Has anyone bothered to watch CNN or look at their website?

Has anyone bothered to watch CNN or look at their website?

It was bad before the election, but it's gone full liberal tears mode since Trump's inauguration. They literally post every negative article or spin on Trump that they can. It's not even 'real' news at this point, with the spins they put on actual news, along with what they choose to cover, it might as well be considered 'fake' news that they so ardently champion against.

The shit is genuinely despicable and I'm surprised we don't have laws against reporting in the manner that they do. They know how many people go to CNN for news, and they know any gullible fuck will believe the tone they are setting for Trump's presidency. It's blatant indoctrination of the masses.

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and I thought BBC was a cuck rag

my sides are in utter orbit

Nope. It went so retarded it made it into my fancy meme.

to think this pic started with just Salon and Huffpost (Trashy Two)..... oh how the mighty have fallen.

Disgusting all-around smear campaign against Trump on CNN, no wonder after what happened. This behavior is simply even more discrediting for CNN, so it's gut für us.

ah cnn is alright, they argued about crowd size for a week. Something about 1984, And now something about oil our violence in cities, something.

I actually tune into CNN more often now just to hear the complete and obvious bullshit, i gotta stop though.. cant have them getting viewership numbers from me. CNN is fun to watch though.

Unless you're part of a Nielsen family I don't think it really matters and their ratings are in the shitter anyway

Maybe I'm wrong about the first part, though.

Yeah I figured, viewership numbers from carriers are probably internal use. I dont understand why or how they have any sponsors.. cray cray

I agree, I was just watching them a min making excuses for "inner city crime" and they were calling it a "public health risk." Saying that if there were more jobs and things to do for niggers during summer breaks that they wouldn't be as inclined to join gangs or kill and steal. I don know about you guys but I sure never did go on summer break as a kid and start killing and stealing because I was bored. It's like CNN isn't even aware of the shit it says.

I actively go out of my way to shit on most of their normiebook posts, Follow them enough and you'd figure out who I am pretty quick . 80% of anti-trump comments are fake profiles, CNN has their own CTR apparently. Almost every single post is anti-trump. There are very few posts not at all related to him.

In 2015 I was a libtards who watched all the main networks to try stay informed. stopped watching cnn start of 2016. It felt like they were forcing shit. Still checked in from time to time. The Donna brazile question leaks smelt bad to me, that was the last straw. Discovered they started triggering me; van Jones, Jim Acosta and that fat shouty frodo latina.

But since the election they've completely had their asses handed to them on a plate. They are beyond pathetic.

Plus I don't trust a fucking word they say anymore. Its as if they've put all their efforts into tearing into Trump. Watched them the other day, they had a story about what would happen if Trump got cancelled out at the inauguration. I was like wtf? Is this North Korea? How can this be even real?

They remind me of my dog who got real sick at the end of his life. Was angry, aggressive, in pain, started biting us, didn't know where the fuck he was. We had to shoot poor Jack. But keeping him alive was too painful for him and us. This is what cnn now is.

It's still got a dedicated support base of about twenty cucks and a few terminals' worth of airport personnel using it for ambient noise. The commercials are probably all that's left to make it worth watching.

I mean, technically they aren't wrong because unemployment tends to correlate with crime and it's a big problem facing most nigger neighborhoods especially since the good paying factory jobs with a low barrier of entry that once sustained them dried up.

However their (((idea))) of fixing the problem with gibs and free abortions is about as retarded as the rest of their propagandist worldview.

the entire cnn staff should be sent to the gulags. maybe we could broker a deal with russia.

It is OP but it's still freedom of speech.

Have you all even seen how batshit crazy the DNC just got? Fucking full blown Cultural Marxism up there

I unfortunately do the same thing, although I've always watched all three cable news stations. It's funny when you can tell they're struggling to spin something or to keep the guests from veering off narrative too much. The hosts have to completely shut down the more conservative guests sometimes.

Get abc news ready for that list. Their press pool reporters are all snakes, not to mention George Stephanolpoliisis is a fucking Clinton Cocksucker.
It's a weird and beautiful thing to see fox news of all places become the only place on tv with any actual balance. There isn't much on the liberal side, but a few of their talking heads at least counter balance effectively to some degree.

I've just been ignoring CNN completely (among others) since they went into full retard mode and my peace of mind is better for it.

>It was bad before the election
hahahaha. its pottery.
CNN was the official propaganda network of the U.S for God knows how long. It makes sense their just stewing in their tears and rage

legit haven't watched (((cnn))) since 2003

Fuck that, I want to sit back and watch them shrivel up and die slowly like they deserve. Besides, who else will spin ridiculous amounts of opinionated misleading and mentally insulting bullshit to galvanize more people against the American (((left))) like they do?

people are bound to get bored of trump drama

and what are they going to do then?

anyone got the cnn tweet where they cheekily threaten trump with comparisons to jfk doing stuff kennedy wasnt supposed to do, but did anyways and got jfk'd, while also referencing things trump is doing

CNN is the epitome of fake news. It's practically Facebook teir, running purely on it's dwindling reputation and people's hard set viewing habits.

Maybe you should, the blue pill might not be as bad as you think,, go ahead just give a peek


>tfw this piece of shit actually came from my state
Californian migration was a mistake
Pile on more Trump drama because that's all they know, they didn't learn on the 8th, or the 20th, what makes you think they'll learn then?

As long as there are straws to grasp they will be there every step of the way.

Reminder that they let this limey fuckwad have a full hour at prime time for over 3 years to act as an expert on American culture and politics.

>no NYT
>no Buzzfeed

I cant tell if this person is healthy or not.
What wide spread and rampant racism have we been seeing in the U.S? Theres people are going to have to start posting some video proof.

>Has anyone bothered to watch CNN or look at their website?
Are you searching for 'gay'?

>even stooping to acknowledge the pantheon of fake news in the current planetary orbital cycle




We used to. Smith--mundt act got repealed.


thanks finbro



I suppose your right. Some normies on facebook will never realize they're lying to them though. Everything Trump says to them are the lies.

Surpisingly though, I've seen a lot more people waking up to it. Makes me think there may be hope afterall.


dont forget about the propaganda bill passed last year



pretty much counter propaganda of you guessed it, china and russia and other foreign nations
>also a tid bit about homeland propaganda being allowed

It has gotten out of hand here too:

>Trump banned all Muslims
>Pence is going to push for anti-gay laws
>Trump banned abortion in America
>Trump attacks China and is going to cause world war 3
>Trump removes all NATOBand American military surrounding Russia and gives them free space to conquer Ukraine
>Trump steps out of NATO to build an even larger American army to invade with

All the butthurt 'resistance'fags are just pawns in this latest wave of cultural subversion

> is this North Korea?
Seems like he's trying to make it that way.

Damn I love Trump

Pretty much the only channel I watch. As long as you can see through their bs, it's highly amusing to watch them completely break down, particularly the cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics of Van Jones and Brian Stelter. Wish I had Fox News though.

Yeah but how can the Dutch believe this shit, this is why we suck.

Whats so special about that family.

Can't wait until trump removes their press access.

look up Nielsen families
pretty much tv companies give certain people acces to boxes that give them data on what you watch.

my mom as one, along with a box that records every website you go to and all the bandwidth.
i told here thats sketchy as fuck but "muh free money'
every two/three months she gets 50 bucks from then

I'm not sure but it seems there has been a lot programming done on Europe in general. I hope you guys wake up before its too late.

>It's blatant indoctrination of the masses.
Of course that is what all modern press and public relations is, but its also controlled by government and espionage interests since Project Mockingbird and they expanded to international media influence with the Bilderberg Group.

CNN is fake news. Don't watch it.

they are just trying to motivate a loon to commit acts of violence

If mexico does not believe that walls exist how do they know that anything will hold up their ceilings?

Trump wants to fix America from the inside-out, I highly doubt that he's gonna fuck around with China when he already prevented a war with Russia by merely winning the presidential election.


>CNN will eventually get sued by Trump and probalbly shut down.