Why is nationalism discouraged/repudiated in western society, and why is it associated with racism?
Why is nationalism discouraged/repudiated in western society, and why is it associated with racism?
Oh honey it's to make you accept and welcome your coming Genocide happily
I honestly have no clue, I for one love my country, through the good times and bad.
Well it caused two world wars that killed, what, 50 million people between them, in addition to destroying most of Europe? The second one was explicitly about race, too.
We might want to avoid doing it again since we have nukes now
The majority of those deaths were Communists. They don't count as people.
nationalism without the racial aspect is useless and ineffective, it has no real basis and will just collapse on itself
as for why its repudiated the west is controlled by corporations and the proles organizing for their own benefit hurts their profits
lurk more
Communists were strategically fucking up again and again.
Mainly, Russians died. You'd be a fool to think all of them, or even more than a half, fought for USSR, and not for their own and their families' safety, for their survival.
>two world wars
u wut m8?
Well you can blame most of those on commies.
They just sent wave after wave against machineguns and Stalin for purging his military.
Literally the most autistic military tactics you can look at Winter War and see just how stupid they were.
nihilism, sabbatian franks, cultural marxism, take your pick
All calicos are female. This image macro is horrible and OP is a fag yet again.
Because jewish run mainstream media and universities have brainwashed our people.
>Why is nationalism discouraged/repudiated in western society,
Because Europe experienced two world wars which devastated the continent killing millions and creating a horror of the nationalism which had led to conflict
>and why is it associated with racism?
It isn't always. But when ethnic or racial differences exist between two nations such prejudices are almost irresistable.
Because nationalism is retarded ideology for weak people who need a nanny state to feel manly
Because they want to control us through divide and conquer. Whit nationalism you cant be divided and come up with great ideas like breaking away from international debt slavery, and (((they))) cant have that.
Hint: 1933+6
rajesh pls
>second one was explicitly about race, too.
Damn goyim, you da real MVP.
Is this propaganda still actually fed to the U.S. citizens? I mean, sure it's good to keep up the act, but fuck me you guys are deep in the jewish tricks.
We are weaponising our poo as we speak, Amerilard. Shit ll literally go down on all of you
At the time war was declared, Hitler had done literally nothing wrong. It's still phrased as an invasion of Poland, when he was recovering German territory that Britain and France had carved off, then America had said "Now we muzd have peace :DDD". It was no worse than the Crimea.
This and the trauma of European on European war two times in two generations. But without kikes it wouldn't have happened.
Nationalism isn't the problem, it's a symptom, not the disease. Even if a group managed to get rid of all the brown people or what have you they would still just start arguing over who's REALLY white and kill each other over that instead. Nationalism is simply a byproduct of human beings inherent and immutable tribalism. Human beings are communal animals, whether you believe in evolution or creationism our species is still fundementally unchanged from the pack animals we were when we first emerged, be it 50,000 years ago or 6,000. Religious wars, territorial struggles, racial tensions, and any other form of conflict beyond the individual scale you care to imagine all ultimately stem from these group identities. In actuality all politics are identity politics.
It's a fundamental part of human nature, one can only hope to minimize and control these tribal clashes by overshadowing some of these group allegiances with another which takes precedence and in this maner the national identity prevents conflict within the group who share it, it'seems precisely why an oath of allegiance and the renoucment of an foreign titles and citizenship is required in order to become a US citizen as well as why most other nations demand similar loyalty. The current rise of nationalism is the inevitable result of a divided people and are at their most basic unification movements.
Religion has also often served a similar role as a unifier of a diverse people in conjunction with or in the absence of the state.
jews and bleeding hearts have been discouraging it in schools for years by equating all nationalism with Hitler, vilifying colonialism while ignoring all its benefits, and perpetuating the blatant lie that all these (sand)niggers and spics were peaceful before the evil white man came along and shot a few people to usher in civilization
between a few generations that grew up on this propaganda and the fact that 30% of this country is now comprised of the very braindead barbarians we used to be holding off, it's harder to gain a foothold with nationalist sentiments, but Trump proved it's not all hopeless
because hitler.
also, ethnic-nationalism basically IS racism.
The world wars were mostly about greed, african / asian colonies and germany trying to take over the world, instead of "nacionalism".