By the end of Trump's eight year reign:

1. Californian nationalism will be a serious thing, though they won't have seceded by then.

2. Democrats will have failed to bridge the widening gap between white working class voters and the minority/academic wings of their party.

3. There will be an explicitly socialist party formed in response to this that pretty much forbids the use of race-baiting rhetoric, criticizing it as neoliberalism. It will be the largest third party in the US.

4. An explicitly white nationalist party will be the second largest third party in the US.

5. A wildly unpopular neoliberal democrat will win the presidency, but a newly isolationist republican party will maintain control of congress.

6. The neoliberal president will attempt to use executive orders in order to undo much of Trump's legacy.

7. Information leaks showing communications between this president and the heads of international banks will reveal them as openly hostile to the American people early into their presidency.

8. This will trigger a vicious backlash from the republican congress, who will attempt to impeach them and charge them with conspiracy against the republic.

9. The actions of the republican congress will trigger the Californian secession. Everyone will agree that it will not happen, could not happen in a million years.

10. California will vote to secede.


Trump will be GWB 2.0

Kek speaks through baba Vanga, praise him!

no gets

yes gets
this man tells the truth OP tells lies

Gets don't mean anything.

11. The federal government, in disarray already because of the impeachment hearings, will not be capable of a coherent response. Contradictory statements from multiple agencies, congressmen and senators eventually give way to the inevitable reality: Nothing will be done to stop them.

12. Emboldened by the Californian success, within two years, other secessionist movements see humongous surges in popularity. The white nationalist party and the socialist party also surge, with Americans disgusted at the inability of the republicans and democrats to do the basic job of keeping the country together. These two third parties manage to win a small portion of seats in Congress - not a majority, but more than any third party has held in recent history.

13. The neoliberal president is impeached, and flees to California to avoid criminal charges, where they are hailed as a hero.

14. A new election is held. With the loss of California, the national-level democratic party is in shambles. A hardline Trumpian conservative is elected on a platform of national reconciliation, vowing to make a deal to get California back in the union.

15. During the national election, the democratic party is humiliated continuously by the more youthful explicitly socialist party.

It will be the last presidential election where they ever manage to come in second. The explicitly socialist party will win over 20% of the national vote with their candidate.

16. The new president's reconciliation efforts with California fall through quickly when it is exposed that they began discretely cooperating with foreign powers, including (ironically) Russia, on defense. Diplomatic crises arise with incidents of US soldiers being mistreated when California seizes federal military installations on their land and refusing the pacific navy the use of their ports.

17. California begins an active campaign of inviting other blue states to join them. While this doesn't work, it does spur on other secessionist movements.

18. Congressional elections result in a huge shake-up, resulting in the socialist party having more seats than the democrats.

19. The presence of socialists in Congress, and the fact that they are still smarting from their rough treatment at the hands of Trump, encourages the remains of True Conservative cucks in Texas to make the final push. Texas secedes.

20. These two large secession movements set off a domino effect over the next two decades. The federal government becomes increasingly ineffective, irrelevant, and underfunded as more secessionist movements make their way out. The New York Metropolitan Area becomes a modern city-state. At the end of the two decades, the federal government has control over New England and the Midwest, and a portion of the South, and is busy working out trade and defense agreements with the newly independent states.

Due to extreme debt and complete inability to pay it off, the political pressure becomes huge for the remaining states to leave the union. Even in areas that never dreamed of secession, political independence movements crop up. Over the next three decades, the federal government's control withers away to almost nothing. Eventually, what remains is simply around as a symbolic role, invited to negotiations between the different states out of nostalgia. After a few more decades, this tradition is dropped.

You live in the waning days of the Empire.

Did anybody do this when any other president won? Why do it with this guy?

Wow, you stupid faggot. Congratulations on not getting any GETS!

>4. An explicitly white nationalist party will be the second largest third party in the US.
In 8 years? Pshaw I say

>California nationalism
Your fucking retarded
t. Californian

>socialists having any power after California secedes


Not gonna happen with those digits pal.

Ivanka 2024

I see niggers

*dons wizard hat and chainmail*
I'm here for the LARP thread

>8 years
He'll be worse than Carter
Screencap this

I disagree with every point you made, but what is the image?

I can tell you as a fact, L.A. will be nuked before the state is allowed to secede.

Lemme try to play with the digits.

Trump will be dictator of the nation and place the leftists, marxists and progressives into the FEMA camps they prepared for the Nationalists.

sweet, time to stock up on iodine

I'll just have my breakfast cereal in iodine instead of milk

good luck radiation

we'll be fine and dandy

Leftists try to start a civil war, but lose brutally.


Holy fuck I did it digits confirmed. Lemme try another one.

The New world order globalists will be replaced by a new world order led by Nationalists.

Again wtf lol. Ok, um digits confirm a US-Russian Alliance and reclaim Constantinople.

Texas will secede

double digits dude wtf.

Sure and Huey Long and Reed will ultimately be strangled by MacArthur himself. Every man a cuck.

Lemme try another. Canada gets invaded by the US and Treadu gets put on trial for being a total cuck and violating sovereignty rights. Making Canada a US territory making America get oil.

>11. The federal government, in disarray already because of the impeachment hearings, will not be capable of a coherent response. Contradictory statements from multiple agencies, congressmen and senators eventually give way to the inevitable reality: Nothing will be done to stop them.
This is where you went completely off the rails.

Not the worst timeline, OP. We'll see.

>California seizes federal military installations on their land and refusing the pacific navy the use of their ports.
Who exactly will enforce this?

China will head TPP, but most major countries will drop out and be replaces by third world hellholes.

A new conservative (not necessarily Trumpian Conservative) news channel will rise to the top three.

ISIS will be defeated and lose all land gains, though several members will still remain across the globe.

Trump appoints two conservative justices (one now, one down the road) before Congress passes a strong voter ID law. Court rules it constitutional.

Wall is built and Mexico pays for a good portion of it. Trump claims remainder of the cost will be returned to Americans through the renegotiation of NAFTA.

Strong republican nationalism will surge in Northern California. Though grueling at first, California will gradually shift to purple then red.

cannabis will be decriminalized/legalized

I like this but the God emperor will ensure it will come in early and under budget.

Welcome to United States of America Reich.

influx of skilled workers into Cali peaked
migration to other areas started, due to unsustainable housing market, and other issues, like racial tension
tech sector share with other states will increase, which will decrease Cali's leverage
although still a farming powerhouse, the water problem will keep it at bay, and nothing will be done to solve it: Cali is too big, too socialist, and too mismanaged to successfully implement a project of this kind (e.g. water reservoir, e.g. large scale water retention and recovery)

Cali's prowess has maxed. From here, it's more non contributing population, less GDP per cap

t. a Californian

Assuming cali ain't miles deep in the ocean by then.

>Upstate is freed

yeah I liked that part. The rest is mostly trash.

Nah, I think that those living in California will continue to grumble, but nothing will come of it, and Trump will improve the state of our country. Maybe not to the extent that we hope, but it'll be an improvement. No real uprising instead of just protests.

Yep and takes everything between the Rockies and the Mississippi River and possibly merges with Calgary depends on the state of the leaf decline. The coasts start to starve.


(And that's damn good truth too, fuck)

>1. Californian nationalism will be a serious thing, though they won't have seceded by then.

this is my wet dream

I am a white man in california. Californian nationalism will inevitably end with a shift to the right.

Step 1: liberal cry and bitch and moan
Step 2: liberals become nationalistic (but still leftists)
Step 3: they implement more and more retarded laws
Step 4: the feds cut off funding
Step 5: total fucking meltdown
Step 6: nationalism is now firmly on the right.

Nukes it is.

>Californian nationalism

Sounds legit. Thiel is semi-closeted seccessionist, as are many elitist dudes in the Silicon Valley.

Just as planned.

Alright let me try one.

Liberals for all eternity = REEEEEEEEEEEE

Nationalists forever bask in the glory of WINNING

Roll out the nukes boys, we're gonna light this fucker up.

You need to study up on your Roman and Greek history, considering that the USA system is literally a clone of the Roman system (which itself borrowed heavily from the Greek system)

Any initial claim of secession will be either laughed at or not taken seriously on a federal level at all.

Any legitimate claim of secession by any state will be met with force from the military. 100%. It will end violently. The federal government will never let go of land, especially coastal land, especially when it has a shit load of resources stationed on said coastal land. The Republic must fall for the empire to rise.

>You live in the waning days of the Empire.
No. We live in the waning days of the Republic.

Doesn't make sense, how does the democratic party get shattered with the socialism split and win purely with race baiting?

Are you that RedProphet faggot that failed to predict anything during the election?


nukefags gtfo
Your dreams of shriveled up radiation burnt dicks will not come to be. Conventional war is best war

It's gonna happen weather you fucking like it or not faggot.

We should all know what Kek has chosen for the world at this point.

Nationalistic paradise. THANK YOU KEK

Not many things are able to trigger an actual aroused response from me. But this just did. Thanks for this pic user. My libido is intact afterall.

How about Trump does such a good fucking job at being president because he knocked off an immense chunk of the national debt, deported all illegal gangs, restored law and order, fixed the national health care system as well as many others that he is hailed as the god emperor of mankind and liberals are killed off.


>Roman republic controlled a single Mediterranean peninsula
>Roman empire controlled all of the lands surrounding the Mediterranean, the balkans, most of europe, the northern half of africs, and most of the middle easy
>American republic controls most of an entire continent already
How big will the american empire be?

Trump gets impeached, pence takes over, Republicans ruin shit so hard and their base still votes for them while Democrats still don't get it.

Interplanetary, user. Don't sell yourself short.

>California successfully secedes.

>The American government enacts a bill to cut off federal funding for any state that trades power or water to California.

>A high tariff is placed on all goods entering California.

>The American government states that every citizen in California can keep their United States citizenship if they migrate to one of the 49 U.S. states within one month. After that, they will be barred from entering the United States and seen as a traitor.

>As Washington makes this statement, they also announce tax breaks and special exemptions for all states bordering California.

>California, already burdened with an insane amount of debt, has now been completely cut off from the power produced by the Hoover Dam, and cannot supply its citizens with basic water needs, which were mainly being met by lakes from other states.

>California now has to rely almost solely on highly expensive systems which desalinate sea water into clean drinking water.

>California now has one of the highest average tax rates on Earth.

>A month passes, and many have fled to the states which border California.

>Everyone who has desired to move back to the United States are forced to take a test that measures their knowledge on U.S. History, Government, and a specialized exam which measures their general workmanship. If they fail any part, then they're immediately deported back to California.

>People who score high enough are allowed full entry, and the people who barely make it in have the option to enlist into a special part of the military, where they'd be immediately deployed to assist any and all allies on any war front. After ten years of service (Not many survive, because they'll be used as canon fodder), they are allowed citizenship. (It will be America's version of the French Legion), or face deportation.

>California has now turned into a husk, the only people left in the state are the ones who don't know how to run it and people with low IQs.

1. by the end of Trump's 8 years, Ivanka will become president.

2. Education will slowly be shifted from the public to private sector. this is happen due to the resending of the Johnson amendment. Churches run many private school and with added money from political donations and school vouchers they will be able to expand. the best and brightest children will be spared from cultural marxism.

3.the GOP will move to a Christian Nationalist Party. think Wilhelm Ropke

4. the liberals will spreg after 2018 and 2020 defeats. they'll blame new GOP federal voter ID laws and of course muh racism but that attack will have almost no power because Trump will control black churches and they will become enriched by new PAC money coming in. the end of 8 year SJW liberalism will have become marginalized as the democratic over lords will return to more traditional communist methods. "workers of the world unite"

6. Trump will allow millions of Europeans to immigrate here to help our booming economy. I think they'll mostly Eastern European from the Ukraine.

7. Supreme Court will be almost entirely conservative with Soto Mayor being one of the few liberals left.

8. Ivanka will run as the 1st jew and woman to win the White House to carry on her father's legacy.

yeah I know probably not what people want Christian Nationalism instead of ethnonationalism and a kikess as president but if you look at all the players and the underlying philosophies, this prediction seems like the most likely.

Are these just educated guesses? Or do you have access to some special knowledge? Political connections? Supernatural conkektions?

You're the same OP who promised us Betty White would die on Jan. 19th, aren't you?

1. Trump will destroy the American Empire, also called the New World Order.

fake news.

An attack dog leashed is no master

Shit tier prophecy. Yet another leftist party would just give victory to the GOP directly.

>You live in the waning days of the Empire.
Wishful thinking.

Well if our European vassals are starting to lose our trust and are thinking about building their own miltaries, that might be a red flag

>Why do it with this guy?
Trump ran against the establishment and won, but they still control a lot of minds.

No like why prophesy about trump. Zionists chose him. Shilled for him on here. We talk about 95 aspects of frogs and nobody sees any of this