But will this backfire on him? You know that the liberals and self-hating whites will say "but Americans commit crimes too, what's the difference?!". They literally cannot comprehend the idea that there is such a thing as Americans and non-Americans.

Or will this redpill the nation and the world?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Fake and gay

The future is so bright

yes, and yes


see if you can make it to ICE before they ICE you Pablo

Is this real?

--- Important ---

Do you know any company or local neighborhood hiring and housing illegal immigrants?

Have you or a family members or friends had an interaction with known illegal immigrants?

The link below contains a webform that will allow you to report to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) any and all immigration violations.

Also, if you find any violations that you believe are beyond the scope of ICE and would like to report to the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) please visit the link below.

Remember, violent illegal immigrants will not be able to hide and survive in the United States of America if they can not work or live without the constant threat of arrest and deportation. The federal and local resource to spot and report are limited and thanks to the online reporting facilities you can make a difference.

It can only backfire if there isn't enough material to matter.

>Do you know any company or local neighborhood hiring and housing illegal immigrants?
Every single restaurant, maidservice company, construction company, and landscaping company.

You have to go back.

Sounds like a good idea until you realize niggers will ruin the statistics for the natives. Liberals will then point out that, on average, immigrants are not more criminal than US citizens.

imagine how many jobless white ppl you could hire

Just so. But the companies prefer the illegals for two reasons:

First, they're seen as harder workers. Paco will come to work on time every day, sick, snowy, whatever, and he will never complain. Because he's depending on his meager wages to remit to his troll of a wife and seven kids back in guadalehara.

Second, they're less expensive. Hiring a citizen means you have to pay minimum wage, provide health care, and comply with all the rest of regulations such as OSHA, overtime, and worker's compensation. Illegals don't have those problems.

Really, it's almost a wonder that any whites get hired for low skilled and semiskilled positions at all.

The Emperor will wash all of heretics that are in the way of giving jobs to the people.

I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.


I like how they leave the "illegal" part out of that headline when referencing immigrants.

Come on guys, what the fuck? This is some shit a storybook villain would do. I'm more than welcome to seeing more propaganda about crime statistics from spics but a fucking LIST is a universal way of telling someone you're parodying Hitler.

I'd rather see a channel dedicated to 24/7 cartel beheading videos than a list.

>homosexuality is being pic related
K. Is this why so many men marry woman lookin versions of themselves? Hrm?

Is this schizo leaf?

Sure why not. Hows the duckface to go with your fuckface

Gonna quote more Bible verses, schizo?


No Ahmed. You have to post the source in the OP.
No source? No believing it.

He's such a fucking joke lol.

So how long until the God Emperor annexes Canada to save us from this fuck.

>Libshits mad that their voting base of welfare rats is having the rug pulled out from under them.

Fuck them and their cancerous ideology.

Throw memes and piss and debt at it

>The decision to publish a list of immigrant crimes is reminiscent of the ‘Black crime’ listings on Breitbart News - the far-right website that until recently was run by Steve Bannon, who is now Mr Trump’s chief strategist.
I've been reading Breitbart for a year and a half now, and never saw any "Black crime listings."
Are they referring to the track of violent gun crimes in Chicago? If so, funny of them to assume blackness.

Best timeline

> t. scared beaner

Time is man made so how does it have lines

Better start packing your bags Jose as the government in charge will no longer incentivize hiring illegals by making hiring Americans costly... aka lower taxes and less regulations.

Also, sanctuary cities are about to get fucked by the cutting of federal funds and federal enforcement of immigration laws.

In other words, if you are an illegal immigrant or a company hiring illegals you will now be prosecuted and risk losing your chance of staying in the USA or from being shut down.

TL;DR: The liberal mass illegal immigration incentivization of the Obama administration is gone. Hire American or face prosecution under law that has been in place for many years but not enforced by the libs due to political games.

Oh okay, you're not the schizo leaf. There's some schizophrenic Canadian who always shows up anytime someone says something negative about homosexuality, and starts ranting and spouting Bible verses and telling everyone they're going to go to hell for judging gays.

Funny isn't Achmed?!


Can you spot the bias, Sup Forums?
>Mr Trump has repeatedly promised to deport millions of undocumented migrants from the US. During the presidential campaign, he said: “We have some bad hombres, and we’re going to get them out”.

>On the issue of Mexican immigrants, he said: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people”.
Notice this doesn't say Mexican ILLEGAL immigrants, or even their politically correct "undocumented immigrants." It just says immigrants. That is a willful mischaracterization of what President Trump said.

Actual facts should not be suppressed.

The World Almanac is not racist. It merely states that blacks and hispanics are arrested at a much higher rate than other races and they also have a higher rate to contract and spread STDs. It's not racism, it is a fact.

Liberals claim we're in a "post fact era" but that has been true since they began ignoring facts such as stated above. A liberal will conduct mental gymnastics, if it means feeling less guilty. I have a hunch that most liberals that engage in arguments are only doing so to feel better about how guilty they feel. They have racist thoughts and assume others think the same things and think such thoughts are evil, so surely everyone else must be worse, if they're not trying to suppress themselves.

It's the same logic religious zealots use. SJW atheists are a paradox to me. They deny cults but are a part of one.

I uh um alrighty then.

He also wasn't talking about Mexicans in general, either. He meant the cartels.

Illegals can run, but they can't hide.

If we invade Canada, does he win?

That's hilarious. I know it says judge not, lest ye be not judged but it doesn't say you'll go to hell for having opinions. What the fuck lol Gotta love those cherry pickers.

That's Marxism dude. It has all the basic tenets of religion.

Only if you fuck his wife first

Do we let him watch or make him face the corner to keep him guessing?

He probably thinks its funny because here we do the opposite and censor the shit out of crime rates.

Face the corner of course

In the speech he gave Trump only said, "When Mexico sends its people..."

He makes no distinction between illegal or legal immigrants

>if it's not in the OP it's not true

You sound like a "dreamer" to me. Start dreaming up a way to live down MEH-HEE-CO way, spic.

I live in Bakersfield California

i'm sure illegals are everywhere

where do I start

NO ONE IS ILLEGAL!!!!! You should allow anybody to walk over ur borders and let them nest in ur backyard like u would allow a flow of birds to come to ur neighbourhood!!! Love trumps hate REEEEEEE!!!

Get fucked spic

Hey there Schlomo, you enjoy snitchin?