Where were you when Sup Forums took down TMZ?
Sup Forumsice
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wait wut?
Tmz posted video of Shia being arrested but dubbed over what someone said after it happened, as it was happening. To push a narrative that he was assaulted by "Nazis"
>actually what happened.
is Shia applying for job as a teacher?
>Dubbed Audio TMZ is pushing.
sorry, 4got
How isn't this getting attention?
can someone scrape the video so we have a offline copy??
This is a serious offense!
If we are unable to get the other cameras footage and this is the only reliable evidence then TMZ is manufacturing evidence.
oy vey
holy fucking shit
watching Sup Forumscucks leave a small blonde chick alone with 2 niggers
what do I expect from a board full of shitskins?
Sup Forums just shit itself and no one could post just now
just get a recording of what REALLY happened and spam it all over normie media, with a hashtag #TMZLies #DishonestMedia or some shit
You mean NY Sup Forums, most would be there but for some reason NY anons aren't showing up
What if they replace it before enough people have seen?!
Bump, this needs visibility.
an adults breath smelt like beer?
how will the world recover.
Bump to show the world the truth, someone archive this shit I'm on mobile right now and too lazy
threadly reminder when you see an american flag, you are actually speaking to a shitskin LARPing as a white
kek i knew he'd crack but i didnt expect it to be this soon. severely underestimated the triggering that Sup Forums can provide sometimes
Leatherbro user here.
I don't recall any "nazi" rhetoric.
I do recall Shia turning to the crowd and saying "THIS IS AMERICA! THERE'S NO ROOM FOR NAZI'S" or something to that effect.
Check the tapes if that was caught.
Make backups stat.
Shia was definitely the primary agitator/initiator in this whole situation. He first initiated violence when he first slapped me on the side. I thought it was just a "what's up" type of deal so I extended my hand to shake his and he yanked me off balance a bit.
that's why there's the hashtag - to create doubt in the minds of the people who have seen the tmz videos
yep, they added the sound.
don't they realise this is a public stream? and that there are media willing to tell what they did since there's proof?
how fucking jewish is TMZ
literal Lying Press
Guys.... They deliberately have altered a scene of a crime....
They are expected to be a neutral source.
The real scary thing is how fast they have already doctored and produced this...
This is a direct shot at us guys!
What happened off camera with you and him?
what did he say to you, bro?
Serious question, and I'm not trying to goad you on or anything, but why didn't you punch his face? You'll be pressing charges right? You're not going to accept a bribe are you?
No it isn't. Lay off the sugar.
>implying anybody takes TMZ seriously
I mean, are Americans this retarded?
People took TMZ seriously before??
Would the video work if you archive the website?
Drunk in public is a misdemeanor. Possibly fine and jail time.
I can't view the video, it won't load for me because it's either
>flash based
Get firefox, right-click inspect element, click network/media tab, find the video source, copy source location, download.
They just can't help themselves, everything has to fit their narrative.
Also working on uploading the following as well:
Women and fags love this shit gossip site. Get them to believe something, then basically the whole leftwing will follow suit
wow they are fast...
Just like their editors ;)
he was, right in the beginning of the video he's talking about nazis.
i honestly love how we are using the left's tactics against them. it's like shitting on a person who shits on people for a living
That law doesn't exist in most municipalities anymore.
fair point
We are the Jews now.
full link?
I'm confused. I'm not seeing any kind of assault in these arrest videos. Was it not recorded?
you can check this thread, leatherbro explains his incident. Look for "leather"
It does in Manhatten.
The official HWNDU twitter is also trying to claim it was for a separate incident with mustache dude
Scratch that, saw it in the cross thread.
I told the story in another thread.
Pic related.
I predicted 2 weeks.
Was less than 1 week :L
His name is Harvey Levin.
Kek shia has 1488 signatures on a petition for his release
No need to explain yourself man.
You've done your part.
His monarch handlers must have needed him to boost visibility
I don't initiate force first.
He made clear verbal death threats to me, but I was just waiting for the first swing. If he swung, I would have responded accordingly and it wouldn't have ended well for him.
After that I would have pressed charges.
The verbal death threats he made against me are just an attempt at dominance, which he ultimately failed. When he got in my face (touching nose to nose while stating threats), I made it clear I wasn't backing down by not moving an inch backwards. I was just waiting to see what he would do from there.
So he asked you guys if you were Nazi's you were afraid to admit it, because real life and /pol are two different places
done with the 2nd one
>1 post
there's actually alot of credibility to this statement..
hes mentally snapped behind closed doors plenty of times.
he was a childstar for (((Them))) after all.
>if you were Nazi's
everything i dont like is a nazi
I'm glad someone got the 2nd video.
The kid shia hit is the lanky dude with the scarf on his face, i don't wanna point him out because he was scared shitless but he's there in multiple videos.
He swings the first time at 1:09 that's when i grabbed Shia's hand and you can hear me saying what are you doing.
The black guy gets louder obviously to drown out what was happening.
1:38 Shia gives him the real hit and i pushed Shia away with my belly.
The black kid weaves in and out you can see me holding Shia off and trying to ask why he hit him most predominantly 1:48-1:54 as i stare down Shia.
You can hear the kid saying he hit me throughout the video.
remove space from webm and .land
oy vey dere was NAZIS
what do you mean it was livestreamed?
Here's a second one
Dat feel when shia gets arrested
>I don't snitch over shit-talk
Well, guess what, you fucking dumbass. Your nigger-tier ethos made this case of shit-talk get blown up into a huge gossippy twisting of what happened because you didn't set the record straight when you had the chance. I wish Shia killed you, because then at least you'd be helping somebody - your body would be proof. As of now we just have your anonymous shitpost. Good job.
I meant I didn't hear any "nazi" rhetoric from the trump people, which Shia seemed to be dividing.
I love how quick you guys devour each other
paperboy is ranting. Saying Shia was released and it seems is convinced it's about tweets to the precint.
>not (((money)))
He had one job and you're expecting me to sympathize? He knew what he was there to do.
"Nazi" means "nationalist socialist".
There should be a new similar term coined for the nationalist capitalist.
>3 posts
>I would have responded accordingly and it wouldn't have ended well for him.
Who is tall scarfanon?
Post pic
You're doing kek's work, Leatherbro. Keep up the good work.
am I redpilled yet?
Some how this went from page 1 to past 10....
whilst being bumped
did anyone notice that?
You seem lonely. Have a (You)
Yeah, I got that, I was confirming what you said is in the video
>I do recall Shia turning to the crowd and saying "THIS IS AMERICA! THERE'S NO ROOM FOR NAZI'S" or something to that effect.
Use acronym RACI so the supporters/advocates are RACIsts
Nope still lonely. Got any cuddles?
is that what you said to the other two mandingos in the bath house last night?
mannnnnnn that fucking dindu covering up the camera while the assault takes place
just lurk if you are interested
Yes and then we raped your grandpa
That TMZ website looks like Yahoo did in the 90's
How are they still a thing?
Thank you user!
Their ways are set in stone now!
Jesus Christ these niggers think they got him out of jail. What it must feel like to be so stupid with delusions of grandeur.
(((tmz))) needs a lesson
he's right you know