Largest nuke ever tested would kill 7.6m people if dropped on New York City...
Largest nuke ever tested would kill 7.6m people if dropped on New York City
Better make it a double
Trumps first nuke should be call Trumps Dump
And so?
It would be enough.
>tfw I would get 3rd degree burns
>implying NYC even has 7.6m "people"
I thought SATAN was the worst and more powerful than that
That's pretty shitty but honestly most nuclear wars would be fought with tons of small nukes instaed of a couple of really big ones, since it's more efficient afaik
This is a great thread, i love how it's just so obviously worthy to be here.
This clearly isn't a waste of discussion about other shit at all.
im clear
good luck NY cucks
5.6M dead Muzzies.
>the smallest nuke would take out Vatican City
Skyscrapers would protect a lot of people
plox tell me how to see casualties on nukemap.
under 3. basic options
>Wanting to blow up NY the Giants would not exist anymore
Fucking Cowboys fan
thank you
have some OC
>60km radius for 3rd degree burns
Jesus Christ.
We need the 100 MT version desu
President Trump is so insane he would drop it on them himself when he loses. If not him then the China or some pissed off Muslim. Maybe Russia from within. He won't believe his intelligence agencies and boom! It happens. Melania and Barron are gone...think Donald. Be careful with your tweets, please. I'm not threatening the first family. I am genuinely fearful for their safety and all of our safety.
I tried using my city Anaheim as ground zero using the 100 MT. Blew up LA also.
We need one for New York, Detroit, DC, LA, and Portland.
Your sacrifice would be worth it, user.
>MFW LA nuked
Thas pretty gud
Beat me to it lel
It might be science fiction tier, but I hope that it has a chain reaction effect and the San Andreas fault break California off.
yeet nigga im safe
Modern russian nukes are far more efficient than tsar bomba, MIRV+improved payloads can do far more damage over a wider area
Its limited to 100,000 kilotons
there are no modern russian nukes that we know of besides the satan2 even thats a shit nuke
The current nuclear strategy, as you may know, relies on MIRV-payloads with a mix of live nukes and contemporary munitions to act as decoys. Some of the "dud" warheads in several models include EMP and chaff munition to assist the live nukes in reaching their targets.
Think shotguns; numerous projectiles that do less damage individually but larger aggregate damage.
You wish. I'm leaving CA before I become a ghoul.
thats scary
I know the liberals and gays in California are bad, but I didn't think they could actually turn people into ghouls.
Then again. Some of the women do look pretty ghoulish.
Too bad ICBM's can only deliver 1,000 MT, max.
That's 50,000MT.
Is there a higher casualty count than this?
Really? I thought it was all about more accurate delivery systems. Less need to "carpet bomb" with a "precision" strike etc.
I would die :(
Death toll isn't as high as airburst but i feel like our Mexican Sup Forumsacks would appreciate the amount of dead cartel and bureaucrats
KT not MT.
LOL north korea's best nuke
Sleep this one off.
>abandoned due to political reasons
Yeah, nah... no way we shelved this one for real.
~20kt is not unreasonable for a ICBM with multiple warheads. It's actually much more likely than 50,000kt.
If north korea nuked us they would be utterly deleted off the earth.
wait what would this ramjet do?
>The proposed use for nuclear-powered ramjets would be to power a cruise missile, called SLAM, for Supersonic Low Altitude Missile. In order to reach ramjet speed, it would be launched from the ground by a cluster of conventional rocket boosters. Once it reached cruising altitude and was far away from populated areas, the nuclear reactor would be made critical. Since nuclear power gave it almost unlimited range, the missile could cruise in circles over the ocean until ordered "down to the deck" for its supersonic dash to targets in the Soviet Union. The SLAM as proposed would carry a payload of many nuclear weapons to be dropped on multiple targets, making the cruise missile into an unmanned bomber. After delivering all its warheads, the missile could then spend weeks flying over populated areas at low altitudes, causing tremendous ground damage with its shock wave. When it finally lost enough power to fly, and crash-landed, the engine would have a good chance of spewing deadly radiation for months to come.
>Full nuclear exchange
>barely survive the fallout
>Still have to worry about a wayward nuclear powered drones with ramjets destroying what's left with deadly shockwaves and nuclear engine detonating on impact
Wew lad
I know just the place to put it
We are becoming Ascended
Whoa thats brutal, a little overkill tho dont you think?
Any bomb over 1MT sends debris at a height that stays there for too long and can potentially cause nuclear winter. Nobody wants that. So small bombs are the way to go.
>nuclear winter
The solution to Global Warming has been found!
Drop it on Tokyo.
Give the nuke to the liberal and you will see prosperity. Give the nuke to the fascists and racists and you will have a sterile earth. true story bro
As long as it is SJW cities, I can deal with a nuclear winter.
>new york
>having 7.6 million people
lol no
>understanding the map
lol no
>emp on a nuke
Nice try.
fun fact: the tsar bomba was dampened with lead because there was no way they'd be able to get the plane away from its full power. 50 megatons is about half of what it was capable of
Well I'm out of the fireball and if I somehow get my landlord to give me access to the basement I could potentially watch my skin melt knowing the waifu was vaporized peacefully.
>This thread is nuking my ability to have deep philosophical debates with edgy 14 year olds
Holy shit, I've never seen an experiment have so many positive tests and be cancelled cause of fear.
>Able to fly for months
>Carries numerous nuclear payloads for carpet bomb runs
>Even when it depletes it's nuclear payload it can still damage ground forces just with shock wave from low level flybys
>When the nuclear reactor stops it can still crash and spew radiation
Ouch, that's a lot of national forest.
there goes the popular vote
>Largest nuke ever tested would kill 7.6m people if dropped on New York City...
I guess that is about 6 trillion
>tfw when you shit talk indigenous cultures but abos were already synchronized with kek and we must live in harmony with nature
Well put, Tyrone.
Oh, great. I'd get third degree burns.
>mfw the largest nuke ever is only 9,023 times more effective at killing Norwegians than Anders Breivik
When we say MAD, we mean it.
A deterrent does not work unless it deters, and the only way to deter is to make the consequences of hostile action so terrible that it takes it off the table entirely.
wrong yield for the tsar bomb. it had a 57 megaton yield.
>kill 7.6m people if dropped on New York City...
>New York City
those arent people
... and yet it still shattered windows in Helsinki.
Doesn't Vlad have a Satan-2 now? I heard that weapon is capable of leveling Texas.
Your not even accounting for nuclear drift.
>Kills Norwegians
muh white race
Non-nuclear EMPs have been a weapon concept since nearly the dawn of electronics. EMPs can fuck a radar worse than chaff, as radars require (usually unsheilded) generation systems.
t. former U.S. anti-air tech
Wow a whole 2% of the US.
Come back when you got something better op.
kys and when you respawn don't pick tumblr as a class
Are you telling me that they will drop a nuke(probably has electronic systems on board) down with an emp?
What's the matter?
Nuclear warheads (and many other key peices of military hardware) are by design shielded so that the first volley doesn't destroy the capabilities of the second volley.
>Trump firing the entire city of New York
Oh please do this Daddy Trump, please please please
They could build a much bigger bomb these days, but where to test it?
We really wanted to kill Ivan then.
>Tfw long island cuck
Feels bad man
North Korea after we pillage their qt girls.