alt right which is found on r/the donald


>UN publish a goddamn research paper about trying to understand Sup Forums memes.
What ?

It's all Reddit. Because Reddit has a profile system and depends on upvotes and downvotes it is essentially a virtue signalling contest, and so it's essentially the internet's leftist hub.

>Bringing regular memes to military-grade meme fight.

Libs are unable to make good memes. Just look at how many Bernie memes were literally just old Ron Paul stuff but with Bernie's face shopped on top.

>when the first post is the best post
>despite australia


umm his hand clearly rubs a pubescent girls chest...don't know exactly what that's defined as legally, but i wouldn't want him doing it to my daughter

The Ron Paul stuff is still funny. It's the Bernie shit that's literal crap.

just think, this means were going into the history books.
may your screen cap go down in history

>political bloc out of adult My Little Pony fans, furries, anime enthusiasts, self-described “masculinists,” disgruntled video gamers, Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, xenophobes, neo-monarchists, reactionaries, old-school racists, and nihilists

I am white nationalist, anime enthusiast, and vidya gaemer

and left cannot be ever as fun as I am

>She named the page Lettuce Dog
terrible meme, should have called it shovel dog

They aren't even regular. They're Ross Dress-For-Less bargain bin thrift-store Memes.

Jesus Christ what a faggot

>adult My Little Pony fans, furries, anime enthusiasts, self-described “masculinists,” disgruntled video gamers, Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, xenophobes, neo-monarchists, reactionaries, old-school racists, and nihilists


Leftwingers will never create good memes because they don't grasp the humour that underlies them.

The left's proudest "meme" creations are repackaging gifs of reactions on common TV sitcoms and adding some bitchy text underneath about wine and netflix.

I mean, look at this picture for example. First of all, they didn't create the concept - the "my face when" concept stems from Sup Forums. Second of all, the meme isn't funny at all. The focal point of the "humor" is the unimpressed black woman look (which has the potential to be funny but not in this context). The image almost seems to be more "comforting" in nature to those who are scared about Trump and are deluded enough to think that the light at the end of the tunnel goes by the name of Michelle Obama. But because it lacks a unique edge or absurdist sort of humor that you only see from the right, encapsulated perfectly in pepe's chronicles, it will never achieve virality.

No, the best the left can hope for is to create bots that drive up upboats and reshares of their shitty content to feign the appearance of a meme achieving organic virality.

were just lonely

>a Frankenstein political bloc out of adult My Little Pony fans, furries, anime enthusiasts, self-described “masculinists,” disgruntled video gamers, Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, xenophobes, neo-monarchists, reactionaries, old-school racists, and nihilists in search of edgy lols.

>anime enthusiasts

The UN published a research paper about trying to understand Sup Forums memes.

Hot meme fresh off the press.

>former Sup Forums user going to fucking facebook of all places to join some autistic meme making community

there is no such thing as controlling memes, there is no winning

leftists will never create something as good as ancap memes