Post your "friend's" liberal tears.
Post your "friend's" liberal tears
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The part that amazes me is that NOBEL PRIZE WINNER PAUL KRUGMAN and others have not pointed out that even if we pay for the wall, it will stimulate the economy just like how WW2 pulled us out of the Great Depression.
Funny how making tons of shit to blow up actually helped more than all the gibs me dats in the New Deal.
Almost lost a close friend after calling her ungrateful as fuck after she called Straya Day invasion day kek
build bridges not walls
coz we were still at full export capacity while the world was involved in a total war which destroyed all competitive economic infrastructure.
rosevelt tried giving people jobs to dig holes and fill them back up. only works when u drop 2 nukes on japan .
every time I see one of the people i know to be abject waste of space degenerates who can't even hold down a job at walmart post an antifa meme and shout "fuck trump fuck white people" to the heavens I have the urge to reveal my powerlevel, but then i realize that the only long term solution to them is letting them push the issue past it's breaking point and for the common man to pull the trigger themselves
Remember when we were afraid of the "fema death camps" and the security state the democrats have been building for the last few decades? They never thought they'd lose control and have it used on themselves. All of their infrastructure for domestic suppression is now in the hands of "literally hitler"
We can build the bridges after we build the moat in-front of the wall.
Trump is doing what he said he would do. Let this be an example to all politicians around the world.
Fuck yeah! Wall.
what's 14 billion on top of 9 trillion?
hitler had literally this idea and it worked, just look at the autobahn. in fact it worked too well, thus WW2.
we're rebuilding the bridges too, but with american companies and american labor. Not Foreign engineering conglomerates who undercut on their contract bids then apply for H1B1 visas to hire mexicans since skilled labor won't work for minimum wage.
I truly believe we must join together with libtards and social justice warriors if we are ever to defeat our true enemy.
Our true enemy is the high functioning psychopath- they exist in all positions of power, not just in politics.
They are responsible for the brainwashing of the SJWs.
Please find it in your heart to forgive them, they know NOT what they do.
It also helped that the marshall plan required constant supply fro the US
> cucks are pretending they care about economics and tax payers money spending
My former Japanese teacher shares anti-Trump news and video clips on normiebook daily.
Also my dad thanks Obummer was the greatest president in a long time, something I've tried to disprove to him for a long time.
Everytime I tried his retort would along the lines "Awww, did you learn that from the in-tur-netz?" And when I managed to find something really convincing he'd say "we normal folk will never truly understand politics".
And this a guy who had no problem saying neekeri just a few years back. Must be the YLE propaganda machine at work.
Spending your way out of a depression is like fucking your way out of aids.
oy vey we don't need to spend money on a wall, we need to concentrate our efforts on being enemies with Russia!
Death to all Jews.
>777 checked and KEK'd
Only 14 billion? That's what, a weeks worth of gibs?
And what a glorious monument/wall it will be. A symbol of all the liberal/spic tears for generations to behold.
>we normal folk
Why do people think politicians are some kind of Supermen that operate on a different wavelength? They're literally just power hungry people who can lie better than most.
No forgive. They are a cancer. There is no curing that disease and it must be cut off to save the body.
I'm about to build a rake
Yeah, Sup Forums really hasn't caught wind of this.
They are attracted to power monopolies (corporations, politics, law enforcement within more hierarchical societies) and in the philosophies that oppose such, cultivate their own power monopolies (i.e., pushing Marxism-Leninism and Oppression Olympics within traditionally anti-hierarchical leftist movements).
This one is a daily source of salt. HOnestly I see so much of it on Kikebook I stopped taking screenshots.
A depression constitutes negative growth in the real economy, retard. Not the government budget. Spending is quite literally the only way to get out of it.
Some girl I had a crush on back in high school wrote anti brexit rants on Facebook, I felt sick I deleted her
This one is from a cuck who was so distraught they left Kikebook altogether and is probably suicidal, from a long time ago lol
Good man.
Just in general
You really can't hold anything against them. They mean well but many times it seems like they're operating on pure instinct that's had malicious intentions planted into it as ideas. Keep in mind, the liberals dream took a major bliw and are just more Redpilled for it. We can MAGA, but we have to work together.
Trump pushing through with dapl AND keystone pipelines doesn't help unit us.
Gutting Medicare and Medicaid and making it less efficient doesn't help any of us either
JA: No, that’s true. There’s a battle between all of these things going on. I don’t see a difference between government and big corporations and small corporations. This is all one continuum; these are all systems that are trying to get as much power as possible. A general is trying to get as much power for his section of the army, and so on. They advertise, they produce something that they claim is a product, people buy it, people don’t buy it, they complexify in order to hide the flaws in their product, and they spin. So I don’t see a big difference between government and nongovernment actors in that way. There is one theoretical difference concerning the ability to deploy coercive force, but even there we see that well-connected corporations are able to tap into the government or courts and are consequently able to deploy coercive force by sending police to do debt requisition or kick employees out of the office.
from "When Google Met Wikileaks", that's a quote from Julian Assange.
I've seen type of post many times. They 'innocently' ask why do people like Trump, but what they really to post was 'fuck drumpf and fuck white people'
Keynisianism should have died when the great depression just kept getting worse.
Surprisingly nobody has made any posts about Trump, I guess we don't talk much about him here but it seems the 40+ age range supports him, except women only my grandma supports him (because a woman can't be president she says)
I was going to post some great OC from this one fine arts student I know, but she deleted it all.
Most of my friends just troll her because it's funny so she believes shes doing gods own work but last weekend my brother met her and totally fucking lost it when she started speaking like a retard so know she is well on her way to being redpilled and she deleted all her cringy liberal posts form facebook.
She haasn't stopped drawing her shitty edgelord comics yet tho
The absolute madman
As long as the DAPL doesn't make use of eminent domain or significantly compromise the local environment / water, it is not an ethical concern and has net economic benefits.
Public health benefits absolutely need to be gutted to reduce dependency on the state, but not before the question of astronomical costs are resolved.
I'm quite confident that red tape is a significant fundamental cause, as certain medications that can cost hundreds for people to purchase in the USA via standard health avenues can cost cents in third world countries, and even a couple dollars in the USA to import from overseas or acquire in the form of otherwise identical but designated "animal-grade" medications.
The cost of physicians is also artificially inflated.
How has that worked out so far?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
what did they mean by this
>QE and the interest manipulation required from it isn't a clear case of keynisianism
Fuck off with your animal spirits, you bloody hacks.
> Spending is quite literally the only way to get out of it.
Planned, smart spending, sure; but not just any spending.
Spending always skews the supply/demand equations, and skews economic activity. You spend everything on highways and infrastructure, and in 10 years you have a 2000's style southern-european economy, ready to collapse because for every other business, you have 20 construction businesses, and out of every 100 people employed, 80 are employed in something to do with construction - which is unsustainable long-term, and will inevitably collapse into another depression.
Just be careful what you spend on, and what trends you allow to develop in your economy's fabric.
o my
Good idea right here
Another one, same person.
here are some of her drawings which she hasn't deleted yet, fucking disgusting and cringy af, especially drawing the cops as white, when less than 10% of the cops involved were white, and drawing the person trying to keep the universities open as militant. She better finish redpilling herself soon
Trump is the only thing that has made me happy in a long fucking time. What a time to be alive.
Lmao this is why america has the highest debt ever recorded
>American """ education"""
After praising Obama for dumping 10 TRILLION DOLLARS into meaningless wars and worthless social programs for 8 years, the Left has suddenly become fiscally responsible.
>Trump pushing through with dapl AND keystone pipelines doesn't help unit us
trump moved it dummy
>Lmao this is why america has the highest debt ever recorded
>>American """ education"""
I agree my post was retarded, but nobody in the world actually understands economics. Lots of people claim to, but it clearly is not a science due to the unpredictable human element.
The fact that a few clowns on Wall Street or in London or Tokyo can panic and then everyone else panics and we go into a recession is a pathetic example of how stupid we are economically.
It helps when government spending doesn't crowd out private spending.
thats hot
Go build walls around everything. Every state. Every county. Every city.
With that much wall building you'll become redicilously rich!!
My sister was shitposting on normiebook about how Trump was homophobic, when I tried to explain to her that Pence was homophobic but not Trump she got all pissy, she doesnt think Hillary was a better candidate but she supports Obama a lot. This was the first time I was genuinely disappointed in my family.
>p-please somebody grab my pussy
>Women randomly getting grabbed by the pussy
I really like this timeline, my dudes, but that timeline looks way more fun
It's a scare tactic, we're never paying it off and nobody is gonna call it.
Even my Dutch fb friends are writing rants about a democratically elected president in another country
Nobody cares, leftypol.
>im moving to sweden
And you're here discussing about a president from another country. What's the difference?
Wat kan jou het nou ene kanker schelen wie er in Amerika president is?
>tfw when I love USA more than almost half of it's population
>moving to sweden
Fucking hell
just 2 of my favorites from some wannabe dj in my friends
If we build a wall around Chicago I'd be okay with that
He never moved to Sweden. He eventually had to get a job working at a factory. I haven't seen him in a while....hard factory tends to change people. Wait until he realizes how much of his fucking salary goes to the government to support his fellow anarchists' welfare.
Just don't interfere with the airport.
He actually always was my good friend. He's just such an insufferable libtard now though. Real shame. Was a great guy. Even Christmas Eve at the pub he wouldn't stop talking about evil trump, amazing Bernie, fossil fuels etc
desu 30 trillion is a bit much for a fucking wall
It's in Hungarian, and less tears more like subtle smugness
Wish I could join fun threads ;_;
>implying I have libcuck ''''friends''''
stopusing facecuck and twatter
1. I bet Trump has that framed and on a wall in his office.
2. I bet NOBEL PRIZE WINNER PAUL KRUGMAN cries himself to sleep at night wishing he had never written it.
You're one of those faggots right? Literally no one cares about your opinion that is literally copied from the papers
>14 billion is much
Why are they so fucking worried about that money, but never care about the billions that are getting torched in shitty deals, for dem programs, that are being sent to foreign countries (not just by the US gov as some form of """aid""", but also the money the illegals send back to their families), etc.
I use it but i deleted the libs
why are you all blocking the names out?
they've been crying about scientists not running for office.
i said well what about Drs. Ben Carson and Ron Paul?
Those aren't scientists, they said. Those are doctors. we need "real" scientists.
i asked them why they thought medical doctors weren't scientists. They said because of that "little R after their name".
So they literally denounce science because they don't agree with the politics of the scientist... liberalism...
I don't even have a Facebook anymore. Twitter only so I can follow Pat, POTUS, mummy May and Farage
No, reddit, doctors aren't scientists. They don't do science.
okie dokie friend :^)
literally throw yourself out a helicopter
Jesus Christ the cringe
>fine art
>shite watercolor painting
I genuinely want to know something - why the fuck are "art" students always god-awful at art? What the fuck happened? Is it a lack of discipline? People aren't allowed to say that something is objectively terrible? Are they accepted in because they need to learn, or did they cheese out a portfolio just to get in?
I'm in a VFX/3D/film/game/autism program where you're SUPPOSED to be trained on how to make shit explode and look realistic, but other actual Digital Arts student just sits around drawing Steven Universe cartoons. I don't fucking get it. They're handed thousands of dollars worth of software that they can use whenever they want, yet all they do is make shitty cartoons. Thank fuck I was denied from their program because it's honestly a mess.
That being said there is this obnoxious goddamn tranny in that program who never shut the fuck up about the election. If it actually posted anything incriminating on kikebook, I'd have some decent examples. Shame my school isn't filled with enough liberals to actually make a dent in anything.
Nice one Britbong
Well, it should be "aren't necessarily," because some doctors also do science, but the work of a doctor is not usually related to research.
Carson did medical research at one point, but Paul is a nobody.
Ja man dat zal het zijn
Blanke kanker Ameriboo
Nice try Goldstein. Now go back to sucking out foreskins
One guy I know is posting stuff like "the first trumpet sounds" with a link of how Trump is oppressing fags with the First Amendment Defense Act and liking pages that post pictures of Trump at Wrestlemania getting beat up by Stone Cold
You need to spend to create public confidence to kick start the domestic economy again you fool.
Waarom ben ik een ameriboo dan? Je weet niks van mij af hahah aspie
Best one I've seen so far