If the US declares war to Mexico (like Trump recently suggested). What countries would side with Mexico? What would be the possible outcome?
If the US declares war to Mexico (like Trump recently suggested). What countries would side with Mexico...
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Nobody. All of Latin America hates you.
>Mexico losing again.
>Northern Mexico is now American territory
>Trump declares war on Mexico
>The government, cartels and defense groups start working together using weapons supplied by the US themselves under Obama
Yall ready for Vietnam 2.0?
Pretty sure Central Americans wouldn't, most Central American-Americans I've met detest Mexicans.
> What is a non-citizen status
Mexi-Bro, dont worry, its gonna be cool.
Trump is just a negotiator, thats his thing.
he opens up negotiations with war, but he really just wants you guys to play ball. Then we can clean both our countries up, and your people wont feel the need to flee to the united states, of all places.
and really though, why would you want to come here.
Isnt it apparent that the american dream is a bit of a lie?
The Cartel makes money on the US. If anything the CIA cod just bribe them out. Theyre not loyal to mexico.
A better question is what would constitute an American victory?
Annexation of Mexico? The immigration problem will be ramped up to 11 with that. So would even be americas goal?
we've decided that australians are going to colonize mexico. free tacos and beer for all australians
>What countries would side with Mexico
If everyone in central and south america teamed up with mexico what exactly would you have? how many burros does it take to oppose one Abrams?
lots of dead fucking beaners.
>working to shorten the duration of a war
nigga, please.
>A better question is what would constitute an American victory?
if we decided to defend our borders like australia does. Unfortunately all the libtards think it's a great thing to import somalians and nicaraguans etc., because their countries suck but of course the people there had nothing to do with that; they're all wonderful people who will fit right in.
Annexation and Destroy the corrupt mexican goverment and erase drug cartels in the Northern Mexico?
i know one possible outcome, which is i'll get to rape a few gringas and finally lose my virginity
>the corrupt mexican goverment
No offense, but that's such an ingrained part of your culture it will never go away. Expecting a non-corrupt government in mexico or central america is like expecting the middle east shit to go away just by sitting around a table and realizing that Shia and Sunni and Jews and all the other factions are all just normal nice people who only needed to talk a bit.
Only reason I see why USA would go to war with mexico is over oil.
which Im pretty sure is the undertone of all this sabre rattling.
USA is a corporation run "country", not an ethnic based one.
Canada would side with Mexico. They would bring their unorthodox "if you lose the war you win" strategy to the table.
>A better question is what would constitute an American victory?
America wouldn't win.
America's military supremacy is due to overwhelming force like nuclear capability and air to ground weapons, but at the same time the American population is too cucked to condone total destruction because of "muh innocent civilians."
It's only in extraordinary circumstances that the fag Americans would permit outright war against a pathetic minority-olympics country like Mexico without chimping out like Vietnam.
Imagine how easily the US could wipe out Mexico if they just said fuck it and started blazing everything in sight. But this isn't considered "moral" so the US can only fight with one hand. Without total destruction you just end up in a never-ending meme war which you eventually have to concede.
Militarily Mexico would get fucked instantly.
Any country in North or South America who sides with Mexico, thus against the USA, would get fucked up as well.
The Mexican government would likely devolve into a even more disorganized chaotic mess than they are now.
The average Mexican would be completely without imports or the ability to export good and so the economy would flat line within days.
Any rush on the US border would be a bloodbath as the US military would have 24/7 drone and armed patrols and likely artillery and mine fields deep into Mexican territory.
Finally, the scavengers that are the south american's would flood into Mexico and kill/steal/destroy anything the US leaves behind.
TL;DR: Mexico would die.
as an argie mexico and argentina are the most hated countries of the region so i agree
Why the fuck would they go to war with Mexico? What, are they going to annex the border along Mexico? Oh no, I'm sure Mexicans would hate that:
>Everyone, retreat back to Guatemala so we can get social security and then move to NYC unquestioned
To have a land war you do need to have something to war over. American can punish Mexico, but they're not going to start bombing them.
>Only reason I see why USA would go to war with mexico is over oil.
Jesus fucking christ the USA is not going to war with mexico for any reason at all.
>If the US declares war to Mexico (like Trump recently suggested).
This tread is moot. It's based on OPs imagination. May as well play fort.
ITT: El Presidente of mehico goes on to the Sup Forums to search for international allies.
And women. I wanna nob gobbling goblin of my own, that way I can fantasise I'm Yeb!
Nice copy paste you retard
Also, Trump has not suggested a war with Mexico.
There would be no need for war, we could just go in and install a competent government. Mexico has no real military.
“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,”
Mexico has always been a neutral country. It has Europe support as they received a lot of immigrants during WW 1 and 2. Plenty of jew population as well - Mexico is liked way more than the U.S.A and this is a fact. Also, U.S.A people, why don't you have a real country name anyway? lol
sell Mexico to Chile and pay for Great Wall
On MSNBC on Wednesday, journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, “Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”
“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,” Trump responded Wednesday.
That's just an asshole journalist bating Trump and Trump making his usual off-the-cuff toughguy remark. NOBODY INCLUDING TRUMP HAS ANY DESIRE TO DESTROY A DEAD FUCKING COUNTRY.
We don't need one, we just go by America.
Also this:
Mexico is currently a member of nato.int
Listen, Chan, I know China is flooding Aus with you slant eye chinks but at least learn to speak English before you start talking politics.
Mexico is already on the verge of collapse and possible civil war over the governments inability to govern. A war with the United States of America would likely be the end of any Mexico as we know it.
Also, fuck off you dog eating gook.
>NATO members waging war in the New World
Good luck with that faglords.
Can't wait for Croatia to roll across the Atlanta and tell us what's up.
who is going to commit suicide over mexico?
There wouldn't be a War.
They've outbred us. So, we'd just annihilate their country.
We could send like 15 M1 Abrams across the border and Pena Nieto would surrender quicker than a Frenchman with a white flag taped to each of his hands.
Mexico would not have a chance!!!
No. You will be shot. Tons of Latinas will get bleached
wow. Look at the new fag with this flag posting this post.
welcome newfriend.
Would you like to enlighten me as to the benefit globalism and countries regulated by it is beneficial to humanity?
genocide would be nice
Have you not noticed that Canada abandoned Mexico with the Nafta talks?
Literally no one gives a fuck about Mexico because it's full of barbaric people that are just as bad if not worse then the sand niggers. They don't have Pedophile Mohammad to fall back on as motivations
Literally America first. If anyone says shit we will either 1) cripple you economically 2) humiliate you 3) go to war or proxy war with you.
Trump is not someone to fuck with. Merkel learned that the hard way.
> declares war
> like Trump recently suggested
Pick one and only one. This is why people are building the wall around you Mehico!
Texas alone could take Mexico
>Mexico has always been a neutral country
This. At least with other wars you had an excuse of being a response from an attack or were against some muslim or asian country that nobody knew, but with México us different. Also the US has a lot of hispanics, so it would be a worse welcomed war than Vietnam.
>threatens war
in the old days we would just false flag some burritos, create instability, give refugees jobs and regime change when the time was right.
Yea, from the looks of it, Mexico is probably going to abandon NAFTA. Their media reports mounting pressure on the president to cancel the meeting with Trump as well.
Maybe OP just copied that question.
Hey, Jose, where in Mexico should be drone strike first?
Go for the president, first. He already outlived his usefulness.
Nobody, but if we started a war with you we would probably have to claim you as a state after winning because you'd be in ruins so that's a positive. Just hide until the war is over and then you can be American
no seas baboso
nadie quiere su tierra
bajate sus juevos
>defending borders
We may keep the boats out but we still let the Chinese waltz right the fuck in
without air force mexico would beat american military since they're all faggots and coward pussies. however airforce and high technology change the game.
EU would gladly take all your refugees. But only the black males ones.
Bots maybe? Scraping questions from Qora to slide other threads?
Your forgetting that soldiers follow orders and Mattis is not a pussy
Why would OP copy that? That's weird as fuck. OP's image doesn't show up in reverse image search either.
Well, Mexico is capable of making weapons of mass destruction, but I don't think they currently have any. You guys would be royally fucked if it ever came to war, whether it be nuclear or if we put boots on the ground. Other countries in central and South America don't have the resources, manpower, or willingness (as other anons have pointed out) to help you in such a conflict. So this Aussie shitposter is correct, lots and lots dead beaners.
I wonder if any actual americans would die, since you could just send the beaners and dindus of your army to do the work.
>Mexico is capable of making weapons of mass destruction
Do you seriously think the USA under Trump would even one second allow Mexico long enough to even consider WMD production? Seriously, who else would make WMD to attack other than the USA? Also, drone strikes on Mexican targets are much easier than flying half way around the world and having to use foreign air bases.
TL;DR: I wish a spic would make some WMD's!!!
--- Typo ---
>Seriously, who else would make WMD to attack other than the USA?
I meant who else would Mexico make WMD's to attack other than the USA.
>send the beaners
Not gonna happen, not when a lot of them still have family in México.
Well, maybe, but I don't know if they are willing to die for Trump.
can't wait to be a hired translator for the US troops and give up my countrymen who will throw no resistance what so ever or our "allies" who will probably never materialize any resistance either.
Mexican cartels would form their own countries and we would have another middle east situation but this time we'd really be thanking him for that wall.
ay dios mio
There has been no discussion of a war. There is no reason for a war.
Some asshole journalist baited Trump, and Trump answered off-the-cuff with one of his typically stupid remarks.
If Trump wanted war with Mexico he would have campaigned on it or would tweet about it. Nobody including Trump has any desire to attack Mexico militarily. We just want you to respect our border the way any country does, including Mexico and its southern border.
Trump wasn't lying.
How does stolen M4's do anything against a B1-B bomber?
ya'll ready to be carpet bombed, Jose?
Mexico is not a member of NATO. Their independence is guaranteed by the USA, which in a war with us is completely useless.
Pls dont kill me I'm a good Paco