This 100% guarantee you that this video will change your mind on feminism.
This 100% guarantee you that this video will change your mind on feminism
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck you bro.
>I don't know how to cook
>Fuck boys
>goes to womans march
>Young girls are everything
Is she a b'tard?
Mongoloid head
oh no wealthy teenage white girl gets mad because someone asked her to make cupcakes
Yeah there's literally nothing new. It just shows how fucking petty these people are while a lot of us have real problems.
White 3d women are trash. I don't see why pol has any hope for them in the face of this.
No she's just a very intelligent women who thinks you should subscribe to my... uh, I mean HER YouTube channel please. Thank you.
The most depressing thing is that feminism has fucked the west so much I cant tell if she is trolling or not? Fuck this gay earth
>intelligent women
>intelligent women
Looks like Butthurt Belt descendant.
>kailey, this video has inspired me so much. i am a twelve year old girl that loves musical theater, but is always told that a biracial girl like me will never make it. thank you for being an amazing inspiration for me. ilysm
terrible hairline
She's not a woman - she's a girl. The Women's March was the best day of her life? Sad.
I like your slutty mammaries?
I didn't watch the whole thing but I made an obnoxious comment
There's nothing wrong or sexist about asking girls to bake cupcakes. This girl gets a flat tire - you think she changes it herself? Course not. She calls her dad or her boyfriend or some other guy. Does that make her a sexist? Get real.
Third wave feminism is the biggest mistake the west has made in centuries.
I'm watching it and all, but why do all these youtube cunts have to cut their videos every time they start a new sentence? Why not just film the whole thing on one cut?
Is it like, the new generation is so A.D.D. that they can't focus without feeling like they're switching to something new every couple seconds? This is how they deliver complex ideas while still twigging their channel flipping fetish?
Someone explain this shit to me, please.
>OMG baking is the worst
>Mr (((Roth))) was my favourite teacher
>Women +LGBTBBQ +BLM March was best day of my life
>Little girls were chanting "my body, my choice"
She must be a Sup Forumsish troll
Feminism is the biggest mistake the west has made in centuries
Fixed that for you
>real problems
Yeah I bet being rich is such a burden.
You invented 3rd wave feminism by the way.
No. Our French commies did.
Not very proud of it but reality must be said.
(((People))) who invented that didn't consider themselves americans.
I've seen this march and it definitively wasn't a revolt against cupcakes.
rambling stupid cunt
why allowing women to work and vote was a terrible idea
do you ever wonder why people only talk about the positive aspects of feminism?
I want to cum on her face.
I'm not the best at making memes but.
Obligatory "BLACKED" version of this bitch?
>a women
English as a second language confirmed
>Is it like, the new generation is so A.D.D
That's also a reason why mainstream movies are shit nowadays.
Car chase! Tits! Explosion! Sex! All within 15 minutes.
People are complaining about Hollywood doing remakes of remakes with less and less story, but that's exactly what people want. Sad 2bh
>Mr. Ross says "yeah that was sexist, sit down"
Top fucking kek for this bitch not having a clue about men. Mr Ross just wanted the triggered little girl to stfu
>make cupcakes
>that's sexist
No bitch, cupcakes are good as fuck.
We should destroy civilization to compensate.
>This video will be fast
Is it sexist when a woman asks a man to move a piece of furniture for her?
If she stays on the path the Jews laid out for her she will ultimately get blacked, stds, preggers, single mom to negroid child with a learning disability. Future is bright. Also she doesn't have enough world experience to understand the little girls at the march are just regurgitating what their parents say. I hope she can get red pilled before it's too late.
This is the power fantasy of a 21 year old girl. But for any woman who's lived it, it's a fucking nightmare beyond comprehension. Throwing away the last 50 years of your life because you've got too much "grrl power" to go the traditional route.
Also note how much booze is involved. For some reason, trashy women convinced themselves that boozing like a man is empowering. Instead they just look like a sloppy, shitfaced wreck to the rest of the world. And it only gets worse with time.
In this fictional story, It's safe to assume that the woman will start to look like a withered bag within 3 years if she keeps drinking. She'll be well past her prime by 30 - at which point she'll be udderly unmarryable.
Now these women have to live the next 40 years of their lives unwanted, unloved, and unfulfilled - drinking til 2am every night. The sex comes less and less often. The number of guys at the bar they've fucked nears 100%. Fewer and fewer men are buying their drinks. 100 partners later, and not one has ever offered his hand in marriage.
Then she looks back to the day she had a man willing to lay down everything for her, and she realizes what a fool she had been. She drives back to her hometown, parks her car outside of his warmly lit house. Children's silouettes scamper by in the windows. Two nice cars parked in the driveway. She sips from her flask as she sees a younger woman tuck the two children into bed before coming down to kiss her husband.
Then she goes back to the bar and tries to find a stranger who'll give her the time of day.
"fuck men"
read it. so bad. no facts. vomit blood.
I don't think women working doubles the amount of people looking for jobs because they don't all suddenly become qualified doctors and they always have the option of becoming a homemaker.
I want my two minutes back (thankfully I did not watch the whole thing)
>Then she goes back to the bar and tries to find a stranger who'll give her the time of day.
I think you misspelled "kidnaps the children, and sets the house on fire".
The OP is the creator this video.
SJW rely on pols outrage to generate views.
close. she then tries to brainwash the younger woman into doing as she did.
I hope you get raped for making me watch this crap.
i'd preg her
but they don't.
marriage rates have plummeted.
birth rates are on a down spiral.
people, especially young women, tend to hold off on having kids in favor of a career.
this is a disaster waiting to happen - an entire generation of dead-end relationships. couples living together out of purely narcissistic and hedonistic reasons; never marrying, and not having kids.
getting dogs or cats to replace the empty hole of having no children.
fucking pathetic state of society.
> inshallah
holy shit that "girl" is gonna be bald in a few more years
That's sexist.
Damn, you're right.
said we should make cupcakes. so sexist. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
>a woman being able to ride a supersport bike
>Drinking and whoring is fun
maybe for a month but what the fuck?
even normies know this is a deadly thing to do
I love your small cock ;^)
I want to make some cupcakes, any of you guys want to make some cupcakes?
I want to make some cupcakes> you guys want to make some cupcakes?
Feminism is a vague ass term, there are some wackos out there but then you guys sit around making frog memes so it's not like you have some high ground.
They are quite nice, went to the women's march last Saturday and got some numbers. At least they go outside
Pick one and only one
Don't insult my 3d waifu
ya a little girl who spends most her time on twitter and youtube posting make up vids, clothing vids, and what she last weekend vids is the type of person we should listen to and let lead
God help us.
So, a boy had the idea for what the girls could make for the party, and she got offended by that and considered it sexist?
Unless they were bringing semen flavored dick-floss, the fuck is her dumb cunt ass even talking about?
Was going to leave a comment but
Literally described the exact, true-to-life, 1-to-1 scenario that plays out at least a million times a year.
And then women wonder why men don't want them.
Who knew that burning yourself out and making yourself into a disgusting whore-mongering alcoholic slut-shit would turn men off?
I haven't watch the video but I'd do that jihadi
>mexican intellectuals
youtubers dont have actual talent as speakers so they edit out their ums and uhs
She isn't. I really doubt it, at least.
Shit like this makes me glad STDs exist