Yet another example why women do not belong in government.
Tulsi Gabbard is a traitor
Yet another example why women do not belong in government.
Tulsi Gabbard is a traitor
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She's right though
What the fuck? She is defending American people and soldiers by telling the truth about how their tax money is being used. Only sane person in Democratic party.
Assad dindu nuffin, literally
Saudi's just want that pipleline built & Obama/Hillary were happy to comply
More like an example of jettisoned black sheep democrats Tulsi Gabbard and Dennis Kucinich (both actually having shreds of integrity) sticking it to the fucking DNC establishment by making this trip and drawing attention to how the Obama/Clinton state department created this fucking ISIS mess.
The two most prominent Democrats with axes to grind just 'happen' to make this trip and publicize it now that Trump is in charge? Yeah no. They're twisting the knife in the DNC establishment they hate.
no she's not
she's taking the Assad/Putin line, in direct opposition to the American line
she is a traitor
You're just pissy because you'd actually have your first female president now if you ran her instead of Hillary.
Stupid bitch is confused. We are funding the rebels, not ISIS.
>responding to me twice
The American line isn't in the best interests of the American people, its a line created by Obama who, in case you havent noticed, is no longer in charge
They're the same thing tho
How is meeting with assad a bad thing?
I'm pissy because Democrats lost?
Try again, Australia
Rebels like groups cooperating with Al Nusra (Al Qaeda). Which group was behind WTC btw? That is endangering the safety of US citizens.
Tulsi is telling the truth. Obama's administration literally funded terrorists to overthrow Assad, while trampling our domestic civil liberties in the name of "fighting terrorism." Good for her for going against the bullshit mainstream narrative, I admire her integrity
>the American line
Which is what exactly? Trumps in charge now baby and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
it's not just Obama's line. It's the same line held by our national security establishment, our intelligence agencies, etc., based on reality
then this dumb bitch goes behind our back, meets with our adversaries, and then sides with them publicly
fuck her
We did stop. On Jan 20th.
ISIS learned that real quick when the supply planes dropped a healthy supply of bombs on them.
So you're a neo conservative then?
What is the american line? That you should continue fucking around in the middle east for the false sake of spreading democracy? Let them and their "dictators" sort themselves out.
>implying they're two different groups
Except they fucked up. They pushed Syria right into the arms of Russia. And they were willing to risk war over it.
They fucked up so now the strategy changes.
stop what?
you think this is a game?
ww3 soon
Neocon idiot detected.
Umm, she's totally right. And I say that even though she's a fucking detestable bern-bot.
Why exactly do you consider Syria to be our "advesary?"
>They pushed Syria right into the arms of Russia.
nonsense; Syria has been tied up with Russia for decades. educate yourself
not an argument
If you're a basic bitch like yourself OP.
A good place to start is "What is the opposite of what John McCain wants?"
How much do they pay you for this thread, Shill?
No they aren't, which is why they shoot and kill each other if they ever have contact. Can you imagine ISIS welcoming Kurds?
Based Hindu
Not for long
Neither is anything you've posted in this thread.
Unless you advocate boots on the ground in Syria Assad is staying in power and the country is going to remain a close Russian ally.
read the news
>Migrant crisis: Russia and Syria 'weaponising' migration
>Russia Bombed Base in Syria Used by U.S.
>Russian state media reported that Israeli Mossad agents and other foreign military officers were killed in Aleppo on Tuesday in a Russian missile strike
>'Assad shipped chemical weapons to Hezbollah,' says former Syrian general
Don't worry MIC bro, we will still build more aircraft carriers, and trillion dollar airplanes. We just need to use them to save the white race.
learn to construct a coherent sentence, then we'll talk. Until then, go fuck yourself
>being this paranoid
This shilling will not divide us.
I highly recommend Richard Black's lecture on Syria and how the Obama administration funneled weapons from Qatar to Libya then to ISIS and Al-Quaeda. The DNI actually called them out on it a few times. Everyone remembers the infamous headline "In Syria rebels armed by the Pentagon attack rebels armed by the CIA" kind of hard to forget a clusterfuck like that. Seriously disgraceful.
>she's taking the Assad/Putin line, in direct opposition to the American line
Obama has been lying up your ass while giving your tax money to terrorists.
And now Tulsi exposes those lies and you think she is the traitor?
How can someone telling the truth be the traitor?
>Israeli Mossad agents and other foreign military officers were killed in Aleppo
Cheer worthy. Why would you want to fight the people who did that for you?
STFU so it, "american" supporting the nusra fags and Nour Al-Zenki that behead children ? Assad is the best option for syria and we should not let these Al-Queda turds win.
aren't we friends with russia now? why would we want to fight them in syria?
>tells people to construct coherent thoughts
>but believes neocon bullshit
Look forward to disconnecting the cuckshed's internet.
I live in Hawaii, and I've met her several times. She has an interesting reputation here as being part of the Lanikai Cult.
It's all black and white with you.
Russia definitively has a lot more influence over Syria now than before.
It wouldn't have happened if Obama didn't try to use ISIS against them.
His plans failed. He left the Middle East in a way worse state than before he was president.
Not really surprising, he's pretty much a CIA plant.
The people and other politicians have a right to oppose this. Criticizing the government is still allowed in the US.
Its interesting that she, a democrat, says this right after Obama is gone.
Do you think she feared reprisal while in office?
Its not like she has anything to lose now that the dems are defanged and in the minority.
Go to bed McCain you're old and senile.
You're just pissy because you'd actually have your first female president now if you ran anyone* instead of Hillary.
fix'd that for you
We funded/armed a bunch of rebels calling themselves "The Taliban" back in the 80s because we wanted the Russians out of Afghanistan. That turned out real well, didn't it?
we are on the eve of ww3, you people are sleepwalking >3edgy
read the article, kid. it wasn't just Israelis (our allies), in any case;
>In addition to the Mossad agents, the Russian report claimed, military officials from the United States, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Turkey...were killed in the strike
She's right you know.
Assad nerve-gassed his own people. He is proliferating WMDs, moving the world (including YOU) closer to ww3. we are right to oppose him.
she didn't just meet with him. it was her public statements supporting him (and by extension, Putin) that were wrong
also this
We actually didn't. We funded, thru Pakistan, the mujahedeen. Later, after it was all over, the Taliban foreigners took over and some mujahedeen fighters joined them, some fought the new foreign invader.
By the time the Soviet Union was kicked out, there was no funding no more for nobody.
wtf I love ISIS now
S a m e t h i n g
Not arguments
Next you will be telling me Assad has abused human rights and does bad things to people living within the borders of his own country.....while in the same breath telling me Saudis are good boys.
Assed is actually one of the least murderous middle eastern leaders. As for Iran, it is mostly Israel who wants them de-clawed, they aren't half as bad as western media makes out.
Assad did nothing but kill radicals. Syria has been a secular nation where Christians, and even Jews, have been protected from persecution by the state. Syria has some of the oldest Christian churches man has ever built, they have a long history with Christianity, and despite being an Islamic country, Christians have been protected there. The rebels who appose Assad will destroy all the churches, kill all the Christians, and turn it into a Sharia waste land exactly as they did in Libya.
Assad is the rightful ruler of Syria, and he should stay in power until he dies of natural causes at an old age. Killing rebel terrorist scum is not a crime. The United States should not be supporting terrorists to fight against Assad.
You're a filthy shit commie faggot.
We literally have given ISIS weapons through proxy for 3 years now and The Kang never spoke a word of it nor did anything to put an end to it. He funded our adversaries for political purposes for 3 years. I'm so glad it's over and I can be proud of my country again. Choke on a boot OP.
it's not about democracy; it's about containment, at this point. see the various links ITT about WMD proliferation and an impending war with Israel
what do you think are the consequences next time Israel and her neighbors have an all-out war??
>The commander of Israel's Home Front issued a stark warning on Monday that the Middle East is headed for a full-scale, multi-front war that would see the use of weapons of mass destruction
wait........................Trump hasn't stopped arming the "moderate" rebels, from Obama's admin?
General Breedlove- the source quoted in your BBC link- is a crazy war hawk, eager to start WW3 with Russia. I don't consider his "analysis" to be credible.
And as far as Mossad agents getting bombed- good, fuck 'em. They're as shady as the CIA
Those kikes really want that pipeline eh Schlomo? 2bad. Now we get OUR pipeline and you and the Saudi can suck a fucking dick.
If you are a patriot and your country supports terrorists then it is your duty to support those terrorists as well
Like those traitors in my country, keep telling Brussels to stop giving us EU aid over "embezzlement concerns"
yes they are
>still 0 substantive counter-argument
>Assad nerve-gassed his own people
Just like Saddam, huh?
>based on reality
>Assad nerve-gassed his own people. He is proliferating WMDs
No he didn't and no he's not. You so are bluepilled about this topic it's not even funny. Why are you even here? Just to suffer?
Let them blow each other up. Who cares. Both jews and muslims are the enemy.
assad is literally the best thing that could happen to syria
Fuck off OP don't come to the home of /sg/ and start spitting off your cherry picked propaganda like you know anything. Lurk more you tool.
>Assad nerve-gassed his own people. He is proliferating WMDs, moving the world (including YOU) closer to ww3. we are right to oppose him.
Uh-huh. Remember all those WMDs that the Bush administration never found? Remember how the official narrative was all one big lie so they could go nuke brown people and take their resources, and suckers like you fell for it like clockwork? You should be careful who you listen to.
I hope she does more subversive shit to the Dems.
The only reason why Tulsi isn't a Republican is because she wouldn't get elected in Hawaii otherwise.
Hell, she only recently changed her position on fag marriage from "marriage is for a man and a woman" to "more dicks in ass pls" because of the shitty Dem party line.
If her family had moved to Arkansas or Louisiana instead, she'd be a full-blown Trump supporter now.
If you are a patriot you support the laws and principles your nation was founded upon. In our pledge of allegiance we do not pledge to the nation as it stands. We pledge to the republic * for which* it stands.
We owe nothing to corrupt governments who are voted in and do misdeeds. We owe nothing to the allies made by wicked men who temporarily occupy office. America is a country that compels its citizens to obey a conscious moral imperative at its very core. A higher pursuit that transcends any given regime.
>ITT dumb american, patriotic sharters
And you are asking why everyone hates you?
America has a few sane people but the majority is just JUST
There are no, "moderate rebels" in syria. Nour Al-Zenki, Ahar Al-Sham, Nusra, Army of Mujaheeden are all jihadist that want sharia law and kill any alawaite they can find. Name me one rebel group that is better than Assad ? They all salafist goons and all the rebels are terrorists that need to be stopped. Don't try to argue that Al-Queda is better than Assad.
Fuck Turkey.
Fuck the moderate beheaders.
Fuck Obama.
>she's taking the Assad/Putin line, in direct opposition to the American line
>she is a traitor
Fuck off neocon kike. No one falls for your bullshit anymore.
>more influence
you can quibble about degrees; fact remains Russia has been arming Syria for decades; billions of dollars of arms, and has maintained a naval base at Tartus since 1971
>The Soviet Union’s military sales to Syria in the 1970s and 80's accounted for 90% of all Syrian military arms imports
>Not really surprising, he's pretty much a CIA plant.
The CIA is right.
calling out our gov't for funding al-qaeda makes you a traitor now
>Assad nerve-gassed his own people
Terrorists aren't people.
>Do you think she feared reprisal while in office?
not really, since Republicans already controlled the House.
it's not about party either; most Democrats and Republicans are united in opposition to Assad and Putin. She and Trump have more in common in this regard, actually
I think Tulsi's been consistent in standing by her principles. She resigned from the corrupt DNC in order to endorse Bernie early in the primaries, in the process pissing off the Dem party establishment
probably the only sane democract in the country
>The CIA is right.
They're fucking evil and they have way too much power over US politics.
Shut up mongs! She is the closet democratic alternative to 'our guy' US can get.
WMDs... sounds familiar, kek
>american line
you mean the liberal line
>>The Soviet Union’s military sales to Syria in the 1970s and 80's accounted for 90% of all Syrian military arms imports
The same holds true for 99% of the Middle East/Eastern Europe, so that doesn't mean anything at all.
It really demonstrates how much of a failure the neo-con agenda is when you have multiple members of congress siding with a man you have deemed your number one political enemy. Obama is an absolute loserin every regard. Just imagine if politicians came out in favor of Ho Chi Minh during the Vietnam War. The Neo-Con agenda is dead, good riddances.
>>american line
>you mean the liberal line
Neocon and Jew lobby line.
The nerve gas in Syria came from Libya, our government allowed it to be transported there so we could "intervene"
>Unknown to Syrian officials, U.S. spy agencies recorded each step in the alleged chemical attack, from the extensive preparations to the launching of rockets to the after-action assessments by Syrian officials. Those records and intercepts would become the core of the Obama administration’s evidentiary case linking the Syrian government to what one official called an “indiscriminate, inconceivable horror” — the use of outlawed toxins to kill nearly 1,500 civilians, including at least 426 children.
The CIA gave ISIS the chemical weapons, taught them how to make them. They used it on the Syrian population and MSM covered in up. That brave Canadian reporter blew the fuck out of MSM but the story was buried.