Do you think sites like Vice and Buzzfeed which are browsing Sup Forums atm realize they aren't dealing with nazi's they dealing with internet trolls? i mean i feel like that's why they lost the election. they genuinely believed they were fighting nazi's and not just nondiscriminatory assholes
Do you think sites like Vice and Buzzfeed which are browsing Sup Forums atm realize they aren't dealing with nazi's...
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They keep writing passive aggressive articles about how sad and irrelevant we are because apparently dad and irrelevant groups require lots of news coverage and think pieces.
But yeah, I think they realise by now that we're just a bunch of chucklefucks out for a laugh at the expense of normies. They still mad though.
Genuinely annoys me that they think there is a war on
They are literally morons if they think we are serious 100% of the time.
it's sad really. I think you see the problem with those sites. They make up lies instead of actually understanding. i mean unless your pedophile then they will write glowing puff pieces about you
Yes and
My guess is they're finally starting to come to terms with it.
They need to believe that we're all Nazis because they can't deal with the fact that they aren't the objective good guys of the world. The left is so fucked up it's ridiculous.
It's extremely weird to me that the people who I agree with on a lot things have managed to make me outright loathe them because of their appalling commitment to vindictive anti-white horseshit.
>Sup Forums user stands out side of whitehouse with sign saying "Sup Forums"
How buzzfeed sees it
>Neo Nazi group attack whitehouse in an attempted military coup modeled after Hitlers first attempt in 1923 (Beer Hall Putsch)
They are just pushing their narratives to the normies and using us as a source to back up their stories
They obviously know there aren't Nazis trying to take over but that's not what they are being paid to say
We have more diversity than any SJW hugbox.
But according to them internet trolls are most likely white supremist nazis. They seem to be incapable of differing views without labeling them. Their world revolves around identity politics.
Don't spoil it burgerbro
That feeling when Sup Forums and Sup Forums are probably some of the most multi-cultural places on the internet.
Vice cunts have offices, editors and sale goals, we on the other hand exchange thousands of opinions every hour from people around the world. pol is like supercomputer with unlimited power and vice is like a sun powered calculator. Fuck them
No I don't think they fully understand it. They and most of the left are so reactionary with fundamentalist PC emotion. That's why they are also so oblivious to their hypocrisy, it's never a conclusion formed from rational thought.
what a shit bait thread
Sup Forums is the only tangible bastion for the alt-right and nazism. Outside of this place I have never met an actual nazi or anybody that identifies with the alt-right. Even here, most people are trolling and would never show power levels IRL.
The left runs rampant with virtue signaling college students who believe that extreme minorities represent the norm. I find it hilarious that people more "educated" than me can't grasp that the people they represent/abhor are actually just vocal minorities who use the internet as a tool to spread a ludicrous message to the masses.
>Sup Forums is the only tangible bastion for the alt-right and nazism
More like the only bastion for actual free speech.
No, Trump won. You won. you lost the ability to say it's just trolling.
You are now the establishment.
You are now responsible.
We will use your words against you and against the politicians you represent.
they hate themselves so they look for a target
it's dad
then what are you doing to fix that perception
My point exactly
We consolidate and extradite taboo ideas all over the internet out of pure contrarianism. It baffles me that the smartest people I've ever met will ignore this basic truth to further cement their position within the PC cult movement.
> there's a guy named anonymous and keeps calling me a faggot on the internet
> please make him stop
the funny thing is though do you know you could of made sure trump never got in office just by not using the phrase CIS white male? that's the funny thing. if you guys would of stopped doing that guaranteed trump would lost
The ocean of piss is filled with a myriad of different kinds of piss, each individual poster contributing their own which is unique in that each is composed of the waste material dispensed by each individual. Normies who lurk more before posting come to recognize this, but those who don't and post without lurking are dazzled and blinded by the sparkling sheen of piss that hits them right in the face. Like an episode of South Park, the person being hit in the face with piss becomes irate and aggressive, even if in this case they only have themselves to blame for this pissiness.
Not a fucking thing. Why would I want to change their inaccurate perceptions? As a previous user mentioned, I'm a chucklefuck who's having a grand time watching lefties try to cope with trolling and hurt feefees.
Pepe is considered a hate symbol for fucks sake.
>tfw not actually judged by colour of my skin, but the quality of my shitpost on Sup Forums
Feels pretty nice.
Quick question, before you get up in the morning, do you ask the black guy who made love to your wife for permission to spoon with him? Genuinely interested
'internet trolls' bullshit nigger. ive been a white supremacist shitlord since about the 4th grade probably. I drew swastikas in grade 7 and got in trouble for it. im badass bruh. you think 'news articles for faggots' dot com, like vice and buzzfeed can keep pace with a master red pill pusher man. there was never a time when the holocaust wasn't funny. you cant fathom how committed I am to causing butthurt under the banner of white nationalism. its as if I was born for this. its a self fulfilling prophecy. I will destroy niggerdom and international kikery, with the help of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and God Almighty. Amen.
It's because we are the "nazi scare".
At first they made fun of Trump and his supporter.
Then they threw all the -ist and -phobe words imaginable.
Now they try to present us on being on the verage of an american dictatorship.
I don't know how many people buy this shit but it is hilarious.
My main goal this election was to get twitter journalists on a recursive shitposting death spiral and it totally worked. The email I sent Ben Howe was flawless.
Drama = ad revenue. It is an """"anti-semitic"""" board though.
If you show a pepe or shout praise kek on a livestream, you are literally a neo-nazi in their world.
>antisemitic board
Yes, that's why its full of semites.
No one hates jews more than jews. I imagine >40% of posters here are genuinely anti semitic. That is large compared to the general population.
I've said this before, but the fact that these supposedly "edgy" and (((open minded))) outlets (when it comes to topics relating to drugs, sex and other forms of degeneracy mind you) turn into a 40 year old white mother from the suburbs when confronted with shitposting is the funniest shit ever. The left isn't interesting, it's not edgy (in the accurate meaning of the word), you can't use dark humor, a straightforward concept like free speech suddenly becomes "problematic" and complicated to them etc. All of this results in them having some of the worst bantz, shitposts and memes and they can't handle it.
Why doesn't your flag icon show either England, Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland? Aren't they separate countries, really?
Socialism is a mental illness. These "journalists" are literally sick in the head. The sooner they realize that robbing people and promoting genocide is not "morally good", the better.
We're like an ivy league school. We're fucking packed with kikes.... Can't go in a single thread without tripping over the fucking star of david, and that's not even including the rest spread out through the world.
Maybe Martin Luther King's dream was /pol?
b but im not a troll sempai. I Im just here because I'm interested in frogs
>they aren't dealing with nazi's
you're in the wrong neighborhood kike
Daily reminder that frogs are white surpremacist hate symbols, everyone posting pepe memes is a nazi
>you are now the establishment
not yet, the whole media is attacking trump.
We will be the establishment in 5 years when trump is on his second term, then we can talk about not being rebels anymore for you. Meet you here.
can we get that changed? #freepepe or something?
we could make pepe represent free speech.
no one that hasn't spent at least several years on Sup Forums will ever come close to understanding
media shitheads can never understand regardless because they are always looking for angles and spin and that kind of thinking will never apply here. so they will just write whatever they want to write and take it for granted that the people that read their bullshit will actually believe it
ahhhh yaaa, sedn
>vice is like a sun powered calculator owned by Rupert Murdoch.
and just a reminder
>Sup Forums is only ironic