LOL Trump removed Obama's red curtains and put gold curtains up. The comedy writes it self.
LOL Trump removed Obama's red curtains and put gold curtains up. The comedy writes it self
Yeah its hard to get the Niggerstank out of curtains so you may aswell ust burn em
they were covered in chicken grease
I swear pence is secretly gay the way he looks at donald is just fucking weird
Donald salvaged his political career, I would worship the man like a god too, if I was in his situation.
Curtains were gold when Bush was president too.
Day of the rake when?
Of course he is, you stumbling mongoloid. There is only one reason for any politician to make a big deal about crushing homosexuality -- if he's working hard to crush it in HIMSELF. It's basic psychological projection. These republigays feel the cocklust, but they never figure it out that not all men have cocklust. They think that being gay means GIVING IN to cocklust, not just HAVING it.
>Gold is very popular in feng shui because of its association with money and wealth, and yellow is the color of happiness and warmth. Cheerful and welcoming
>still using the Resolute desk
I'm really glad he chose to keep this desk for his term.
Did they manage to remove all the purple drank stains from the carpets or are those getting replaced as well ?
He just can't help but smile when he looks at Trump because he can't help but think of how much they are winning.
>They think that being gay means GIVING IN to cocklust, not just HAVING it.
What!? I'm pretty sure you're wrong.
That is called pride.
Fuck off. If you were Trump's second hand man you would look like that too.
What you're pretty sure of could fill a warehouse, I bet.
It's a pretty common phenomenon. Straight men don't crusade against homosexuality. Why would they? Why would a straight man think about men fucking all day long and go on a crusade to stop it? He wouldn't. Only a repressed gay man would do that to prove that he's not gay.
have you seen where he lives? look up pics
Since he is going to be in the oval office for 4 years he might as well make it like home
>complain about the national debt
>get the most expensive possible curtains on taxpayers dime
Fucking drumpftards
That's some fucked up projection you're doing, faggot.
Mike "AC/DC for the LGBT" Pence
Nah you're a fucking faggot, stop shilling for your mental illness and find another website where people buy your degenerate propaganda and "facts" based on pseudoscience asshole. You're fooling nobody.
Yeah, better to spend $65,000 on hot dogs for a private party, right nigger?
Did they removed all watermelon seeds from the oval office?
Trump isn't taking millions in "salary" from the government, unlike Obama. He has budget to redecorate the entire white house and still be cheaper than Obama.
Weren't those curtains selected by Hillary during Bill's presidency?
Trump is fine with gay marriage and my husband and I are fine with Trump
8 years*
Those are the same curtains Bill and W had while in office.
curtains were in storage after bill clinton used them you fucking dolt
at least attempt good trolls
Nice projection, faggot
The look to me reads more as
>He actually fucking did it, the MADMAN
Its a look of someone that is proud of someone else.
Trump basically handed this random guy nobody knew about a great shot at being his successor, smart one
>Obama's red curtains
So Obongo really was a commie.
> golden curtains
How can one man be so BASED?!
he put a potrait of andrew jackson in the white house as well
the memes write themselves
>Destroy her dreams
>Puts up what she surely thought of as "her curtains" just to rub salt in the wound
How could one man be so based
So what's up with Jackson? I'm not that educated about burgerland history.
Say what you will about how great of a businessman or deal-maker he is, but holy fuck he has some gaudy taste.
love to see him fly a Nazi flag on the Whitehouse for just one hour and then blame CNN for #fakenews when they report it.
>Jackson, a former military officer and U.S. senator, was known for his fiery temper and bombastic rhetoric. After he lost his first presidential bid in 1824, for example, he claimed the system was “rigged.”
>Jackson’s legacy is also rife with controversy. He signed the Indian Removal Act of 1930, paving the way for what is now known as the "Trail of Tears" shortly after his presidency ended, in which the Cherokee Nation was removed from its lands east of the Mississippi in the massive forced migration.
>Last year, the Treasury Department announced plans for a new $20 bill that would bump Jackson's portrait for that of Harriet Tubma
I think he owned slaves too
>Not knowing about burgers
Gold/blue is god-tier; anyone who disagrees obviously lacks the ability to live lavish.
Projecting this hard
>Straight men don't crusade against homosexuality. Why would they?
Today? Because homosexuality privileges are pushed on them from all sides. Counteraction.
Ah, now I get it. Thanks.
It's because he sees the power for himself.
He knows it's within his grasp.
I wouldn't be surprised if he pulls and LBJ and usurps the throne for himself.
I hope he puts a portrait of Polk too.
Look at Bill Clinton's curtains. They are almost identical if not the same as these.
Also that is the same paint from the Obama admin. I suspect there will be more redecoration to come.
It's Presidential traditional for new presidents to remodel the oval office how they please. It's not something a dumb leaf would be expected to know anything about.
Pence has fetal alcohol syndrome. He has every one of the indicators. Plus his mom was irish. It sometimes causes people to act weird, but his intelligence clearly isnt effected. Hating on him for his FAS is just like hating on baron for being an autist
1) smooth upper lip
2) railroad track ears
3) inner eye foldsfold
4) facial shape
5) wide nasal bridge
He doesn't just have some of the FAS facial features, he has all of them
has anyone gone trough the Oval Office with a blacklight ? bet there are cumstains all over
So, those antifa which are attempting to beat up nazis are doing so to supress their inner nazi?
These. He's just extremely happy for Trump AND the position he got himself.
Basically one of the biggest badass leaders ever. European bankers paid to have him assassinated because he was trying to get rid of the private central bank.
The assassins guns didn't go off and Jackson almost beat him to death with his cane.
He BTFO the injuns. He BTFO the central bankers and jews. Leftys are super butthurt about him. He fucking dueled like 80 times. Once he was dueling a guy and gave the other guy the first shot. He shot at Jackson but didn't kill him. Jackson lined up his shot and the dude just had to stand there as Jackson shot him right through the head. He fucking dueled the first governor of Tennessee because that guy called his wife a whore. Ended up chasing the pussy around a tree with a gun. He was the first governor of Florida. The original FloridaMan. He was elected on populist nationalist platform. Establishment politicians like John Q Adams acted like it was the end of the world. His last words were "I killed the bank". His parrot had to be taken away from his funeral because it cursed too much during the memorial. He gave zero fucks about insulting political rivals. He nicknamed 15th president james Buchanan and his butt buddy "aunt fancy and uncle nancy" basically calling them faggots insinuating they were fucking each other since Buchanan was unmarried.
There is not a president who gave fewer fucks. He still inspires butthurt to this day
...also he started the democratic party, but im pretty sure he'd duel every democratic leader if he saw what they were doing today
God we need to bring back dueling
Better gold than red.
obama smoked cigarettes, that stink is probably in all the furniture
he looks like the actor who always plays the bad guy on syfy shows
The gold curtains were the old ones, Obama was the one to change them and Trump changed them back.
Tubmann did jack and fuck. Jackson beat the fucking British
Can't forget that Jackson was also part nigger. By Klan standards of the one percent rule, he was our first black president.
Makes sense that Trump would love him. With his baby momma bullshit, shitty gold taste, and ego pumping shit talking. Trump wishes he was a nigger more than anything else.
Needs taco bowl on desk
Loving gold is for Jew's and niggers
Every U.S president puts in their own curtains...
>Clintons curtains
>Reagans carpet
>Also, Bush Jr's gold couches