If we set a date and get it out there do you think they would go for it? Think about it...threaten suicide to get what you want. How many times have we seen these spoiled children threaten to kill themselves?
Let's get this goin
Just do it you fucks, I wanna see the results.
I know they say, "reach for the stars", but you reachin far
KEK smiles upon you user go forth with his strength
remove the ready set jump in the image below it looks too funny to be taken seriously, replace it with "to sacrifce my highest material possession for those who cant stand is the highest form of unselfishness".
Do you fucking doubt the power of meme magic and Kek? 2017 and an unbeliever, if digits Kek will smite you. If not, he shall forgive you this time, for he is a merciful God
Right, we see what needs to happen here
thats too tarded even for libtards
cutagainstrump makes a lil bit more sense
Praise Kek, smote the unbeliever
Please do it. I hate sjws. If they died the world would be so much better.
no no no. Set a date, tell everyone to get on the top of buildings in larger cities. Threaten to jump if Trump doesn't step down. When he doesn't a few will do it.
We need to push these people to the edge, they will convince themselves to go over.
What about #cuntsoutfortrump to show the world how nasty woman you really are.
Feminists are all about that free the nipple shit
most liberals are children, children dont have strong minds yet, they are always at the edge user.
Not the best right now because I have to use paint, Photoshop will be downloaded in 12 hours or so.
We could set up a little info pamphlet showing their demands or they'll jump with a date and time on it
yea this
now make more of them and put some quotes from famous commies about self sacrifice to encourage our clients.
may kek bless us.
oh please please
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."
John 15:13
Stop tricking people into suicide
That green is the same hue as Corneliu Zelea Codreanu's flag, was it accidental?
anyone dumb enough to be "tricked" into suicide doesn't deserve to live.
I doubt it, leftists talk big but are inherently cowards it's why They praise someone who punches Richard spencer
No leftist is willing to do it but when one does they spread it everywhere with Normie media
I don't know if we could get them to kill themselves but maybe we can get them to destroy their iPhones or something like with that microwave your iPhone thing that happened a while back
Yes. I'm thinking we should have quotes like these, what else do people have? When I finish the pamphlet I'll make a thread on Sup Forums.
I encourage other photoshop kids to make their own too
or some kikebook or any social media group where contestants will register.
russian kids done it over vk sometime ago.
Keks will be done, the power of meme magic has spoken. Death to the nonbeliever
I meant that I saged his comment, it's a way of downvoting.
Isn't the objective to kill people?
It would be a historical event. American slaves would kill themselves which got the attention of anti slavery writers.
Buddhist monks famously set themselves on fire in protest of their government.
Now it's time for #JumpAgainstTrump to make history again to stop this oppression.
Kek has blessed this thread, he is with us, let him speak through us for its duration brothers, Shadilay!
Fuck off you stupid gypsy nigger.
Why are you burgers trying to be so morally righteous? Anybody who can be tricked to commit suicide is stupid enough to be disposable for the humanity.
>Thinking you can sage a reply to a thread
>being this new
Sides ÷ orbit
+1 for having the right viewpoint.
I know that this can't be done, this is why I replied him - I showed him my disgust.
I didn't even put "sage" in the options field.
You can convince any human being to commit suicide with enough time and encouragement
this is a really bad idea, don't do it. What if depressed white kids take this seriously? Then you would be guilty of killing them.
Then just call him an idiot instead of making yourself look like a jackass, jackass.
Kek speaks through user, kek values white life.
Shadilay, praise kek, respect kek.
No person deserves to die
Dude yes
Why not both?
The internet is large, lets launch both reaching different geographic areas.
We only need one libtard to fall for it (literally) to consider it a win
What did Kek mean by this?
Is this a cautionary tale of the power we wield through Kek? Or is this a false prophet?
Every dictator ever...
Then again mudslimes aren't people, so I can get behind this
the quotes should be persuasive
they should think that they will die as martyrs for a sacred cause.
big deal if couple rotten liberal shitheads die, i´d legit want them gone
This is necessary for the country. When children thrown tantrums they don't stop until they reach the end of the line. Until they know that nothing they do will create a different outcome. Threatening suicide on a mass scale is literally the last thing they could possibly do. Once Trumps says no, then they have a choice. Prove themselves loyal to the cause, or step step down and accept him as president.
It is a warning to not kill whites with our collateral damage
Mudslimes confirmed inhuman
You have to add some more propaganda, liberals dont think they just reeat
>BlackLivesMater - BlackLivesJumpTogether
I wouldn't stick with "Jump" I would make it more about threatening suicide. Convincing people to jump is hard to do, but convincing them to threaten suicide is not.
>get our country off the edge by standing on one.
It means jump for Trump should be a black only thing. If whitey jumps for Trump he is a racist culture appropriator. N' sheeeiit.
race traitors aren't a loss.
>Convincing people to jump is hard to do
You of little faith, do you not believe in power of memes?
uhhhh shouldnt the top pic be on the bottom and the bottom one on top?
Am I doing it right?
This could totally work if it is well done.
Altough to turn it from a threat into reality a few brave anons probably would have to infiltrate and get it going.
This would be a great poster to replace the nationalist ones that were so threatening at Boise State.
dude I think you came to the wrong place.
>implying mein fuhrer was a dictator.
any date ideas?
Finally a worthwhile Sup Forums thread.
Valentine's Day, something about doing this because they love their country idk
Some people are very manipulatable. They dont know any better. Please stop
ya, this
I think you should try it
Didn't even vote Trump but I'd love to see the shit storm on social media
black border around the letters, and its all good
They support the murder of babies so they literally and unironically deserve to die
Yeah it's called being trapped in a marriage
very manipulatable people destroys empires.
Threatening suicide would still work, because some people would fall off the buildings just by accident. Plus, if you are only threatening suicide, more people would join the cause.
make the hashtag white its barely visible
>yfw trump actualy steps down
I doubt it.
This is disgusting. You're taking it too far.
Don't push it too far.
What if they threaten mass suicide and they are actually guven in on some requests?Be happy we have elected Trump president and spend the meme magic wisely.
They shot a guy at a Milo lecture...
Also anyone in on this would go to hell 1/1 so think about that too.
Thats good Try maybe another one if u want, hashtag text in light gold color, shining light.
Angels are associated with light, wonder how that would look.
> cutagainstrump
Cuckagainstrump guys.
i can think of quite a few user
you just havent been exposed to reality enough is all
Fuck yes. I remember the fuss when cut 4 bieber let make this faggots kill themselves
> spoiled children
> suicide meme
I've come to find that the mental image every Trumpanzee jerks the fuck off to is a 25 year old white man who is very fair and understanding. Is totally above money but makes so much he doesnt need a woman....
>is it just a coincidence that you are sitting along at Sup Forums thinking about suicide?
Behead those who insult Kek
personally i think only trash people would be affected by this
there are like 50 trillion people on this gay earth, no one is gonna know or care if a few has gone missing
as like some anons here being little bitches about it aint stopping the thousands dying every day elsewhere.
If only all democrats died. USA could really get going.
>there are people ITT who don't want to convince dumb ignorant lefties to commit mass suicide
>what if depressed white kids take this seriously?
Then I guess the world was short on a few depressed white kids, wouldn't it?