Do you think bullys should get punished for real. I have been bullied all my life and its still going, i have tried to do something about it but never has nothing happened to them... Anyone else have or has had this problem?
There's only 1 solution to bullys.
what a pussy
someone should take you into the toilet and urinate on you
hey guys look at this fucking faggot crying on the internet because he had no friends in life
you are less than a worm
You should be the one doing the punishing fucking pussy
If I were OP I would kick my own ass
Only faggots get bullied. You get targeted for a reason. Try changing your image.
maybe they bully you because you watch girl cartoon
>still being bullied
Start throwing fists
Bullies in Scandinavia? Wut.
rakkaudesta se hevonenkin potkii
nice cartoon girl homo is this your avatar on social media too
You would think this would be the same person posting this. Nope, Japanese people are just fucking savage and apparently all have the same view about people who get bullied.
Haha holy shit japan calm down.
Start working out and exposing yourself to uncomfortable situations to cure that autism.
>i have tried to do something about it but never has nothing happened to them...
It has to come from you. If you fight back, even if they kick your ass, you will find people supporting you.
But simply expecting others to do it for you will never work. You can go to teachers, employers, police, whoever, and that will make it worse in the long run.
Life sucks but these are facts. Just remember that bullies are almost always cowards who will find another target once you hit back.
w-what's going on japan?
To be quite honest, it either ends up in two ways
You become depressed and have suicide tendecies, or you become alpha.
I was bullied myself and i ended up good.
>You would think this would be the same person posting this.
Yes I would think so.
Have you tried calling them niggers?
if you are such a weakness maybe it be better if you was gone
>Bullying in Finland
> Bullys
In all seriousness, bullying is something that's kinda shitty, but you need to look at it as something that's teaching you to adapt yourself.
If you genuinely don't understand why people are picking on you, it's the shitty group instinct behaviour, where they pick on the weakest member. Either get good at bants, leave the group, or confront one of the fuckers about it and make them back down.
If you cringe or feel shame for something you said or did, that's your upshot. Just look at why you cringed and fix it.
wtf I no longer want to nuke Japan anymore.
Suicide by moose you absolute faggot.
Fucking gooks
>all these japanese bullies in this thread
If it's done to Adults it is Harassment which is a CRIME that will send you to Prison. But when it's done to children it's called bullying. What. Bullying today now takes the form of things like blackmail, extortion and physical violence: all Crimes.
Agreed. Bullying is a serious problem here.
Bullying. Is wrong.
Why are you being bullied user. What are they doing?
>Do you think bullys should get punished for real. I have been bullied all my life and its still going, i have tried to do something about it but never has nothing happened to them... Anyone else have or has had this problem?
Learn to fight. I suggest magic. You can kill people with curses.
well, being as how it's finland, they probably stood closer than 10 feet away at the bus stop, and maybe were even so cruel as to say hello.
Of course they should be punished. Depending on the severity the should get a severe beat-down or even death (in extreme cases).
They want the D!CK
Japan are mean old bullies :(
My son's school is very strict with bullies. I have noticed that a few of the smaller boys have figured it out and they bully the larger boys by instigating and provoking. Then they both get sent to the office. However, the little guys only get a slap on the wrist. Weird effect.
Have you tried being less gay, OP?
I will give you a respectable answer.
I was bullied in late elementry school, mostly in middle school, then in High School it wasn't really bullying anymore, but I got in fights that I couldn't win.
If I could do it over again, I would take as many learning center classes as possible, consider switching to a private school (if your parents got money) talk with councilors about alternate options. Make sure you eat a lot, go to the gym, learn how to fight.... but that kind of physical change doesn't happen over night.
Disappear whenever you can. Instead of going out, hang out with close friends, study, work on your craft or hobby.... just don't be a target man. Good luck, sometimes that age is just hell.
Fuck yeah. I used the goetia to fuck peoples lives up.
nuke them
back in my schools if you tried to start shit with someone because they're weaker you'd get lynched.
what a fag
whine on the internet some more ice climber
What about the kids who had extra arms and bifurcated spinal columns?
>maybe people on the internet will understand me and want to be my friends
nope, go cry into your bowl of salty licorice
maybe you can use your forest troll magic to turn their milk sour, that will teach them
>t. the littlest moomin
Start throwing punches son
surprised you managed to sober up and put your knife away long enough to turn on you computer
do you have to preheat the RAM chips by lighting a little wood fire under them?
stop being a sour pussy and stop giving a fuck about bullies.
>all the nippons.
who hurt you.
hey why don't you draw some shitty spurdo comics about your experience and share them on the internet
The main problem is that you have been raised to give a fuck about what other people think of you. Boo hoo mean words and cyberbullying. You're a retarded faggot for even letting them get to you in the first place.
stop being a sour pussy about it.
You don't have to be worried for much longer, soon the Russians will come and take back their clay and they will protect you from bullies
do you think people whine about being bullied should be bullied more? Yes
Based Nips bringing the heat holy fuck.
someone save this thrread
>>halp ppl no stop bullys me
>oh that sad what is your name
Mabby you should grow some balls?
Hell, I was bullied in school, and what did I do? I made my bullies cry.
Havent been bullied ever since.
there's my Hiroshima and Nagasaki reservations out the window
Stop being a little bitch and stand up for yourself
>soon the Russians will come and take back their clay and they will protect you
I'm. fucking. crying.
but u dont have to kill innocents.
bring a knife and fuck him up good.
its the only way to teach them a lesson.
It depends. If it's the normal half-hearted shit everyone gets then no, but if someone's actually being harassed or assaulted yes.
I'll be your friend finnfriend c:
Teach me, senpai.
Here's a solution.
They roasted the Finn user hotter than Hiroshima
My god
im reading these in a stereotypical japanese accent and holy shit its hilarious.
This thread made me wanna go to japan
Most people grow out of bullying before their mid twenties because it just looks and feels so childish. It's usually when you actually become responsible adult with bills to pay, child's to take care of or a girl to look after. At that point bullying just feels really childish and people tend to leave their past behind and focus on boasting about whatever they're passionate about.
The ones who never grow up from bullying are usually social rejects, addicts and dropouts who no one really want to have anything to do with.
No. Get good.
last time i checked japan got bullied by you guys and turned into the worst degenerate manlets/culture one could imagine.
Some banter is ok, but teachers and families should step in when things go out of control.
At my school they put a guy into the trash bin.
Not cool.
The year long psycho terror some should have to deal with is not cool either.
I want to be roasted by based Japanese
tbqh, bullying seems kinda good.
It targets the unwanted individuals in a group, for example obese, foreigners and others that dont belong to that group or are inferior.
I was bullied in school a little because I am russian. I got into fights with 2 of the guys who bullied me and they stoped after it or they were very very carefull and stoped after a serious look from my side.
Sadly I didnt beat up the 3rd guy, who was the weakest of them (the others were even bigger then me) because his fucking mother came to school twice because her pussy son told her that people dont treat him like the pussy he is.
I was afraid of his mother and I suffered from his bullying but its over now.
tl;dr bullying is a natural reaction to restore tribal structure.
Yes. Use knife or blunt object
Very important to beat him, or this will haunt your whole life
I think women should be subsidised to bully us
Oh my. I guess when you're nuked twice you stop giving a shit about trivial scandy bullshit
i can protect you
Bullies are a necessary part of life to ensure you don't grow into a little bitch.
I mean physical bullying not
>someone's being mean to me on twitter but I'd how to stop
>if only I could just not be on twitter.
>Thinks we bullied Japan
Haha, you're crazy. The nips have been a warrior nation for centuries! All we did was tell them to sit the fuck down for a minute. What we did was terrible but it woke them the fuck up, didn't it? Now they understand the power of science and have become one of the most technologically advanced cultures in the world. And we promise to protect them because we like them. It didn't feel good being at war with Japan, after seeing how badass they've always been. I mean, they have fucked over Russia and China singlehandedly. They're not a nation you want to fuck with.
You people are some of the wimpiest twinks I've ever seen, you couldn't protect yourself from a paper bag.
>somebody tries to bully you
>fight him
>win or lose, you won't ever be bullied again
Bullies have dozens of victims to choose, they're not gonna waste their times on someone who will defend itself, even if they can beat it it's not worth the effort.
Sucy is a bully who needs to be disciplined harshly with her own broom.
I never knew the Japanese were so based. Holy kek.
Do you need a friend op? I'm here if you need someone to talk to q:^3
1 post by this ID.
Cool thread.
i am trap so its ok
obviously proxy switching u dumb cunt
>obviously proxy switching u dumb cunt
Makes me happier to think a group of nips ganged up against a cuck
I feel you fellow Pekka.
Dealing with school bullies is easy, just fight them back. Dad will be proud, Mom will forgive you, and school will barely slap you on the wrist.
The bullies will respect and fear you for it too. And you get to learn a valuable lesson about self defense.
The adult bullies are more complicated though.
>be bullied
>cannot hit the fucker because I would be fucked up by law
Middle school sucked ass.