Why can't fascist men fight? Is that why they always lose wars?
Why can't fascist men fight? Is that why they always lose wars?
Other urls found in this thread:
>be Nazi
>get punched
Go back to africa,you fucking beaner!
Go make some rice and takos!
>be cuck
>put on mask
>punch like a woman and run away
>come back
>punch like a woman again and run away
>this is what a hero looks like to antifa
Trudeau greatest fascist.
>Be antifa
>Someone calls me a nazi
>Get punched
>Try to defend myself but I voted my gun rights away and don't believe in violence
>Cry on the ground and ask why they've done this
>They don't see me as human because they've already decided I'm one of them
That's not how you make friends, lonely faggots.
if only
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
>be supporter of free speech, liberty, right to free expression
>see someone who isn't a neo-nazi
>go full nigger and punch him
These poor liberty-loving Americans are being transformed into raging savages by his aura of not being a neo-nazi.
>muh freeze peach
You're in the Fempire now.
my grandfather used to tell me his WWII stories about sucker punching Natzees and running away like a faggot
>be antifa
>get killed
Why cant leftyfags do anything but sucker punch fbi informants and destroy working peoples property? Why they hate trash cans?
le Spencer didn't exist before 2017 meme
no video?
Good thing that guy is just a controlled kike lover.
>be mexican
>get a wall built around you
Sucker punching is considered fighting to you feglurds?
>why they always lose wars?
only the looser gets called a fascist
the victor gets to call them self's what ever they want, even if they are fascist's
Fascists are losers, anyone who needs to try to be 2edgy4grandpa deserves a punch in the face anyway.
The guy didn't even die there.
He went to hospital, got home, shot up some drugs and his brain ruptured killing the faggot
Suckerpunching one guy, destroying urban furnitures...
The left flies from victories to victories.
How can the winners of the US Presidential Election even compete ?
Kek, in France we had this antifa wimp from a rich family, killed in one punch by a carpenter trainee he was attacking with his gang.
Being triumphant about instigating a new wave of political violence is nigger-tier thinking. If you are capable of thought, imagine what the future could hold when violence against political opponents is normalized.
Let us hope it never affects you personally
they don't stoop to down to ooga booga levels?
he's not a nazis
nazis are socialist fags who were weak to the jews
Jews: Kill your enemy, tell others that they shouldn't kill their enemy
Can it be? A webm where Sweden is not displayed as Cucked? A miracle has happened.
This should cheer you up as well, Sven
Antifags pls go
be fierce aztec warrior
>millions of warriors with razor sharp clubs
>see one rat infested sailing ship
>see 7 horses
>see 12 emaciated soldiers
>see 4 rusty matchlock rifles that take 30 min to reload
>native mexicans numbering in the millions see the above and panic
>run screaming into the jungle where they starve to death, quivering with fear.
>with odds of more than 100,000 to one it should have been a massacre
>instead it became a joke.
>fierce meggikans
what the fuck is this guy doing?
he was wearing a sad pepe pin, which is a low energy pepe, if he was wearing a smug pepe pin he would have had the confidence to bring a canister of zyclone b with him to spray in antifa faces
:,) But the screeching woman ¨RÖR INTE HONOM¨ (don't touch him!!) Execute all commies and ¨fee-fees > everything else¨ women asap.
If a fascist retaliates, it only causes a bigger chimp out.
The only way it will work if they go back to Brownshirt organization to challenge the antifa faggots. Fire with fire.
Remember thumb outside the fist :)
Antifa you need to stop this shameful behaviour before it gets out of hand and you regret it.
>fight back and get thrown in jail too
>let them be violent monkeys so the general population turns on them, and they wind up going to jail one by one
Which one seems like the more intelligent option?
>Richard spencer
He looks like the fuckin young George McFly from back to the future
one punch with brass knuckle
I've been to Sweden, you guys kinda all seem like you hate foreigners on a very low key to me. And I was in pozzed cities... I can't imagine the rurals.
>you can beat people up who say things you don't like
we can literally say you started this lol, don't say we didn't warn you
that little faggot had leucemia and was lighter than a 16yo girl.
he was sent by his faggot antifa mates to suckerpunch a nationalist minding his own business
such a good fucking riddance
>Punching someone when He dosen't expect it
And these are the men that attack fascists
Well duh he was a white boy not a brown GOD!
>making excuses
>sharp clubs
Why the fuck would he fight back? That only gives them more ammunition. If you stand and take it, it just makes them look worse than they already do. How stupid are you?
Man is enjoying himself with a qt, seeing no issue here
Holy shit. They truly are cucks.
Lmfao at this autist webm
the cuck died a couple months ago it wasn't him
>if we kill them, they win
It hasn't even started yet.
there is no record of his death
sucker punch doesn't constitute as a fight you leaf faggot.
Haha, I had a feeling I saw the truck edit before
and he really did have a wrench. I didn't see it so clearly before.
>what is a macahuitl
serious question though, why doesn't he fight back? Why does he take punches like a little bitch 2 TIMES IN A ROW?
According to the girl. Of course she would say that.
Its funny because captain America and Indy would curbstomp commies too, but you never hear these nerd virgin antifas larping about that
Kind of a tough question.
Lefties refuse to have rational discussions, which is why they resort to nigger tactics like setting fires and sucker punching unsuspecting victims in the first place. So on one hand meeting them with force appears to be the only way of dealing with them on a personal level.
However, we are still the villains in the overarching narrative. They say we're the violent extremists, and if we punch back we confirm this narrative and theoretically lose the hearts and minds battle. Also, they can harass us on a personal level, but don't forget - we are the institutional hegemon now. Trump has been proving himself left and right to he /ourguy/ from the moment he took office. If physical violence continues for much longer, I'm sure Trump would give the go ahead for the police to crack some skulls.
>Sucker punch
Why can't communist societies work? Is that why they always collapse?
invariably someone turns on a TV and sees what Free market capitalism looks like.
Have you forgotten about the Spanish civil war, red scum
Spencer is a cia op, nobody cares about him
Remember: if you see a thread opening with two rhetorical questions that start with "why" and "is it", it can safely be ignored as shit.
Doubly so if it's a Canadian.
Shut the fuck up Frodo.
P.S. whenever you see these threads just sage
>be mexican intellectual
>get beheaded by cartel
Are you seriously implying anarchists have a better track record? They get massacred by literally everybody on every possible occasion, you are hopeless.
the people doing the punching/ rioting are fascists. Period.
No amount of rationalizing will change that