Try to bully my country
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you will be flooded with swedish refugees in ten years
Poo poo head.
>ten years
Lol two
You border Saudi Arabia with Gays
just go to a cafe in oslo and you will see it has already begun
You imprisoned the saviour of western civilization.
Y-you have cute girls
You're welcome here Sven, if you're white.
You haven't been relevant since the Vikings or whatever the fuck it is you lot did.
But they work at least and pay taxes
Bodo and Fauske are full of broken people with anxiety and daddy issues.
I want to live there some day, so long as it doesn't go to complete shit in the next 10 years or whatever.
Your younger generation is probably just as cucked as the other Scandinavians, so I'm not holding my breath.
Something something Swedish Empire...
You've never been relevant, ever.
We're full.
This is true, after christianity made its way here we turned into submissive farmers with no relevance at all. We might have regained somewhat relevance in the past years but nothing real on a grand scale.
I would move to Norway except for a few reasons. I like shooting sports, especially competitive marksmanship stuff. I know that doesn't have to end, but I know it's a shit ton more expensive to do in Norway. I also like to ride a motorcycle as my primary transportation. I can't see that happening in Norway. I also only like to spend less than 3 US dollars pre gallon of gasoline. Also, I like ranch dressing and soft toilet paper. This pretty much rule Norway out for me.
this is a board of peace
2 °C
b-but we are world champions in skiing and chess
Leave your rectum out of this, Sven.
svensker hores ut som noen jævla drittunger som er leiseg når de snakker/skriver
you're also up there in whaling
Your lumberjacks are all scrawny little bitches compared to ours.
Norwegians use all the feminine words from the Swedish language.
Norway is the best country in the world, except MAYBE Denmark & Iceland
icelandic clay
That reign of terror won't last long with niggers and thai wives flooding your country.
How many middle aged ex farmer rentbrides do you see on ski jumps?
You locked up the man with the most foresight in your country and gave him a fucking PS2!
Joke's on jew, they are french surrender monkey's, i hate them all.
>Norwegian kids can self-identify as male or female
Norge, what the fuck?
>Norwegians are so cheap they have holes in their money.
Norway , I would like to have babies with your country
You think you're better off than Sweden while your supposedly based government allows Muslim migrants to get in anyway. Oslo is a mess nowadays.
Also wtf is up with the only green cars bullshit.
>inviting self hating swedes into your country
Is scandanavia just trying to fuck itself or what lads?
This one is true.
Yes, that is now like in regained lately. As well as exporting good fish, making cool weaponry and oil especially.
I don't know how, i love you guys. I was a little dissapointed in that you didn't give us that clay though.
>Norwegian education
I love Norway and Scandinavia, no mistake about it -- but let's not act as if Norway is better off than Denmark, the Netherlands or Germany.
Welcome to the world of Multiculturalism.
People shitposting about Sweden when Norway is in no way better. Just quieter about their problems.
Extracted crude even after refining, transportation, and emissions is inferior to LEAF bitumen.
your country has a heritage you are letting waste away unlike mine.
You were so cucked before the influx you spoke a foreign language as much as your own. I mean seriously, I can go almost anywhere in Norway, Oslo to Trondheim and your women will just speak to me in English without thinking.
We will build a wall
You misunderstood, he had the most FORESKIN, not foresight.
>Zero Hedge
Who do you think is running it?
Hva er det som er bakerst i sporene? Hele det svenske skilandslaget
Let's do this.
anders lad
Slett dette.
Jævla horekopper av noen foreldre, jeg tor vedde de har et (((åpent forhold)))
Vi burde skrive om konstitusjonen vår til å inkludere utestengelsen av sodomitter vedsiden av jodene.
I'm pretty sure the King was forced to do this speech after he said "Norway can't take in all of Africa" earlier that year.
>"No appanage for you if you don't embrace multiculture"
you shot their own king in siege of Fredriksten
>all swedes are self-hating
no, just the majority
>made Anders a prisoner instead of the King
>blocked anti-communist forces from UK&France that wanted to help Finland in destroying USSR because you are eternal cucks
Felles front mot bolshevismen.
kill a commie for christ.
You don't matter enough for me to try desu senpai
you border sweden
and you take quite some refugees
rural norway is awesome. oslo quit being nice except for the center a long time ago
t. studied in oslo
Thanks for the silver cucks
The Svalbard Treaty. Are there really people who live there for what....7 years to get Norwegian citizenhip? The catch is you have to be totally self sustainable.
Nej jeg vil ej, jeg elsker jer fjeldaber.
Norway literally had a plan if shit hit the fan in sweden to close the borders for all swedes. Even though it would violate a international law i cant remember.
Our government is strong and prepared, even if they don't seem like it.
Do your fellow citizens support this?
How can you say something so wrong? We are the richest country with 164% of our GDP in savings we have invested all over the globe.
We are also the spearhead of peace negotiations over the world.
We also have the highest level of HDI in the world.
Yes actually
Stop giving children to gays and lesbians fucking subhumans.
P.S Denmark is better than you.
what country are you from?
how shit is hammerfest/Karasjok?
T.guy with some money who thinks -48C is appealing
I like Norway
What country oiled up their arses and let the Germans march right through their country?
New Mecca aka sweden
Glorious to hear!
I like Norway a lot, but I just could not handle the $20 for a pizza. FFS
Norwegians are so smart they have their own bank.
pretty based desu
just finished a bottle of Linie while watching this last week
A slightly poorer, Christian and colder version of UAE
I don't think so little brother.
na ii su bo tu
nice boat
Of course. Would you gather your family and embrace a suicide bomber?
Just asking and also worrying that the Norwegians never get infected by the Swedes.
this is your culture, embrace it
I can't. I love you Norway.
Unlike sweden we celebrate independence and have a roaring passion for our flag and country.
Communist summer camps
AP will win next year.
>uploaded 2013