Keep this handy when reading your news, kids.
The Official Guide To Fake News
Other urls found in this thread:
>Black Lives Matter
>high quality
o am i laffin
>"high quality"
fucking lol
The economist is waaaaay left wing.
implying Salon isn't trashy clickbait tier news.
>10x as much "high quality" left wing sources than right wing
you are aware WND is literally the same as the onion right?
wheres infowars?
Fuck off
So many things wrong I cant even begin.
I know CNN being left wing is a meme and all, but they were never left wing. They were just pro-clinton. There is a huge difference.
>black lives matter
>blue lives matter
>the heritage foundation
Why are these even on there?
>VOX at the same level as buzzfeed and newyork post
>below jezebel
>the atlantic less left win than the washington post
>at the same level of quality
>bloomberg left wing
>the economist right wing
I could go on but I realized that you havent read anything released by half these papers. I bet you just looked at the front page and made your meme.
Alex Jones is a right bottom
USA today generally leans right, or at least they used to.
>high quality
ya go fuck yourself m8
oh nvm lel
CGTN (formerly known as CCTV-News) is missing from the chart.
>The Ecucknomist
>Al Qatarzeera
>this is an unironic opinion
I understand your people equate liberalism with anarchism and communism, but The Economist is a staunchly capitalist/globalist paper
>they're not left wing
>they're globalist
Pick one.
The only thing I agree with on that chart is C-SPAN's position.
>center is best
Spineless cucks
i see the usa today every day and I say it leans fairly left.
VOX is better then buzzfeed.Also TYT are mutch better then any of left media like buzzfeed or VOX,they at least say some positive things about Trump to.
I know you think you made a great, insightful, funny post, but you are retarded, globalism comes in all flavors.
what would you change? If possible, revise the picture to be more standard.
Where's Sup Forums
You "traditionally" rate media bias based on WHICH stories they publish. The assumption is that all outlets are releasing true fact based reports, but that the journalists/editors they employ decide WHAT is going to be in their paper.
The economist is clearly an economically right wing paper. But they still release a ton of pieces on the glory of immigration or how poor people end up paying more for things. Both of these articles are true and fact based, but could just have easily been about the negative effect of homelessness on property values or something equally absurd.
This sort of analysis quickly falls apart when people start considering things like buzzfeed or info-wars news. They will publish literally anything. They dont care about truth or the fact that they have 100+ nearly identical articles in their archive. If it gets views its "news".
Info wars is like mixed quality
hyper garbage right
>you will never get to sit around with a bunch of Sup Forumsocks from all over the political spectrum and watch Senators Argue about how much time they have left grand stand
Infowars is big peace of ''leaning'' right wing garbage it isnt full right wing,its leaning right tho.
Best laugh I had all night.
>he thinks globalism has nothing to do with capitalism AND liberalism
Drudge is a news aggregate site and doesn't really report or make their own articles.
no your fine user, everything checks out.
still watch alex jones but really just for his outburst and memes.
>not far left garbage
So what is a truly neutral source that covers a lot of what's going on in the government?
10x as much left media in general, that's just the nature of the business.
>not shit quality
BBC is WAAAY further left than NPR and Bloomberg tbqh
>I know CNN being left wing is a meme and all, but they were never left wing. They were just pro-clinton. There is a huge difference.
then what are they? Shit-wing?
Here's a quick switcharoonie, but we still need to properly place the media outlets to the left or right side.
newyork post pls go
Found the jew.
The ALL need to be dragged down.
For example, to have SALON in the "high quality" section... and "blue lives matter" ffs.
You need to write a list of qualities (values) that are important to the field and actually do an analysis.
Your work should be high quality itself.
It is time to restore rationalism. But the old guard can't be trusted.
You need to do it OP!
>big peace
Cool! I like peace!
>has CNN listed under "not garbage"
I'll tell you what is garbage, your little cucked graph here.
>the economist
There such qwolyty news agency as this thread
I read that in her voice
> her
>High quality
You're alright Based Israel, you're alright.
No company in history has been more unprofessional than buzzfeed as their numerous court cases show
Newyork post is trash about the same level as buzzfeed.
CNN is neutral to the point of insanity. They will find 2 retards to represent both sides of any issue. They once brought in a Climate science Professor from a high tier school to argue against some random talking head representing a no-name right wing think tank. The CNN host the proceeded to treat both parties as having equally valid OPINIONS on some really basic shit about whether or not there was more Carbon dioxide in the air now then 10 years ago. Whether you agree with Climate change our not it was a shit show.
Same shit happens in other direction as well. They out right refuse to call people out for just showing up and reading off their talking points.
CNN is the best place to go to hear both sides present their "arguments" without being shouted down(fox) or smugged into submission (msnbc).
However even left win people knew CNN was so far up clintons ass that it forgot which was up.
>not in a tier of its own above high quality
(buy your water filters and mens vitality pills today)
So BLM is high Qaulity,
The Economist is pro EU, pro globalism. It is more biased than the BBC. If you want political news your are better off reading the Spectator and then the New Statesman, at least then there is no one pretending to be neutral. I used to read the Economist but stoped about 2 years ago.
>left has more empirically factual sites than right
>"reality has a well-known liberal bias"
Who'da thunk it?
The Economist supports the neo-liberal (capitalist) globalist agenda. It has for decades.
Reality check Americans: the Dems are considered a centre-right party by the rest of the world.
Where's Al Jazeera fit?
Why is Drudge Report listed on these things? All Drudge does is link to other shit.
>Five Thirty Eight
>Black Lives Matter
>The Daily Beast
>Mother Jones
>High Quality
>Still listed as "mixed"
Drudge was relevant and original back in 98, when he broke the Tailgate story.
Whats wrong with FIVE 30 8?
most of there stuff is barely considered an article its just graphs.
where is Sup Forums
BBC and The Guardian need to be moved much further left, the Guardian more so.
>USA Today
Dumbass they endorsed Shillary and called Trump unfit for office.
>Leans right
Have you been there? It's literally
-right wing story
-left wing story
-right wing story
-left wing story
-right wing story
-left wing story
Basically just move everything one column farther left and I think it should be mostly good.
>Daily Mirror
>Daily Mail
Why not?
Presentation of data can be easily biased. Data can itself also be biased.
No doubt. What makes you say the data or presentation was biased?
>BLM, Salon. Newsweek, CNN
>High Quality
>BBC, CNN, The Guardian, Newsweek, TYT, Salon, Buzzfeed
>Not Garbage Left
interested as well to know this
Maybe in a commie leafland. They are one the biggest leftist scum.
Globalism is communism, and thus far left.
>CNN,NYT, WP, VICE, BBC,POLITICO, etc., etc...
>Not horrible
What retard made this picture?
There's no truly neutral new source, since you can only publish a certain amount of stories.
Your best bet is to read multiple news sources, find what's factual in the stories and what's the writers opinions.
the majority stake is held by the Agnelli, not the Roschilds
Do you really think the Dems are left of the PO? Aren't they obviously right of the SLD?
Are you actually Polish?
>Black lives matter
>Media matters
>Daily beast
>High Quality
You got me, I took the bait.
This is absolute garbage.
I don't even know what to say. You're obviously suffering from the US education system.
The only decent news source that is neutral that I can think of is WSJ.
Globalist capitalism is hardly right wing.
It's left leaning in the sense that it promotes collectivism and collectivist ideals.
Individualism and nationalism (when it comes to matters of foreign policy) are tenants for the true right wing and are completely opposed to globalism
True art
>capitalism isnt right wing
>capitalism is collectivist
>individualism is rightwing
pls stop im laffin
Drudge Report is an aggregator
This might be THE shittiest infograph I've EVER seen.
"The Official Guide To Fake News"
Like, this image is an example of fake news.
Globalist capitalism is hardly left wing.
It's right leaning in the sense that it promotes transnational corporations and the free movement of capital.
Nationalism, in a foreign policy sense, has also been a tenet of the "true" left wing, which in communist and socialist incarnations are also opposed to globalism. (Putting aside Marx's dream of an international cosmopolity, which is not what globalism means today.)
>real news
>mother jones
>daily beast
>"high quality"
These are literal blogs
Made a quick template
>high quality
This man needs medication. How can he switch moods and topics so fast.
>RT below those leftist rags