Women in charge-not even once




Can we talk about how women aren't able to rule a country for shit?

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Wasn't she just recently elected too?


Questa donna è cogliona
Glielo hanno detto tutti di non fidarsi di Marra

yep. you know what's more? this bitch comes from a party who sold itself as THE honest, hard working party for the average joe. They have a strict "if you're under probe you're out". As for now, they use it against their internal political enemy. Let's see what they'll do now.
if they can't rule a fucking city they're not able to rule a fucking country don't you think?

I media italiani la stanno implicitamente chiamando una troia, dicendo che Marra= Rasputin.
Chissá cosa ne pensa il marito.

>Questa donna è cogliona
>this woman is a moron

so what? being a moron doesn't make you a good rule, on the contrary. It also implying that your party can't choose a good candidate. You're not doing a favour for your cause.

>dude, if we put random people with no experience in politics in power they will be honest!
>t. M5S, pls vote for us
>oh wait, the random people we elected doesn't actually know how to do stuff so they end up asking everything to corrupt politicians that were there before them
>pls vote for us again, we'll reach 40% in the next elections!
M5S is literally the reason we can't have nice things

the saying is anything south of rome is shit

I guess now it's anything south and including rome.

>captcha is mountains

proof the north is best

In my experience, women presidents are shit

Oh, shut up you fucking leaf.

yes it does.
the leaf triggered yo, my southern comrade?

eat shit, my family is from friuli

fuck the south

>the saying is anything south of rome is shit
Rome was always included, it's such a shithole of a city, only good for tourism for 2-3 days

I'm not reading the article. Is it just a probe or has she been found guilty? Could be a witch hunt, though I don't know anything about Italian politics.

Nooo, not my queen, leave her alone!!

I'd abuse her office, if you know what I mean lads hahaha

i't's under probe, but for her party, if you're under probe you're as good as guilty and you should resign. This is why it's hilarious.

Daily reminder that M5S is Soros controlled opposition:

>In base alla storia recente, i movimenti politici finanziati dagli angloamericani e costruiti attorno alla rete, sono riconducibili a tre tipologie: movimenti per rovesciare governi ostili, per rovesciare governi amici e, infine, per mantenere lo status quo, fornendo una valvola di sfogo al malcontento.
>Il terzo caso è invece quello del Movimento 5 Stelle che, dopo aver dato ottimi risultati Italia, è riprodotto perfino negli Stati Uniti attraverso il movimento Occupy Wall Street, finanziato dal miliardario George Soros, come ammesso dall’agenzia Reuters nell’ottobre del 2011 prima di ritrattare rapidamente38.
>L’imponente tsunami tour che porta Grillo in 87 città, e di cui manca qualsiasi rendicontazione sui costi e sulle fonti di finanziamento42, è un grande successo di piazza. Il 25 febbraio 2013, prima ancora che le urne siano chiuse, sul sito OpenDemocracy finanziato da George Soros si può leggere43:

>There is no telling what the outcome of today’s remarkably uncertain Italian elections will be. But the real story might just be Beppe Grillo’s Movimento 5 Stelle, which could become the third political force in the country, and set a model for others in Europe to follow.

>La profezia di Soros è corretta, perché M5S, raccogliendo il 25% delle preferenze, si afferma come la terza forza del Paese, dietro alle coalizioni guidate da Pierluigi Bersani e Silvio Berlusconi.

>A questo punto scatta la seconda fase della strategia per cui M5S è stato studiato, ovvero la sterilizzazione del voto di protesta: entrati in Parlamento, i grillini bocciano qualsiasi tipo di alleanza in Parlamento, bollato come “inciucio”, condannando così all’irrilevanza gli 8 mln di voti raccolti.

Women in power is always a bad idea. Just look at Germany.


ITT: retards that don't understand in Italy being under probe means absolutely nothing

hell no


I don't see how it's funny. If some up and coming political hotshot got pegged for a corruption probe over here, I'd think they pissed the wrong person off. All of the corruption that goes on and somehow the political elites make it out with nothing but a day wasted because they have to find someone else to take the fall. That's here though, Italy might be the land of honest government.

>if you're not with s you'r a PD voter.
looks like someone else who says that if you're not with them you're a nazi, am i right? really makes me think...
Hey, I'm not the one who made Marino resigned when he turned out to be innocent. (I know, this was actually the PD, but still. My point is valid).

"Sup Forums" (a hermetist poem)
>staying like in Autumn
>on trees
>the leaf

it the party's policies that make this funny.

Fuck off shill, we haven't had a government since M5S entered politic. And now Grillo allied with the most pro-european party in the EU.

Fucking useful idiots all of them.

Well said bro
People should see the Gaia dystopia - sold as utopia - by Casaleggio

Actually Grillo wanted to ally with them but got kicked out .

Except for Marine Le Pen
She's more ballsy than you'll ever be


>this is what caseleggio believed

And to think that M5S are professional tinfoil-hatters only add that extra layer of sweet irony...
>durr if he says it in our stupid faces it can't be bad

incredibile come gente incapace come la Raggi rovinano l'italia. Dico come cazzo puo la capitale di un paese G8 con il più alto nummero di monumenti al mondo avere milliardi di euro di debiti.
Italia paese fallito, ringrazio a dio di vivere nel paese confinante al nord.

women are literally big children, but somehow just because these children have a vagina we think of them as adults

A lot of 'yes' voters in here I see

because double standards. M5S expelled those who recieved a probe before and accused other parties of having criminals just for being under probe. so their initial stance was "If you are under probe you are a criminal because there's no reason to investigate over you if you have done nothing wrong"

Then the capital's major (raggi) gets knee deep into shit when two major scandals happen and she's starting to get a bad rep. m5s figures this might lead to a probe so they changed their rule, now you can stay if you are under probe, it just means they are investigating for your safety and nothing else

So now M5S should either A: hire back those who got kicked out because they recieved a probe (for they did nothing wrong), B: apologise to the opposition that got accused of being criminals just for recieving a probe, C: stick to their initial ideas and accept that raggi is a criminal

Because so far, they are acting like major hypocrits and that's what's making them lose credibility.

>inb4 you have to be a poorfag or a redneck to be voting for m5s to begin with

and went back to farage and became his bitch. not counting the fact that he pretty much switched side twice just to have relevance in the european parliament

I heard on the radio that the reason why raggi listened to Marra is they are lovers. Now that would be hilarious

seePretty cool

belli tripli

>Laughin in pizza-rotti

Aren't the corrupted politicians the litteraly reason for we can't have nice things

Her husband is a cuck

By the way (coming from someone who was able to get elected with 5S) but decided to not run (because agganci (ties) with some powerful PD people) 5S is our only hope. I liked Renzi, he could have done a lot of good things. But he feel victim of the corruption that infects Italy.

>implying she didnt ask about him to judge CANTONE the head of anticorruption

they fucking said he was clean

M5S fucked up. Grillo said recently he liked Putin's idea of freedom of speech and press. Totally hypocritical on his part.

>M5S is the only hope

Let's hear from you what's the other thing then.
>Again PD
>Again Silvio
>RuspaMan and his green underwear

Wish there was someone like Della Valle willing to sacrifice (Or, the best Alberto Forchielli) but we do have only these few and bad choices.

i dont have it, it's not my job to come with an alternative, but i'll be damned if i vote for a party who cant rule for shit, and believe in antivaxx

M5s is like an antibiotic, you wouldn't give it to a healty man but to an ill one

>believe in antivaxx
Trump does
>cant rule for shit
Oh yeah? Imagine if you were fighting against all the establishment and organized crime.
> it's not my job to come with an alternative
Just kys please. Classical italiano medio here.

This user gets it.
We do have terrible problems here, and it all started in the 90's.
Italy will be a shithole very soon, if someone doesn't try to change things. Rough times will be ahead of us, at least 20 years to get back on track.

Oh God user. I remember how hard euronews shilled for her, before and after the election, base on only " MUH FEMALE MAYOR". I wish you luck Mario's with all the honesty.

so the lack of alternatives makes them a valid alternative? this sort of half assed reasoning is what got them elected in the first place
>they can't be as bad as the others right?
tfw they actually are. if not worse.

M5S is more like a placebo. you think you would need em and if you close your eyes and dream hard they have any effect, while being completely useless in reality.

Honesly all they do is channelling the hate of everyone towards everything while not doing shit to improve anything at all. They are there just to be the opposition towards anyone, they either vote against anything or refuse to vote, in short, they are dead weight.

>Imagine if you were fighting against all the establishment and organized crime.

They knew what they were getting into, if they cant rule because they are too incompetent, too bad.
>Trump does

>Just kys
nice argument, this is why i dont vote m5s. they are exactly like the others. Only more incompetent. If i have to choose in the near future, i rather choose a competent corrupt party, than an incompetent honest one. At least the first one will not fuck up as much as the second one.

I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.

Stay strong brothers. Fascism soon.

>if not worse.
Please. What is corruption, Mafia Capitale, organized crime, stragi, euro, etc etc.

>while not doing shit to improve anything at all
How can they improve something if they're not in the government? Daily reminder that we are 5 YEARS WITHOUT REGULAR ELECTIONS

>They knew what they were getting into
Then you can't pretend they can fix all the problems in 1 year. Give time. PD had 20 TWENTY FUCKING YEARS and they devastated us.

Hurr hurr everyone who has different ideas from me is stupid
Just because someone believes something that MIGHT be right, there's no need to say that they're fucking crazy

>the first one will not fuck up as much as the second one


Hijacking the thread to ask: who do we vote for the next elections bois
Are we literally the only country with no /ourguy/?

No, actually the corrupt politicians have the nicest things and the most of them, the issue is that they dont like to share.

It's why Italy has been free from the jews for so long, everyone's a backstabbing asshole only out for themselves

Soros shills are all out.

>Please. What is corruption, Mafia Capitale, organized crime, stragi, euro, etc etc.
Ask marra and muraro. you guys have done an outstanding job in so little time.

>How can they improve something if they're not in the government?
By not being in the way? by not voting against just because you want to slow things down? by not raising hate towards politicians? you guys could "passively" being of help instead of being absolutely useless if not detrimental.

But Merekel was pretty g-

oh wait...

But at least that chick from venezuela did pretty goo-

Oh wait...

Is that even a question?

>PD ha 20 years
i think you are confusing with Forza italia :^)
>give time
I am more than willing to give time, but you have to recongnize that Raggi's situation is very bad, and she is looking like an incompetent fool. You have also to recongnize that the recent europarlament fuck up and the "the enstablishment doesnt want us" exscuse from beppe shown how incompetent they are.

You also seems to confuse personal opinions with scientific facts. You are allowed to have opinions and to express them, but when those opinions go against scientific facts then not only they are irrelevant, but they shows how much of a ignorant you are.


Yes that is what you should do in every field, why would i give a job to an incompetent guy?
But i agree, they did fuck up but they also saved italy from default. Hence my previous statement

i really dont know user.

>b-but muh salviniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii memes

Point one bad policy from Salvini. I'm waiting.

Meanwhile M5S has promised to abolish the crime of illegal immigration. Say goodbye to Italy, say welcome to Africa.

different user, i am geniouly curios.
Sell me on salvini. Why should i vote him?

to defeat the jew you must become the jew

I don't know what this is all about but that woman is fucking gorgeous.

I'd vote Lega if it wasn't for Salvini being its leader, no joke. Sometimes I think he's an actual spy him being an commie and all. At the very least he and M5S are useful idiots stealing each other votes to avoid a bigger right party to happen (and the m5s is fucking proud of it)

>Meanwhile M5S has promised to abolish the crime of illegal immigration
weird how they claim to be on the same side of trump's.

yeah she is. and that's pretty much her whole value.

1) he's the only politician who honestly want to put a stop to immigration and renegotiate euro (not like controlled opposition M5S)

2) until last year he was pretty isolated but now he would have international support from Trump, Putin and many other European movements

and how he wants to do it?

What about the internal problems, like the unemployed and shit.

>Salvini a commie
>M5S are right wing

Do you live in a parallel universe?

ex commie* my bad, typo. And the m5s base does have a LOT of rightwing people. M5S converts them for the PD.

>we Italians always switch sides

i voted for her, get cucked olympic fag

Grillo is already calling her out so at least they have principles despite their stupidity. I can respect that I guess

The only thing she should be in charge of is my DICK lol

>we will not do the olympics because we are too incompetent to prevent corruption so we bailed out preventely

ok cuck

Idgaf, I will vote for her again if I can.

>implying you have other options
I'd rather a dumb but honest politician than some corrupt old fart with a belly that snorts cocaine

>he doesent know what olympics mean with lots of corrupted officials

how is that midschool going for you kiddo?

at least shes cute af

Ben detto compatriota

Salvini is a retarded

>instead of fighting crime, we stop every public project so we dont have to
>this is somehow a good mayor

Ok cuck

>not even invited to the inauguration ceremony

>M5S meme

Typical gang of leftists.

he's right and you know it. they tried to appeal to the "common sense" of using money elsewhere instead of """wasting""" it on the motherfucking olympics
>because there's no way hosting olympics might net some money in amirite?
but they got scared they couldn't control corruption and they'd be put on the line if everything would've happened

let me guess, if pd was still in power you wouldn't have said a thing against them, you would've just waited on the side like carrion chewers, waiting for your chance to talk shit of them, calling them corrupts and whatnot?

To be honest I'mhappy we dodge that bullet. It's the only good thing the m5s has done so far.

>implying you can fight crime and fix stuff NOBODY ever did with all the establishments against you

Dont you understand they cant let her do anything cause it would mean every other mayor never did anything?

>Dont you understand they cant let her do anything cause it would mean every other mayor never did anything?
do you mean to say she's pretty much useless and voting for her was a mistake? never was i ever so close to agree on something with a grillino

your strawman is showing

prove me wrong? again it's all a matter of double standards, any other politician non-m5s would've been crucifixed at this point, raggi has to be excused because everyone is agaisnt her.



To everyone who reads your posts you are proving wrong yourself.
I dont even need to do anything.

nice argument. now i'm convinced.

typical grillino attitude, fleeing from arguments whenever there's chance.

>his argument are strawmans

WEW renzifag are really pissed at this point, are you ready to lose the elections?

trying to derail much? think you can give a serious answer or you gotta read it on grillo's blog yet?