Amercia is autistic shithole
ind4 flag
I just got a haircut. I wonder if i should trim my beard
Yeah, we should celebrate the culture of the animals raping our daughters so we can be hip and progressive like you guys
Youre just sad because youre rascist and im not!
who gave ahmed a computer
My favorite founding father
Your daughters get raped because I'm racist and you're not.
Go watch some livestreamed cuck-rape-porn on facebook, Swede
>being this buttflustered
I bet that fat bastard works harder in one day than you have in your entire life.
Btw how you enjoying that muzzie cock, faggot?
>working hard
>being a white american
pick one lol
At least we actually did something about our government.
Yeah, you elected a fat, retarded piece of shit who wants to ruin your economy and profit from it himself lol
Where are those tax returns he promised to release? Wasn't he going to have Hillary arrested for not releasing her private emails?
>america is 60% white
>90% of their inventors are black
fucking lol
At least we don't import millions of shitskins and LET THEM fuck our women and children.
>our women and children
Oh so you own them now, do you?
Yeah, okay Muhammad.
sweden is a nordic disappointment, you cant die off quick enough
Just go quietly into your cuck shed, sven. Your women belong to everyone according to you. C U C K
>t. Achmed
roll for kek
Shut up fucking potato nigger
I've been to Sweden it's a decent place just kinda boring. I wouldn't live there, on the second hand I fucking loved Australia.
Go suck some snaildick fucking frogman
wow I didn't know whites is actually the leech in US
At least I don't suck muslim dicks
I agree and wish your country the best.
Sweden isn't even a real country anymore. It's just a vacation spot for Muslim; a place where they can go to rape blond women and get away with it.
yeah niggers aren't raping your daughters since ages.
why are you even trying ?
dont you have more algerian muslim cocks to blow frog?
I don't recognize this app or icon...what is it?
You do worship niggers. Be it in the form of basketballers, rappers or pornstars.
And I hold you guys accountable for exporting nigger culture all across the globe.
To be fair as far as the fat meme goes. A lot of Americans are waking up to how shitty our food and diets are. I feel like it'll follow the pattern of smoking tobacco and people will eventually stop being this retarded.
Lol that's pretty good. Fuck Yankees
why the hell not, rolling
>be summer 2012
>decide to get a job mowing for summer
>get hired by a bigger redneck feller
>mow laws all day with him
>he asks if I want to shower off
>he pulls his shirt off and starts jiggling his belly
>tells me to lay down and he starts jerking me
>spit his tobacco spit in my mouth and stick his finger in my mouth, grabbing my tongue and then spitting some more
>cum and get it on his hand
>he calls me a faggot and then fires me
What the fuck, Thailand.
degenerate furry mapp for degenerate american mongrels
go back to the desert Ahmed
>implying your flag has any room to talk
Florida seems to have more than their fair share, Jesus.
Guantanamo Bay Cuba, lol
Have you ever had a cheese burger? Not that crap that Max pushes, but a real and purple McDonalds cheese burger?
pbuh yourself Muhammad
>shooting...burger...tells us a lot aboutAmerica
Best food on the planet?
Sweden is right though
>the Mexican woman isn't also fat
Thanks man...gsus, I just don't get that crap. Just a straight white hetero here, you know...we used to just be considered normal when we were growing up.
ayy lmao
what you see is the benefit of machinery over niggers.
the fat slave master can instead, operate a machine instead of own slaves, much cheaper and much more profitable.
Op can't inb4 cuck fag
Who is this semon demon
I bet you like dont you
I gotta know
and thisRuined the thread
Why does sweden have to ruin every american hate thread by being more cucked
How is that possible?
don't you islamic homo studies or something to attend to.
Shut up and go pick up your sister, shes at Tyrones house btw