wouldn't it be self defence if he hit back?
why is our guy being a cuck?
start fucking swinging!
wouldn't it be self defence if he hit back?
why is our guy being a cuck?
start fucking swinging!
Other urls found in this thread:
LARP'ing for money
What was he going to do, the coward just ran away. Chase him down the block?
>Our guy
Dude... weed lmao
as if any lefty fag is going to stand there and fight, they are rat scum, scurrying back off to their sewers
which is exactly why it's so easy to crush them and their pitiful little movements, they have no backbone
Richard Spencer was specifically designed to invalidate and demoralize the alt right.
Everywhere he goes, everything he does, embarassing things happen that make the alt-right cringe, and abandon the label.
He is a shill. He is Milo 2.0, that is all.
Hi, friend.
Kek, did Dick get hit?
Was a he bitch about it? I bet he was a little bitch about it.
>He is controlled opposition
>He is controlled opposition
Pick both.
There is a reason Hillary went full autist and started yelling about the Alt Right and there is a reason Sup Forums told you all that he was a shill.
he got blindsided and before he knew what was going on the coward ran away. hardly a cuck for not chasing down a man he never saw, especially in an area crawling with antifa and metal bars
Hello there.
He's a pussy. It couldn't be more obvious.
Holy shit are you really this stupid?
This fag is just trying to gain notoriety, and you are fucking helping him.
>i dont like him personally so hes controlled by a shadowy cabal
i wont stoop to your level and call you a shill, youre just and idiot
Sup Forums has never been alt-right so why dont you astro turfing faggots fuck right off.
civic nationalist, visitor from reddit or commie troublemaker, which are you?
I'm having a good day.
My political stance: Trump does lots of good things.
I wish we could invite Trump to fix Hungary, to be honest, even though Orbán is the best thing that is currently available here.
Whoopsies, sorry. I'm fresh off the boat from /r9k/ and forgot you can't blacktext here. I'm not from Hungary originally, to be honest.
an old Sup Forumstard now fuck off shill.
Who is this untermensch looking fuck? Another one of nu/pol/'s ecelebs?
It's cool.
You didn't really give me a clear answer when I asked about your political stance, though. Are you like, far right? A white nationalist?
>multi-racial democracy is the future AIPAC loved america goyim
there it is again, anything that opposes your own view must be some kind of paid agent.
go back to Sup Forums and stay there, youll be doing us all a favour
>our guy
Kill yourself. Friendly reminder that anyone shilling Spencer or any other "alt-right" faggots as our leader are D&C kikes
wouldnt surprise me if spencer got killed by some loon who feels the deed is virtuous.
face it kikes. spencer is controlled opposition because he is a beta interested only in his status within our movement. we are faceless trolls, "leadership" is pointless. fuck him.
>g-go back to old Sup Forums
Sup Forums is dead shill now fuck off back to
Because letting retards beat on him is power.
I did give a clear answer. Labels mean nothing.
I'm an ethno-nationalist.
White nationalism is garbage.
It is a plan to unify all white ethnicities so they can be dealt with more easily.
Ethno-nationalism is the only way forward.
>spencer is controlled opposition
proof or gtfo there's less than a dozen significant figures standing up for whites and Spencer is one of them
don't think you can do much with self defense over a sucker punch, since whoever did it usually runs away
better to just let the cops deal with it and hope the faggot resists enough to earn a proper tazing
it literally is
Good luck explaining that to the rootless mulatto autists from the colonies.
From my observation, all alt-righters are pussies who don't know how to fight.
Better learn how to scrap or enjoy getting your shit rekt by antifa everywhere you go.
He's not standing up for shit. He's getting beaten up in public by commies and crying about it. It's sad and pathetic. I don't want this fag loving sissy representing me. Fuck off with this pussy already. Get over it and find a new hero.
The guy didn't even have a pistol on him. And don't give me that "it's illegal in DC" shit. I lived in New Jersey for two long, unfortunate years of my life, and I illegally carried everyday the entire time.
Self defense in the eyes of the law maybe but not socially. If he swung back at a rally like that he'd just get gang raped on the spot.
Like you see in the media, the idea is that if you stand up for unpopular beliefs then violence is an appropriate method of silencing you. They look at him as deserving of violence, so when he's attacked no one cares, but if he attacks back they'd step in and hurt him even more.
What are you referring to?
>making whites look bad 24/7
>standing up for whites
hiya rabbi
jared taylor is the only /ourguy/ in the white nationalist movement
White nationalism is just a form of nationalism for Europeans that have had their ethnic roots obliterated and is no different than Africans saying they were Egyptians. In Europe there is no "White Nationalism" because ethnic identity is more than the colour of your skin.
lol Spencer walked into a rioting city with no backup to attention whore to media about Pepe.
If he was /ourguy/ or anyone's guy, how come he didn't think to bring two guys as backup?
He got hit in the head with a wrench. I'd like to see you take it.
I'm not a fan of violence, but I'm struggling to give a fuck if Nazis get punched in the face.
A private citizen can murder someone over something they said and it's not their right to free speech that is being violated. A private citizen can NEVER do anything that violates someone's right to free speech. It protects you from the government, not other people.
If he swung back, it would be labeled as a fight, not an attack by the media.
I'd take a punch on national television if I thought it furthered my cause. The more the left show themselves as true fascists with the use of violence to shut down free speech, the more likely trump is to win a second term. You act like the preying upon trump supporters and violent protests did the left any favors in this past election.
1)Has balls
2)Is a rat and have backup of other guys
Pick for yourself, but I don't think he has the balls
If Spencer hit anyone the headlines would be
He doesn't have the liberty of defending himself any more. Hes under more scrutiny than anyone else while in public.
its better than having no pride in your ethnic background whatsoever, youre hardly going to have welsh nationalists, slovak nationaliats or czech nationalists all seperate from each other in america
If you're dead, you can't very well speak anymore, can you? Murder is a violation of free speech, among other things.
how the fuck is richard spencer a nazi?
First of all, I wouldn't put myself in the position where I'm talking about Pepe in the middle of a riot to some Marxist reporter as if violence wasn't swirling around me. But if somebody did hit me with a wrench, I'd shoot him, or try to. No go for Richard Spencer because he doesn't carry, which is an enormous red flag for me. And even if I didn't have a weapon with me, I'd still fight back. I wouldn't stand there holding my head with tears in my eyes like a woman. Which is what he did.
Look. He's never going to lead men. It's over. You've got to come to terms with this. As the one user said, Taylor's always been better anyway. A way more interesting man, to boot. He's weak on the JQ, but Spencer's not making any headway with that anyway. Duke's better on the JQ anyway. Spencer, when you think about it, fills no useful niche that isn't already filled by a better, smarter, more effective personality.
It makes sense in the US, but it has no place in Europe.
In Europe what we need is Ethnonationalism for every country and respect of each other's sovereignity.
He is not out guy
It's a colonial construction to unite ourselves agianst the natives and it created the USA, Australia, Canada and new ZealAnd.
If Europe hard United during the early 20th century we would have had a majority white Africa and possibly India by now.
He is autistic, cringey and untermensch. He gives the left all the fuel they need to point and laugh at the right
>out guy
Even if it's justified us white nationalists need to avoid using violence because the media and cultural marxist establishment will always take the other person's side
We need to win minds not fist fights.
He's the leader of the alt-right movement, which is comprised of neo nazis, nazi sympathizers, and apologists.
I'm not wedded to Spencer in any way, I'm just a humble Aussie shitposter. That being said, if he got punched in Washington dc then he couldn't carry a gun. Correct me if wrong.
Spencer isn't for you, he is for middle class normies. Those normies have seen him get sucker punched via the media and now they sympathize with him.
Antifa and Jews are so fucking obsessed with Richard Spencer. They won't stop making threads about him.
How would he "hit back" when the guy was gone before he could even see him?
Maybe. If you start down the road of WN then the argument about nation of Immigrants gains validity. I say we are not a nation of immigrants we are Anglo Saxons and we built our countries and our Homelands flag flies proudly in the top left corner of ours for a reason.
From tradition comes culture from culture comes identity. Protect traditions passed on from older generations and repudiate the leftists when they say you are white and we are a nation of white immigrants.
>i would unsheath my katana and lay down some hurt alongside my elite and highly trained bodyguards
>i wouldnt start crying! im real tough!
>stoop down to their level
But why?
a tiny minority, not comprised of. do you get all this information from msm?
As I said already the law is no excuse. Either you value your own life and the lives that depend on you, or you don't. No law is going to stop a man from defending his own sovereignty. I carried illegally when I had to, so should he have. But even if he didn't, he shouldn't have put himself in such a preposterously insecure position in the first place. It was stupid.
And the only people who sympathize with him are fellow betas who also would have broken down in tears like he did. Those sorts of people don't advance causes anyway.
Go fuck a kangaroo. And take your little crying woman-man Spencer with you to watch in the corner.
No one even cares about him. He has never been associated with Sup Forums before hailgate. Just some TRS faggot
i fully agree, and i would be purely an ethnonationalist under any other circumstances, but with the state that the west is in today we havento be pragmatic and support ourmown, even if it is on a rather broad scale
He's a Jew or antifa m8. Stop responding to him.
He just wants an excuse to form his private defense corp.
Not gonna happen until he man up
lol, you really scared me there tough guy. just how tough are you if you have to bring a gun with you everywhere you go to protect yourself from a fucking punch? and you have the cheek to call richard spencer weak... you wont even show your face
>the only people that would sympathize with him are betas anyway
their votes count just as much as yours do during midterm elections and to stand up peacefully to violence resonates in a nation that has christian roots. You're not thinking of the bigger picture here because you're more concerned with your own pride and a "man if I were there I'd have shot em yeah!" attitude than the well-being of your country. Your kind hurts this movement more than it helps it.
>he should have carried illegally and given the media a field day with their endless coverage
so you're just retarded then
Wasn't a punch, he got his in the head with a wrench. That's attempted murder in my book, shitposter. And I feel bad for the guy. Nobody should get hit in the head with a wrench for talking about a cartoon frog. But he knew his enemies were gathering around him, and he let his guard down anyway. Either that or he is so fucking dumb he didn't sense the danger of the situation he put himself in. Either way, he's useless to me. You can follow that clown if you want. Count me out. I just don't respect him.
And by the way, that's why he got assaulted. He was sized up as weak, and attacked accordingly.
He's the President of the NPI, young, and getting mainstream attention, a position that someone like David Duke will never enjoy again.
You guys are fucking obsessed. If you hate him so much, stop talking about him.
At least you can identify Chad's motives.
he's not our guy. He acts like a cuck because he is one, he is the definition of a cuckservative. And everyone should stop talking about him. Cause he's a faggot. What about our man Gavin McInnes fighting back, at least he doesn't make the right look like pussies youtube.com
The guy is a troll/shill who thinks randomly shooting someone who didn't even bruise you on the streets would solve anything.
No he doesn't. He thinks he can appeal to masculine insecurity to undermine a political opponent.
No, I'm concerned with a movement led by a pussy like this and his little followers who make excuses for his unacceptable behavior. Any movement with such "leaders" is doomed to failure. He's too stupid and too soft to lead anybody but the stupid and soft.
>so you're just retarded then
So you're telling me who obey all gun laws just because Democrat politicians tell you to? Who's the retarded one? Do you value your life or don't you?
>Richard Spencer, a white nationalist who names the Jew is a cuckservative
>but Gavin McInnes, the guy who does nothing but complain about feminism and said he was proud that Americans "beat the Nazis", and is literally part of Rebel Media, an organization run by Jews, isn't
You guys really are desperate.
He's not young. He's a 40 year old man, ffs. You Spencer shills are truly delusional. And all of the mainstream attention he has gotten so far has been a perpetual stream of shame and embarrassment. I'll do you one better, I don't believe for a second he hasn't herded anybody into the cause who wasn't already sympathetic to it.
There's no evidence at all that he's actually achieved anything of substance at all.
is he /ourdarknight/
seriously he turn the cheek like a messiah figure lol
Sup Forums isn't part of the alt-right and spencer isn't our guy
Sup Forums is Sup Forums
now fuck off
>richard spencer is a cuck
>but here have gavin mcinnes instead xD
what the fuck has happened to Sup Forums recently?
Sup Forums is literally a wing of plebbit now
1) He was concussed
2) The guy that punched him ran away before he even regained his balance
There was no fight to be had. Fucking kill yourself you retard.
What's wrong Sup Forums? Look into the mirror with Spencer and suddenly you don't like it?
From where I'm standing, you Spencer shills are the trolls.
Even after the string of embarrassments you're still shilling for this guy. His currency plummets by the day, so good luck with that.
how do you do fellow centipedes?
hello rebbit
stop punching right you stupid cunt, we are doing more harm by pointing the finger at eachother by being too hard or too soft than one man ever could.
the left wants the right divided because they know that a right wing that works together despite minor differences will actually get shit done
Donald Trump is a narcissistic baby and people that like him are lolcows.
You have to go back.
>he post this on Sup Forums
Fuck off cancer
It's a real simple question - nigga says he a leader - how come he keeps walking into riots and shit without a crew?
>He's a 40 year old man, ffs.
I mean relatively, to be in that position, compared to people like Duke, Jared Taylor or Kevin MacDonald.
>There's no evidence at all that he's actually achieved anything of substance at all.
Maybe if you autists stopped giving him attention that would be true. The fact though is that he's now at over 40k followers on Twitter, up from 7k followers from last year, his ideas keep being given more exposure because you can't stop being obsessed with him, and NPI has been constantly growing.
No no, you said he should have been illegally carrying. You're retarded for saying that Richard Spencer, a high-profile individual attached to the alt-right for the vast majority of voters, should have been illegally carrying a gun while on national television. You're saying he should have given the media a fucking field day with coverage demonizing him, calling for his arrest, and following it like nobody's business.
That's why you're retarded, you can't understand the difference between a random private citizen such as yourself and him in the eyes of the public.
>do you value your life?
enough not to put myself in the situation he put himself in but if things like this continue then it will show positive results in the midterm elections and the next general election.