Where is the #WomanMarch for this?

>ISIS Enshrine a Theology of Rape

>He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her.

>“I kept telling him it hurts — please stop,” said the girl, whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God,” she said in an interview alongside her family in a refugee camp here, to which she escaped after 11 months of captivity.

>“He kept telling me this is ibadah,”she said, using a term from Islamic scripture meaning worship.

>“He said that raping me is his prayer to God. I said to him, ‘What you’re doing to me is wrong, and it will not bring you closer to God.’ And he said, ‘No, it’s allowed. It’s halal,’ ” said the teenager, who escaped in April with the help of smugglers after being enslaved for nearly nine months.


Also Trump's Deus Vult """Radical Islamic Terrorism""" when?

Other urls found in this thread:


>One 34-year-old Yazidi woman, who was bought and repeatedly raped by a Saudi fighter in the Syrian city of Shadadi, described how she fared better than the second slave in the household — a 12-year-old girl who was raped for days on end despite heavy bleeding.

>“He destroyed her body. She was badly infected. The fighter kept coming and asking me, ‘Why does she smell so bad?’ And I said, she has an infection on the inside, you need to take care of her,” the woman said.

>Unmoved, he ignored the girl’s agony, continuing the ritual of praying before and after raping the child.

>“I said to him, ‘She’s just a little girl,’ ” the older woman recalled. “And he answered: ‘No. She’s not a little girl. She’s a slave. And she knows exactly how to have sex.’ ’’

>“And having sex with her pleases God,” he said.


Well, who cares anymore.... Feminists didn't give a shit when Turkroaches tried to legalise child marriage, why give a shit now?


>$169.21 ……………… Yazidi or Christian, all children, aged 1 to 9 years
>$126.91 ………………. A Yazidi or Christian woman, aged 10 to 20
>$84.60 .………………. A Yazidi or Christian woman, aged 20 to 30
>$63.45 .………………. A Yazidi or Christian woman, aged 30 to 40
>$42.30 .………………. A Yazidi or Christian woman, aged 40 to 50


That's uncomfortable cheap.

that price chart is honest.
clearly women is worth less the older she is. this is a truth often denied in the feminist west

>12 years old
pick one

>whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands
How morbidly obese would you have to be to NOT be able to do that?

Fuck off ahmed.

It's always a fucking Turk

Put this cover on it and it will sell ten million copies

How much does your mother cost?


>can buy a 20 year old christian wife for less than the price of a modern video game

Damn that's a good price.

You do know that she's started in this show as a 17+ y.o.?

are you sure? source?

And you arm those fucks. but we do to so were the biggest assholes here.

Somehow I get the vibe youre one of the alman turks.

Just remember that 90% of these fucks will be dead within a few years.

Google is your friend you disgusting pedo roach.

>Why does she smell so bad,yet he still fucks her.
fucking hadjis man. just kill em all.

pretty sure I looked at the actress' wiki page at some point.
I dont remember her age when she entered lazytown being mentioned anywhere.

saying "google it" is not a source. source or fuck off

How did was she able to tell him that it hurts while being gagged?
these MOFOs need to die

kek... Germany btfo

Youre just a lazy bum mate.

>implying russians value old hags