>African migrant drowns in Venice Grand Canal as onlookers film him, laugh and make racist comments
Oh no..
>African migrant drowns in Venice Grand Canal as onlookers film him, laugh and make racist comments
Oh no..
If he was muslim, double oh no..
Thank you Mr. Poseidon.
i approve of this
>No sound
Yeah I'm sure they were racist comments. And those life preservers they threw him? That didn't happen goys, that is just your racist minds trying to make it ok.
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
>Move to a city that uses extensive waterways
>Can't swim
I'd like to hear some Italian user's opinions assuming they've woken from their mid day nap.
and nothing of value was lost
looks like they were having a jolly good time
wish I was there
>in fucking Venice
Italian on vacation, but yeah this is no surprise.
Italians 'allow' immigrants but we don'g mingle with them, we don't want them and we don't care for their feelings.
This vid doesn't surprise me one bit, we often act like these people simply don't exist.
>implying anyone in this thread wouldn't help him out if it was just them 2 out there
but if true get help. you're clinically a psychopath.
>film him, laugh and make racist comments
actually threw him 3 separate life belts, didn't grab a single 1. obv. wanted to suicide
He went under the moment one of the life preservers was within arm's reach.
I'm guessing he reached for it and immediately submerged because he was too dumb to keep moving his other arm and legs at the same time.
>only one
Nice racist shadow puppetry on the right side of the links photo
Have you seen the water in Venice? It was already too late the moment he got wet.
>helping drowning niggers
that's how this whole mess started in the first place. they need to learn it the hard way.
Russian education
I hate what the red pill has done to me. 3 years ago, I would have felt bad about the death of an innocent human being. But now, my first reaction was to laugh and be grateful about the fact that they'll be one less nigger in Europe.
thank you based Neptune.
Fucking subhumans, really.
How retarded can you possibly be to drown in static water?
This user gets it. Niggers have no place in Europe. The recent Siberian cold snap on central Europa proves nature wants them dead also.
Why can't nigs swim?
Meanwhile: Typical TV ad in Pasta-land
Survive sea journey
Drown in city or swimming pool
They cant escape fate
I love Italians
What was the fucker doing in the water anyway?
Wtf i love Italy even more now.
First you killed the trucker of peace for the cucked krauts. Now this. God damn. Italy becoming best EU country.
Fucking white racist pieces of shit
I hope at least 10 of your own countrymen drown for letting this happen, fucking bigoted shitheads
uh why was he in venice? nobody lives in venice proper except tourists and tour guides. this smells a false flag to garner sympathy for migrants
Roleplaying as a shark to pull white women under the water so he can fug them but he forgot he can't swim
floating turd
Trudeau got triggered
To be fair, it's Venice.
It was probably Chinamen being racist.
Those look like some jew rubbing hands with gloves desu
He would have been shot anywhere, dickhead + that case is fishy as fuck.
This video sucks ass too. He was thrown life savers and there isn't even any audio to prove anyone was saying anything racist.
It's a meme fgt
>dat pic
link to video where we can hear his screams for help?
Il posedione
Don't cry because it happened, smile because it's over
Seriously, why cant blacks swim?
They always seem to sink like someone attached a concrete block to their feet
Rusia please post yellow rape grin smileys, I cannot Google them to save my life, what are they called?
I'll do some diggin'
there's no sound?
peka face, yoba face
dude, watch this. it's like they all just die the moment their face hits water
civilized ppl can swim
which is funny since thw opposite makes more sense
Video with nice Italian sounds
Nasal structure, bodies are predisposed to African savannah/desert, no experience.
Thanks a million
Have a webm.
Thank you based Poseidon.
Uh are you kidding m8. Germans are so cucked that wouldn't have caught or killed him. Austria would've given him a slap on the wrist when he claimed muh sexual emergency. Sweden would've put him in 5 star luxury prison.
No. You eurocucks have no balls. The pasta-Bros are based
that gambian patriot, he d rather drown than see a gambia without jammeh
you're welcome
Why can't niggers swim
I saved someone once. I also got trained as lifeguard. I would NEVER try to save him Fuck him and his negro life. Should have stayed in Africa.
Thanks, based neptune
>thread theme
bone density is too high and they naturally sink. So all their lives they have been told to avoid the water to not sink and to not get eaten alive by crocodilian alligators.
This is now a drowning migrants thread
I'm shocked. Isn't shit supposed to float on water?
Actually the guy decided to KILL HIMSELF because Italy denied the ''permit'' to stay in Italy.
Lack of experience and their nigger nose. Bone density plays a role too, but water goes directly through the short passage of their snout and into their lungs which is why the extremely rare black swimmer needs nose plugs.
Africans have higher bone density which makes it harder for them to stay afloat. Their short torso, and elongated limbs also puts them at an disadvantage with regards to swimming.
>bone density
Is this true? Media told me that we are all the same on the inside
Why does the ape have dense bones?
no, I'm sorry to tell you but you're not white
One less rapist vermin to deal with. Fuck him and fuck you
But muh dick mfucka
We need mo money fo dem depts
Dirty white sociopath degenerate racists need to go back.
wtf I love Italians now!
Looks like a pretty normal nose to me.
Because they're Homo Erectus, user.
>le 60% meme
>Thx you Neptune
Why didn't he grab the life preserver ring? Maybe he wanted to die. Another question is whats he doind in the water to begin with.
No memes involved. That black man's nose looks very shapely and fine.
it's not like he was somewhere near the sides, he was pretty deep into the water.
He literally must have jumped for whatever fucking reason
Thank you based Neptun.
>when sociopaths try to rationalize
If he were to rape someone especially somrone white you and other sociopath degenerates would hope there was a video and beg someone to find and post it for your personal fap material
Holy fuck. It's like spraying an ant nest with the hose and seeing all the dead ones floating.
They literally don't even know to lie on their backs, do nothing and float ffs.
Based pastaniggers.
Honorary whites.
>At least three life rings were thrown into the water near the man
>nobody tried to help, they just called him a nigger
even in the same fucking article they contradict themselves
the Mirror is fucking shite
Blacks have no worth buddy, they are a cancer that should be cut away from civilization. The individual niggers hypothetical merits or flaws are irrelevant, he still 100% deserves to die.
Italians are cruel.
But I suppose this disaster is due to UE libshits hypocrisy, who force shady rapisty third worlders down the throats of people who don't need them or want them.
He would have been shot right here in my city (where he actually was), had he pulled a gun out on the police. And it's not a good thing he is dead, cause nothing has been cleared up in this case.
Have you ever been to Venice?
Walk out of the main train station and you will be immediately faced with about 10,000 Africans trying to sell you handbags. At night, the Africans go to sleep (or go on the rape, most likely) and are replaced with half of Albania which will shine laser toys in peoples faces and wonder why no one wants to buy them.
As if canals of Venice didn't stink enough already
I literally thought the same thing at first.
keep telling yourself that faggot
This very much. If a person is drowning and an inexperienced person jumps in to save em, then you now have two drowning victims.
Throwing the rings is about the only safe and sane thing to do in this situation.
And the way the press is playing this: "they did nothing". Fucking Yellow Journalism.
You are forgetting the poster is an American and therefore an expert on Europe.
Minorities don't kill or rape people in the USA.