Are they /ourparty/?

Are they /ourparty/?

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the memes really have been weaponized haven't they?
mr bones I'd like to get off this ride

This was one of our senators in the Lib dems during the car attack in Melbourne, Ausposting is bestposting

Even your fucking political parties shitpost?


LDP does

cunts are savage

everyone does

Our political parties are just shitposting parties senpai

I love you cunts.

Look up Senator Leyonhjelm, absoloute bantsmaster

>party with both liberal and democrats in the name
>actually based

Things really are upside down in Australia.

"liberal" doesn't mean "batshit insane authoritarian leftist" outside of your dialect senpai

So your libdems don't share the same ideologies as ours?
Pls explain

Holy shit Australia is like a big drunk redneck party 24/7

Has there been any good white-guilt lefty whining today?

Liberal as in let people do as they wish, equality of opportunity and liberty for all
Democrats as in they are democratic in their ways of achieving this liberty they seek

they are basically libertarians, It's why the most based party in sweden is the liberal democrats, liberal actually means liberty here

>upside down

Classic Leyonhjelm.

He's the origina gangsta of Aussie politics.

labour = for the people, commies
liberal = right wing, pro australia

your liberals are fucked whilst the rest of the worlds liberals are good