1984 became a best selling book after trump's inauguration


And in case you don't know what 1984 is.... it's a book about a dystopian future where the government control society with limited expression, thought crimes, fear-mongering, lies, and never-ending public surveillance.


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fuck off reddit sage

>he is incapable of criticizing his own government
>he CHOOSES to ignore facts and become more ignorant

It has begun

I'd rather live in 1984 than brave new world

The layers of irony


Trump just released a gag order on government scientists, and his campaign started talking about "providing Alternative facts to the public".

doesn't this worry you a bit?

>in case you don't know what this decades old meme book that kids are forced to read in school and pretend is about fascism instead of communism is...

Fuck off kike. The meme was played out the second the u.k. put a cctv camera on his preserved residence.

Only because the libs want to live in that world and they know trump wouldn't give it them

They have to immerse themselves somehow

Because the book IS actually about fascism and not about communism

Low effort, if you want a true 1984 hellscape look at germany.

Double plus good argument.

The quality of life in Germany is far better than what it is in the US.

You just live in your Sup Forums echo-chamber so you don't know this

lol wat?

it's aimed at both Fascism and the USSR...Orwell was a left wing anarchist who viewed the USSR a traitor to the proletariat

>released a gag order because former department employees were shitting up twitter with memes against their boss instead of updates about their departments.


And hence you dumbfuck libertarians realize 1984 was a leftist pitch and was all lies. The real truth bomb book was a brave new world.

say that again in 20 years

Stfu kike I'll have you in the oven asap

>Blind allegiance to the party, thoughtcrimes, doublethink, cynical exploitation of the proles

>Hmm, yep this definitely sounds like a world where a man was allowed to say president after saying grab em by the pussy!


This is the memo which leaked to the press:
"“Starting immediately and until further notice, ARS will not release any public-facing documents. This includes, but is not limited to, news releases, photos, fact sheets, news feeds, and social media content,"

That's far worse than what you are describing here, user

Same statist shit just different symbols.

Germany, Sweden, and UK are 1984 leftist shitholes.

You know what Ingsoc stands for?


It's about totalitarianism, which covers both. Read the road to serfdom or the origins of totalitarianism.

Fun fact: All the syrian refugees germany accepted make up only 1% of the german population

yet Sup Forums pretends germany is lost while they still enjoy better quality of life than americans

>party is literally called English socialism, no preservation of identity or heritage

Real fucking fascist sounding.

>tfw you get to the part where O'brien tells Winston the slogan can be read backwards and still make sense

Go to Germany and try to do something on a Sunday.

Obama was no different. In fact the PRISM program aka Big Brother was his antic. As was Newspeak aka Political Correctness.

>a dystopian future where the government control society with limited expression, thought crimes, fear-mongering, lies, and never-ending public surveillance.
Isn't this what libshits wanted?
I know they always wanted this, but not for themselves. Now they reap what they sow, fucking bastards

So you don't deny the cause was their stupidity in attacking the new admin, you just don't like it.

However the problem the book discusses is facism, not socialism.

Fun fact: there is already socialism in the US. democratic socialists just want more socialism to actually improve the quality of life of the american people.

>inb4 Sup Forums starts crying: "I'm against tuition free college and healthcare for everyone!!!! poor people should die and not be educated"

Liberalism comes from the word liberty, which stands for freedom.

How much did Sup Forums brainwash you for you to think liberalism is against freedom

Middle Class life in America is far greater than that of normal life in Germany. That's why their brightest all battle to come over here and your cousin undoubtedly sells beauty cream and electronics at my mall Moti.

>quality of life
Subjective. I don't consider more government monopolization of services an increase in quality.


If the scientists in question weren't trying to be subversive cunts he wouldn't have to gag them. It's not like these organizations had ongoing social media campaigns but suddenly someone labeled as a "science denier" gets in office and they feel the need to spew all kinds of shit onto the intrawebz.

Unironically thinking liberals practice liberalism now.

>All the syrian refugees germany accepted make up only 1% of the german population
So they should bring more of them in? Stupid logic since even the media makes a big deal about the refugee crisis

Also, are you the same libjew who posted in the HWNDU thread when Greek Jesus made a remark about the media?

Why does Sup Forums even allow kikes on here, again? I'd take a sand nigger over a kike any day of the week.

1984 is more likely about communist distopia than what awaits world with Trump as the president of the USA. But honestly all these crying and shaking faggots should buy Animal Farm instead it's better imho


Again, if they're so fascist, why is everything about duty to the state rather than the people?

woah buddy don't get too carried away both are just two sides of the same coin

Low energy bait Schlomo Abi.
We KNOW that they always wanted this, just not for themselves.
They always wanted the government to shut up their opposition.
Now that it backfires on them, they're scared shitless.
They dug a grave for us and now they get laid into it, the irony is delicious

Germany's median income is only slightly lower even though the US is overall a richer country:


They also get universal healthcare and tuition free college

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




>He calls the ideology which preaches freedom, liberalism, an ideology of slavery and thought crimes



Tuition free college for those who prove their worth. It isn't universal like Berniecucks want you ignorant faggot.

1. Marxism = not social democracy

2. Retarded fear mongering propaganda of the KKK is a retarded fear mongering propaganda.

If you actually believe "le the jews want to kill the white race XD" you might as well believe bush did 9/11

The word was stolen by shortsighted authoritarian faggots who think every luxury under the sun is a "right".

>things are always their dictionary definitions in practice

You just fucked your argument of ingsoc being fascist retard.

Can you say shit about the government, the head of government and the governmental party?

Then you don't live in a 1984 society

>Both are just two sides of the same shekel


Free Palestine

Trump is going to cut taxes for the rich, cut taxes that worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Tuition free college in the US is estimate to cost 75 billion dollars.

How come your government has the money to make the rich richer, but doesn't have the money for tuition free college?

They think it's a fucking instruction? Ridiculous.

You sound like a person who never listened to arguments by the opposition ever.

Go watch some youtube videos by "secular talk", and you will see what it's really all about

>they buy a book about a socialist society

Because degrees in gender studies don't produce wealth for anyone.

Good, now more people can be red pilled about the potential for a surveillance state and won't vote liberal 4 years from now.

>He calls the ideology which preaches freedom, liberalism, an ideology of slavery and thought crimes
No you retard.
It's what modern liberals made their ideology into, just one glance at kikebook and twatter keyboard activists proves my point.
"They called for a nonexistent wolf, when it came they were left by themselves to fend it off"
It's literal poetry what's happening right now

Obvious bait but if you kikes had read 1984 you'd know it lines up way more with liberals.

I mean for fuck's sake Winston's job is to correct the record, and he struggles with the concept of what the government telling him being different from the concrete world. Liberals want you to believe that Muslims are peaceful, that men are women and women are men only with the power of thought, and that diversity is unity and, and university makes us strong, diversity makes us strong.

I'm gonna go with fannypackjesus "Just look at the flag"

Most college degrees are not "degrees in gender" and you know this, genius

>for tuition free college?
For what use? So that anyone can get a degree and you now have to have a 4-year degree for even the most basic shit? No thanks.

Which is against their own internal guidelines.

Why is the government entitled to the money entrepreneurs create? And why the hell sould my tax dollars go to fund Suzy's Women's study degree? Why is she entitled to the fruit of my labor?

So that poor people will be able to step up in the economic ladder and fulfill the american dream.

>liberals shunning anyone with an opposing opinion is the definition of freedom

unity, not university. Fuck me, it's late.

>the book discusses is facism, not socialism.
>democratic socialists just want more socialism to actually improve the quality of life of the american people.

Liberals have become so redpilled since Trump got elected.

>Suddenly noticing Trump's cabinet picks and their connections to Goldman Sachs
>Purchasing copies of 1984

What's next? Will they start naming the Jew?

But most of the ones conferred in the u.s. currently are not tangible or legitimate wealth producing skills. You know this chucklefuck. Trades wouldn't be exploding if that wasn't the case.

>So that poor people will be able to step up in the economic ladder and fulfill the american dream.
At the expense of others, and that's not just including the rich.

1984 is heavily based around Communism, which is what the Left leans toward

How is far right Capitalist Trump anything like the USSR?

>1984 is the criticism of communism and facism.
Control through pain
>Brave new world for rampant liberalism.
Control through pleasure

Extreme right vs extreme left.
Turns out they're equally shit.

>muh double standards
>being the proto kike

Flags on posts have made any discussion literally worthless.
>Someone presents an argument
>Opinion discarded because its a French/American/Irisish/Brasilian/Russian/etc. poster and memeing ensues

This is ironic since 1984 describes the society the left wants to become.
I'm kind of annoyed that they think that they're the oppressed and not the oppressors.
It's like a skunk telling others they smell.

>it's a book about a dystopian future where the government control society with limited expression, thought crimes, fear-mongering, lies, and never-ending public surveillance.
uuuhh ueah, we've been living in one for a long fn time

Do you think it's possible to actually eliminate poverty? Devaluing education keeps everyone down. What did a decade of "if you wan dat paper, betta go to collage" do? It inflated college administration while devaluing real degrees to satiate affirmative action policies. Degrees cost more than ever, wages are down because of "democratic socialism" causing generational welfare recipients, and you wonder why nationalism and conservatism are on the rise. The fire is light dumbass, stay in your ethnostate or become a casualty of ours being made.

Typical Krautposting!

The government doesn't have money for either.

>He issued a gag order just like Obama and Bush did during their first few days

Dont forget both orwell and huxley were right

The best autocratic governments use both

>t. Schlomo

>wahhh they dont take my israel and germoney flags seriously
Because you always spew the same horseshit

Brave new world should be the thing more people read in read of that trash

Maybe we could look past that instead of ad hominid attacks and pointless banter, germanistan.

>Democrats don't realize 1984 is about a Socialist dystopia

Schlomo, these are the same people who think Animal Farm is about right-wing politics and not communism. Let that sink in.

liberals are so fucking stupid

i hope they wake up to the reality of their own indoctrination

I approve of literature in general, and anyone reading Orwell in specific. Lefties can't stay left very long if they're reading Orwell.

That said, 1984 is a fucking hard book to read. I put it up there with Crime and Punishment for crushingly depressing books that make you want to shoot yourself rather than go on with the story. Frankly, I doubt lefties are sufficiently literate or ideologically committed to finish it.

>Says the Amerilard
Why do Americans eat with a gun close by? So they can shoot when the heart attacks

wow i got tri ps and quad s in the same thread

I hope the syntax of that joke makes more sense in German, because it's about as quality as "one nut was assaulted"

1984 is a book about LANGUAGE. It is a book about changing and twisting language so you can tell a lie without actually lying.

It is not about anything else. Stop bringing up 1984 every time someone plays dictator, it isn't a book about dictatorship.

>Giving a German the benefit of the doubt when it comes to jokes
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