Happy Australia day you cunts!
I love you Australia
Australia Day
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When I woke up this morning there was a spider in my bed and ants on my floor. What a day.
Happy Invasion Day
And now y'all may start frothing at the mouth and start your poo memes
mr. poopy bottoms
pls poo in loo
Cheers mate. With glory we will purge the attempted genocide, for our homeland. Brothers till the end.
Cheers mate. We will purge them like both our ancestors. 'till death we fight beside one another cleansing the world. European founded countries are for EUROPEANS.
Happy emu day.
>throw an abbo on the barbie day...cheers!
You would also be frothing at the mouth because of some fucked disease that you would get from all the shit you swim it, Pajeet.
Found the salty basement-dwelling NEET
>Even his ID color is brown
At least I actually have a place to call my own you fucking shit-eating street urchin.
Yeah, let's celebrate this nation that has become a total disgrace and embarrassment to our forefathers. This country should be ashamed. Australia Day does not exist any more, because Australia does not exist any more. I'm not even talking about race, I'm talking about the very essence of our being as a nation. We have nothing to be proud of, nothing to strive for, nothing to live for. This is why the media has such a boner for the 80s and the past - it's because we have no future. Australia is dead.
Cheers cunt
Likewise mate, I hope to visit the wall some day.
One and only
Woot! Love from QLD
gis a massage cunt
nice quads
>t. Low-class blue-collar trash or obese virgin NEET from the First World pathetically trying to feel superior by bashing Third Worlders
honorary Aussie top cob
You guys are actually paying attention to your country instead of America? Holy shit
What's this meme shit?
Get over here cobber
>Can't differentiate between purple and brown
Loo with timestamp or GTFO, cunt!
wtf are you retarded
Loo with timestamp or GTFO
I was born in Melbourne and now I'm a traitor. Drink heaps for me you cunts.
Have a look
im gonna get shitfaced just for you
>He admits he's a third worlder
I win, you lose. Bye idiot.
I like this Pajeet BTW, good at taking the piss.
Im still waiting for this loo with a timestamp, its not a difficult request you shit coloured cunt
>Went to get some grog today from the local. Literally had o wait a few minutes. Bloody disgrace I tell ya. Geeze.
>Not all bad, actually had a few snags and Fair dinkum the Mrs let me poke her in the coit.
Happy Straya day cunts.
4 day weekend ftmfw
god bless straya
ye nice
saw the plane crash into Perth river. pretty cool.
Kiwi women look like shit. I want some aussie thoroughbreds.
>Muh White supremacy
>People who have similar levels of melanin as me wuz kangz and shieet ergo I am bigly great and all their achievements are mine too
Happy straya day faggots.
Or happy liberation day for the Abos who celebrate the day we came and liberated you from your shitty boring existence and gave you cunts civil society and petrol to rot your brains with.
Look at poo in loo and laugh
>Occupied by Britbongs
>Given toilets and facilities
>Still shits in street
I can't imagine how dirty your phone is all smeared in poo
Its up to us to go out and fix it then.
Exactly. But sitting around getting pissed on VB's and watching the cricket in navy singlets isn't going to be helpful at all.
We was fine with our dirt babies you made us drunks
happy "bring civilization to the abbos" day ya cunts
Allrighty tomorrow im starting a political party need name sugestions, agenda and a logo.
Happy Australia Day everyone.
abc is trying to tell everyone australia day represents multiculturalism. what a cop out.
Abo's didn't evolve with alcohol over thousands of years, that's the primal reason for their alcoholism. Aside from the fact they're literally the closest living ""human"" to our precedents.
name: Patriot Party
>We Brits occupied you
>Basically We wuz Kangz and shieet
>Elects a Paki mayor who has backed terrorists in the past
>Lets Mudslime pedo gangs run amok raping 1000+ kids in the process and covers it up because Muh Islamophobia
>But our ancestors wuz so very great and shieet
salty > shitty
Glory to the Anglosphere
Needs some 7 pointed stars
Ameirca is my friend now
A plane crashed in the Swan river apparently the people died and now the fireworks are cancelled, which sucks for 300k people
What chu drankin in bros?
God tier
I'm fancy
Do people REALLY use windows phones?
New lad
In honour of this glorious day I invaded a case of vb.
>not smoking meth for australia day
Based Queenslander drinking a based Queensland beer
> tfw daft lefty cunt at my university was marching through the city chanting "Aboriginal land"
> meanwhile, I had a chilled arvo getting drunk with my lads
If aboriginal culture is shitting on a free holiday, fuck em.
Only bad thing was Julia Gillard getting the Order of Australia.
I doubt a more Australian image can be found on the internet.
Nice man, I'm just used to Carlton, so its been my favourite for years.
Those are pretty awesome, crispy
Good 'ol VB tough but gets it done
What are your thoughts on Ciders lads?
Not that I care, but my friend keeps telling me ciders are for faggots. Is there really a negative stigma towards them?
At least I'm not frothing at the arsehole
Try reikordeling. It's a sweet drink but you're hardly a faggot for liking them, they're nice.
Mead is a real good sub for a carton of beers too, I've been buying a bottle for my mates at Dan Murpheys for the last few months and they love it as much as I do.
>Up bum no baby
My favorite - checked also
Happy Australia day mate
Bar cunt here, Ciders are fine.
>I lick rape pussy
Wow that's full on. Are you the rapist?
All I had left in the fridge
Well put, fine Indian bro. Australians are racist asswipes who can't resist putting Indians down because they're insecure bogans with a history of reprehensible colonial violence. May Invasion Day be changed to another occasion as soon as possible and may Pauline Hanson die from impalement on her own anal carrot dildo.