What did Trump mean by this? is KeK angry?
What did Trump mean by this? is KeK angry?
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why would he be angry who cares about a trap at trapped also assange is fucked maybe trump will pardon him for the bants during the election but unlikey if this tweet is true
manning btfo
What the actual fuck. Trump called obama a weak leader throughout the entirety of his presidency
It means Trump is your typical neocon cuckservative.
>tfw he's turning on wikileaks now.
>It means Trump is your typical neocon cuckservative.
yep. We're fucked
Hey dipshit. Obama didn't release Trump from prison. He's calling the dumbass out on biting the hand that feeds.
Is he saying Obama isn't weak or Bradley is ungrateful?
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
It's almost like he's been gaslighting his supporters for years or something.
Watch his ABC interview yesterday, he doesn't have enough good things to say about Obama and Hillary.
Second bit
Manning is a bitch tho. I read his/her column in Guardian yesterday and he/she shits all over Obama.
Ungrateful faggot.
They never bad mouth other presidents faggot.
>h-hes gaslighting his s-supporters
Hasn't he pretty much already fulfilled his major campaign promises? He's ordered the wall to be built. He's banning refugees and Muslim immigration from the middle East, and he threw TPP in the trash. You're gonna need a new line, bitch.
i means trump is going to gas trannys
back to tumblr, cunt
Get fucked by a rhyno magical thinking prancy boy
that and he never liked chelsea to start with. just more fuel for the hate fire
doesnt bode well for assange if he extradites himself. of course he's been dead for a while now anyways
Isn't this some kind of chess?
Liberals be like-
1) No Chelsea is right, so Obama weak.
2) No Chelsea is wrong, we agree with Trump
Obviously Trump can never be right so (1) is true..
Thanks for posting this. It makes sense. This tweet was hurting my brain until now. Maybe it's too early in the morning for me.
but donald, it's a faggot!
>this is what drumpflings actually believe
Mobile LBGTQBP extermination vans when?
the wheel could be right. either way it'll give the idiots something to chew on all day as he signs his executive orders
The pricks who should be rotting in prison are in the Collateral Damage video,, which is arguably the most important thing Bradley Manning leaked. The fact that they were never punished tells you who the real "bad guys" are. There's no shame in being a traitor when you live in an evil shit pile of a country like America.
That is quite literally not an argument. Those were the biggest issues he campaigned on. What is there left for him to even do? Obviously he still has to fix the economy and deport the illegals, but that's going to take more than a few days.
>During their private White House meeting on Thursday, Mr. Obama walked his successor through the duties of running the country, and Mr. Trump seemed surprised by the scope, said people familiar with the meeting. Trump aides were described by those people as unaware that the entire presidential staff working in the West Wing had to be replaced at the end of Mr. Obama’s term.
>After meeting with Mr. Trump, the only person to be elected president without having held a government or military position, Mr. Obama realized the Republican needs more guidance. He plans to spend more time with his successor than presidents typically do, people familiar with the matter said.
Despite repelling lots of his stuff, he has said only positive things about Obama since they met. Probably appreciated the help.
>mudshits get rattled with bullets
who gives a fuck? they were probably ISIS camera crew anyway.
See for yourself what they are saying:
That's actually fucked up. I would hope Trump explains his reasoning without making me guess.
I wonder how many times im going to see this copypasta
>said people familiar with the meeting
>yea, I wuz out der waturn da plantz n trump looked like he dun saws him a GHOST!
> Releases Manning
>Manning calls the person who released him a cuck
It's a subtle jab at showing why Obama is weak.
He's going to make the left attack Obama just to virtue signal support for the tranny, and make them look divided and ridiculous again. Probably just for his own entertainment. What a fucking time to be alive.
Good point Pajeet, I think you're on to something.
I hope serious Sup Forumsacks will turn on Trump after this, he's just as much a corrupt neocon as those who came before him. Disappointed, though not entirely surprised, to see him turn on WikiLeaks after supporting them during his campaign. Why oh why couldn't the anti-establishment feeling be used to appoint a politician who's serious about protecting civil liberties (i.e. Ron Paul) instead of this corrupt neocon.
>manning didn't actually call obama a weak leader
wtf trump is giving alternative facts again?
He did not use the sentence;
>Obama is a weak leader
And well, I mean, I could never say exactly what Chelsea there thinks, but I get the impression from the article that she thinks he should have stood up to republicans. Liberals give me a headache.
I seriously cannot believe how poor Sup Forumss English comprehension is
He's not calling manning a Traitor for calling Obama a weak leader.
He's calling manning a traitor for the treacherous things he did which landed him jail, saying a traitor should have never been let out of prison
Then he goes onto a different point - Obama is a weak leader, and even the traitor he released is pointing it out.
It's a jab at Obama.
>Obama: If you imprison your enemies they win
>*frees enemy*
>Enemy: lmao what kind of cuck would let his enemies go free?
>Trump: see? even the traitor knows Obama is shit
Seriously, this. Trump's just doing some early morning shitposting.
He's pointing out that Manning is an asshole. But...he used the name "Chelsea."
>implying if he called him Bradley libcucks wouldn't be using it as ammo
You realise that wasn't a shitpost?
Yuk, first time I've ever read a reddit page.
They don't even have pictures, the fucking losers.
Note: if you've ever had a dick, you cannot call yourself or expect anyone else to call you a 'she'.
New rule.
WikiLeaks turned on him first, with the tax return nonsense. It was an alliance of mutual convenience anyway.
Since when does Trump give a fuck?
What can I say? This upsets the Don. The Don doesn't like backstabbing, ungrateful trannies, so what? Doesn't mean he likes Obama all of a sudden
Gaslighting is a great word, and when somebody does it to you it's an absolute mindfuck until you can figure out for sure what's going on, fuck you all.
It turns out Wikileaks are indeed collaborating with Russia now / under the control of Russia. Sup Forums seems to think Russia is the enemy of our ((( enemies ))) thus our friend, but the phrase could be reversed. Don't forget one of the biggest treacheries of Hillary Clinton was selling uranium to Russia. They are not our allies. Have always been our rivals in all that concerns our self interest. Believing otherwise makes you a reddit tier shill
The word gaslighting also FAR predates tumblr.
It's a reference to a play literally called "gas light". When the husband turned on the gas lights in the attic to search for hidden treasure, it dimmed the lights in the house, the wife asked the husband, and the husband just told her she was imagining it.
Sociopaths and Narcissists do it a lot.
Read a book.
Your president watches fox news every day, buys into their biased bullshit then tweets about it.
let that sink in
leaf leave