Humans born with defects should be sacrificed for the greater good of society.
They are a burden to the advancement of man.
Humans born with defects should be sacrificed for the greater good of society.
They are a burden to the advancement of man.
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Ill never understand why any parent would willingly have a disabled child. Medical tech has gotten to the point that you can determine any horrible disabilities / problems with a child before birth for the most part, yet they don't terminate the pregnancy and give life to someone who will only suffer for however long they live.
That baby is premature as shit
Probs some syndrome as well but they all look pretty fucked sub 32 weeks
That poor child.
If the child is brain dead or will live its life in pain, its better to be me merciful. But only if the disability is catastrophic.
Most don't. Check out the abortion rates for people with down syndrome.
This. Those ones with the hardened plate-like skin condition are fucking horrifying.
This is one of the few times that abortion should be allowed.
That's not sub 32 weeks nigger. Just all kinds of fucked up.
You know if you just let people keep their own money, they could also keep their own reproductive decisions and everybody gets a fair shake.
But no, you just had to be a dick.
Every life is still a life, for god, Pro life should be in everybody's interests. Make them saints before they die, We're no different. Only traditional Catholicism will solve everything.
My old professor had a disabled child and I mean the kind where she would arrive late quite frequently, it got to the point where I asked why she kept it if it posed a burden to her and the kid suffered.
>MFW she lashed out at me infront of almost 80 people
>i'll never forget her screaming.
>They are a burden to the advancement of man.
I disagree, they should be studied and then discarded, only in understanding our defects can we remove them in the future.
Holy shit you have balls/are autistic to say that. Tell us more in greater detail.
To properly respond, I couldn't even put it on here. I'll try and summarize it. Why would somebody purposefully try and provoke God in the way you did? Huh!?
God doesn't exist lmao
You're not wrong, but thats kind of a dickish thing to do. Not everyone(if not most, especially women) hold enough control over their emotions to make a decision like that.
God does exist, where's your proof that he doesn't? Only the holy trinity knows what happens after death, nobody else does.
where's your proof that he does?
Is this Danny Devito's birth?
If there's anything the film Alien Nation taught us, is that you're going to have to shoot that kid in BOTH of its hearts.
And so, two faggots realize they will never believe each other, regardless of what the other says. Stay a containment board, guys.
It really is fucking weird that a society of healthy, able bodied people work their fucking asses off to support the idle and useless.
I can accept the Elderly, if they worked hard all their lives and contributed tax then they should be entitled to a nice retirement, then in turn we do the same and enjoy our twilight years whilst the next generation under us keeps the nation going.
Why the fuck should I be breaking my back and missing most of my social years so some basketcase can scream and dribble and shit his pants all day long? It could easily be argued that a lot of these kids probably don't even know they're alive or can't in anyway appreciate the life they have.
It makes very little sense to me, I can see people arguing a moral duty to care for them but I think that's bullshit too. Its immoral to keep them alive imo, it goes against nature.
You're pretty fucking retarded considering these freaks let doctors advance medicine trying to care for them.
Use some critical thinking skills and not memethought some time.
a basic version of the spartan rule should be in place
>healthy baby lives
>obvious health/mental defects get put down
I agree
thats the curse of the redpill. What made Sup Forums strong will be its downfall. It cant get past memethought. Kek is a god of chaos, not of whatever bullshit meme Idiology Sup Forums decided to meme this month.
is this what happens if they poo in loo
>It was like Tuesday
>Be me
>hate going into in for that specific class
>Last 10 minutes before the lecture ends
>Go in really tired and with my binder
>This instructor fucking hated me
>Always arriving late or not even bothering to attend the boring shit
>go sit down in the corner
>Get out my psp and start playing
> MGS Peacekeeper
>get called out
>Excuse me? are you going to pay attention or waste your own time
>I respond with a chuckle
>nothing really happens
>It finally ends and I go straight to her desk
>ask if about exams and such
>she's putting a whole box of Kleenex into her bag. probs to wipe the drool off her sons mouth.
Now keep in mind I already know her situation at this point
>I fucking smiled when I saw the kleanex
>This pretty much triggers her ass
>she tells me ''You're only putting yourself in this position, you know I struggle but keep pushing forward for my son sake and to educate the new generation''
>This is where the autism kicks in
>Why do you burden yourself with the your kid and make him suffer
Cant remember how I said it
>She fucking started screaming and everyone looked at our direction
>Turned red and just smiled
>everyone is just looking and so I walk out.
> I have no fucking clue was she was screaming about it happened so fast.
>MFW I'm called down by an administrator
>"user, suspension and write a letter of apology to her
>MFW I beat MGS the same day but it this ruined my thoughts and speculation on the game
>Humans born with defects should be sacrificed for the greater good of society
>is fat
euthanize it before it suffers. i hate prolifers
the only difference between you and her son is a varying degree of autism. You both are essentially the same.
A burden, ok, but only to a degree. The amount of positive energy that comes from positively influenced mule babies is undeniable.
I dare you to hang out with a mule babie for 30 minutes and walk away unmotivated. It's literally impossible l
Looks like a jew.
Kill it.
>Every life is still a life, for god,
Ok, let's just assume God does exist and apparently created the Universe so Humans can make babies for the sole purpose of worshiping him.
The parents who birth downie kids will have to pay much much more to care for them, either out of their own pocket or the taxpayers. Why not instead abort the downie baby and have even more healthier kids instead, net profit of souls for god amirite?
Infact why even have kids, why not just mass abort kids so God has even more souls because surely if life starts at conception and every life has a soul then all those aborted babies will be more souls for God right.
You can even take that logic to its extreme and say that by not aborting as many babies as possible Humanity is creating less souls for God, so what we are currently doing is extremely immoral.
See this is why Religion is retarded.
Because they think it's okay to drink and smoke while they fucken are pregnant. Fucken white trash people and niggers.
what kind of baby do you want
>just harlequin my shit up
>They are a burden to the advancement of man.
A burden I will carry, are you so weak you cannot support those in need?
>give life to someone who will only suffer for however long they live.
Life is suffering, if you believe it is acceptable to do away with those you see as inferior, expect to be on the wrong end of that judgement one day.
Serious question here. Are you being honest or trying to get the most (you)s?
Ok, so if you break something or fall ill we can just skip the hospital, pop you in the back of the head and dump you out back right?
Nice LARP. No matter how hard you try to defend yourself, you'll come across to everyone as an autistic faggot. Fuck off.
Bones may heal and bruises will fade, but your autism is totally incurable.
But that takes time, time you aren't productive, not to mention how you're suffering so, we'll just euthanize you quickly.
This. I support abortion and planned parenthood. Not because of libfaggotry, but because it's the last remnant of the eugenics movement we have,
Poor kid. Life is cruel.
If you are born normally and you happen to be crippled in an accident due to a later discovred defect I have mixed opinions, I don't think they should be removed especially if they want to work and are unable to.
If you know the child will be a burden and you keep it, you made a mistake IMO and there's really no reason to keep it other than muh feels. Honestly I would rather be aborted at birth than be born with a serious birth defect but normal functioning humans who are later subjected to these things should kind of be exempt to an extent.
>but normal functioning humans who are later subjected to these things should kind of be exempt to an extent.
Why? Because muh feels?
I'm with your, really.
Disabled kids are a huge burden, especially the ones with severe disabilities. We're not talking minor things like being deaf or losing a hand, those are quite easy to adjust.
We're talking harlequin babies, severely mentally handicapped and other such types. They are a horrible drain on all levels and never stop being a drain. If these people had to look after special needs kids before they made their decisions, they'd likely change their minds.
But they get stuck and have to keep repeating over and over again things like "god has a plan" and "I love my kids" to convince themselves and others they didn't make a terrible mistake.
Have a healthy kid instead, it will be better for everyone.
all i can think about is poor DerpyMcNuggets being the last pick on the football team
I have chronic pain and an auto-immune disease. Convince me to not produce genetic offspring
that's why you test before birth.
Severe defects, yeah.
If it's something that's likely to be treatable/maintainable within a few years, or is just a minor inconvenience to actually being a person (ie those with dyspraxia and lesser autism can still lead healthy, productive lives - and are usually indistinguishable from normies) then the only thing that should really be done is some strict parenting so they don't become rats.
People born blind, without skin, without brainstems, with downs syndrome, or severe mental defect should generally be eliminated from the gene pool.
I love these threads it's the quickest way to spot Redditors that have only been here since the_donald
Sup Forums is a Christian board
Sup Forums is anti abortion
Eugenics is always thrown about by the faux conservatives usually by the same manchildren who haven't worked a day in their life, sit around smoking pot and playing video games and then have the nerve to talk about drains on society.
You all disgust me, compassion for human life (white Christian life) is what elevates us above the subhumans
>Why don't you just kill it when it inconveniences you a bit, lol?
>Why are you screaming at me?
Oh little one, /pol isn't Christian or Anti-abortion. We don't want the bad ones, your altruism will be your undoing.
Also I smoke mucho bud and pulled 6 figures last year. Stay mad with your cucked jewish religion.
Kike worshiping cuck spotted. Go shill for your slaves religion elsewhere.
The christian god literally impregnated his mom. Think about that, these cucks worship a mother fucker.
If a kike sues you for your sweater give him your coat also. Forgive a kike that wrongs you 7 * 70 times. How fucking cucked do you need to be to believe this shit. Be a good goy and you will get rewarded, I promise but only after your dead.
Well from other point of view, there is child who is like 16 years old but is size of new born baby, some defect that causes her not to grow... well scientists are checking out the "baby" thinking we may reproduce this on adult and have immortal life thanks to it.
So in some cases even the defected baby could bring advances to the humankind.
I hope they killed it, Jesus Chirst don't let it suffer.
Sup Forums is a Christian board.
Also, nice posting a pic of Christian architecture that was destroyed by pagan barbarians.
... couldn't help it.
can i still be for aborting fucked up babies but also pro-life generally speaking?
Thats a retarded comparison, since a) he was productive before
b) he can be productive afterwards
c) is concious
I worked with mentally deficient patients and some of them are legitime just vegtables.
And yes, im for euthanising braindead vegtables who were normal before too, since all we do is shove foodpaste into them, clean their shit, and let them vegetate while their brains dead.
>How fucking cucked do you need to be to believe this shit.
Every single thing you just said is a strawman or a misrepresentation.
In that light, your unbelief is quite understandable. But it is still wrong.
Fuck me, this scares me right now, my missus is 2 weeks off giving birth to our 1st.
>A burden I will carry, are you so weak you cannot support those in need?
Do you clean your wifes asshole with your tongue aswell cuck? I don't need to support a financial black hole since it is going to be retarded no matter what. Might aswell give blacks reparations you faggot.
>Do you clean your wifes asshole with your tongue aswell cuck?
You don't?
... and you call yourself a man. You're not a man until you've picked the corn out with your teeth... and liked it!
Fucking pussy.
Best of luck user.
Here's hoping you give birth to a healthy boy or girl.
Honestly can't blame you. If I was pissed of by a degenerate cunt on a daily basis I would have lashed out at some point too, especially if I would think about her disguisting son.
Because that way they can get likes by making inspirational videos about them because they're that desperate for attention
you want to genocide Sup Forums?
It is ok. Natural selection will fix it. White men will breed themselves into plethora of birth defects and eventually out of existence. Future is safe.
Bloodborne 2 is looking good
If we let them live they are going to suffer worse anyway. Better to put them out of their misery.
that poor kid
>tfw your country will never bring back eugenics to get rid of low IQ subhumans
we used to have involuntary sterilization here until people's fee fees got hurt
they falsely diagnosed down's syndrome on my friend before she was born
her mom decided to keep her anyway and she turned out great looking and without issues, having 2 beautiful kids now
In what world are people without brainstems not eliminated from the gene pool? You rapin vegetables user?
I disagree, as a Nationalist I belive that even turks should have their own country
You bastard
My baby just got tested for spastic. If it is a mong, we have decided we will get it aborted. No point in having a spastic kid, its crippling for everybody
Congrats for her 1 in a million case. But in the other 999999 she would have ended up with a talking potato.
Eugeneticists should be gelded, for the good of mankind.
Practically, people will argue over what is or isn't a disability worthy of abortion. It can get to the point where aborting women because women are bad becomes a thing, like in China.
Back in the 90s, the pre-natal autism/downs test could actually damage the foetus and cause autism without detecting it, that's why my mum didn't get tested. I'm not sure if that's still true though.
>I have an invisible rooster that is impossible to prove
>I don't believe you
>2 faggots
>They are a burden to the advancement of man.
Why not try to correct the defects and advance man?
The same can be said about niggers who are usually in the IQ range of being officially retarded.
What does that even mean? Do you think we can rewrite their DNA to make them normal or something? Because we can't.