Me? I knew it at 95% chance of happening. He's just way to much of a kike lover.
What are the odds of Trump invading Iran?
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Now that wouldn't be a very smart move
I wonder how Putin would feel about that.
trump done fucked israel over already, doesn't matter how loudly he sucks their cocks
>kike lover
Kys fag, his grandmother was a jewish convert, of course he loves jews
jewtin will side with the kikes.
Well, I doubt any sane person would want an axis of total chaos and anarchy in the Middle East. Like we already have Iraq and Afghanistan, why add Iran to that club?
>Jerusalem returned to the Jews
>The Temple will be built
Turn to Jesus NOW
It would only make them more extreme.
Doing business with them, and slowly forcing Capitalism on m will do just fine. The young people in Iran are quite ok.
It depends on if Mattis can convince him it'd be a retarded thing to do or no.
Fuck Iran. Stop sucking sandnigger cock. This is as bad as those who slurp up Assad's dick.
I hope Trump annihilate the raghead child-fucking Pisstollahs of Iran.
>It depends on if Mattis can convince him it'd be a retarded thing to do or no.
Reminder this is who Trump picked as second in command of the state department.
Oy vey OP is right! Why didn't we support the communist Jews and Soros! They were the good choice all along it the Israeli nationalist Jews!
Oy Vey we should all be divided and concerned now! trump supports the Jew containment zone!
Really made me think OP.
There is literally nothing wrong with humans having sex with non-human animals.
>the Paedoph Isles criticizing anyone over sexual immorality
I even think, that making some kind of allies out of Iran, Syria, Armenia, and whatnot would give nice economic boost in the area, which would westernize them slowly, but efficiently.
Some way of bringing back the Zoroastrianism to mainstream would do good too.
Well, Armenia is quite westernized in my opinion.
Trump is a fucking idiot narcissist and I believe he already suggested nuking Iran during the election.
He has no fucking comprehension of geopolitical landscape. Sucks Isralie dick for whatever reason???
What I know about Trump so far for sure
1. He is basically an idiot
2. He is extremely thin skinned and holds grudges..
3. He boasts non stop about himself and then says shit like "I'm not being braggadocious"
4. It looks like he has kept his family super close in his a means of controlling them.
5. It also appears he has directed them to all marry Jews?
6. He only likes people who completely kiss his ass.
7. He doesn't spend time actually considering things and just flits from one thing to the these executive orders.
Will all this power go to his fucking bet it has already.
I can't think what he is so in with the Jews..he didn't marry one himself.,and I'm confident he sees his kids as expendile assetts. Could it all be a long game after all?
A narcissist wants to be in full control and anyone who has fucked Trump over in the past or has leverage over him will be on his shit list to pay back. I think he will use the intelligence agencies dirty tricks department to do just that.
I predict in the coming year..if he doesn't get impeached first etc..that will will see several journalists, who dissed him, dissapear in mysterious circumstances..along with snoop dog for that comedy roast shit.
stfu. persians are based
>Some way of bringing back the Zoroastrianism to mainstream would do good too.
Never gonna happen mate. Zoroastrianism in a non-proselyting religion, and is only practiced in small pockets in India. You'd be better off introducing Christian missions.
This analysis is correct but partly flawed.
Correct in the sense that Trumo seems to think the war in Syria is about Muslim extremists trying to topple Assad..He is fucking clueless to what really has been going on there. Because Trump is an Americunt moron.
But I'm pretty sure he would think nothing of nuking Iran for Israels benefit. I lost all hope that Trump is smarter than he acts already.
Hopefully soon
I want to see piles of dead american rambo corpses in the middle east again
Since he won't curb the cia drones...
> is this the Old World Order plan?
> To destabilize another country on the path to one world government.
haven't the cults done enough already.
no more ancient stories pls.
i'm convinced zionists wrote the hebrew bible 5 weeks ago and convinced everyone to read the heap of bull shit.
what a great world where the people who care the least about others get to inherit a crumbling wasteland.
great job everyone.
seriously thank you rabbi.
>Never gonna happen mate. Zoroastrianism in a non-proselyting religion
Well it's surviving Parsi form yes BUT the thing is all Persians are descended from Zoroastrians so it would be seen as more of a 'reversion' rather than foreigners converting and trying to join the tribe.
Always found it remarkable that Persians can maintain their distinct ethnic, linguistic, and national identity separate from the Arabs - as well as continuing to take pride in their pre-Muslim ancestors - but don't get round to abandoning the disgusting Muslim religion forced on them by Arab conquerors.
If he does, we'll would know he was a plant for (((them)))
I actually think it'd be rather low.
IIRC Iran is one of the states under the new refugee ban - but Saudi Arabia isn't.
It seems to me that with all of the Trumps current inclinations with Syria and the similarities between current treatment of Syria and Iran would indicate he intend to normalize relations with them (Refugee ban is good Syria for example as the massive loss of citizens isn't good for rebuilding a nation)
Saudis on the other hand might want to watch out - there might be a US funded, Israeli/Syrian (yes, seriously) executed invasion soon...
Hes not going to invade Iran or anyone else. He is fucking negotiating from a position of power, something that Obama never fucking did.
Trump does love his Jews, but he's also not above telling *them* what to do (you'll get nowhere in NY without that)
'Greater Israel' plan is changing, instead of getting all the political butthurt over invading Syria and then Egypt and Iran - they're going down and west.
Syria will be drafted into this as a massive arms/military training deal as part of 'normalization' with US. They'll be doing the heavy lifting (and heavy casualties) whilst Israel does some easy bombing, artillery strikes, etc.
Thats not the question.
The question is will he suck Jewish cock?
Depends on how you mean.
Yes, he'll put Israel a very close second to USA.
He'll keep giving them billions of dollars in aid.
But he'll be calling the shots, he won't be a cuck to knittingyahoo like Barry was.
we shall see,it's there for the taking
Easier to rob valuable resources if the people there are disunited and fighting each other. That's one of the main reasons the Middle East is such a shitstorm i think, the othe being arab politicians.
*and Islam ofc
>Trump would be better at creating support for Israel than Hillary would. All these so-called "anti zionist" in the alt-right might actually turn their support to Israel if their "god emperor" told them to. But who is Hillary going to persuade? Nobody because nobody really likes her. If Hillary becomes president I predict she will be the most hated president, maybe even more hated than George W Bush. Whereas Trump will garner a lot of support from alternative media sites that have been growing in popularity. It's also a source of support that the US government has not had in who knows how long. The question is how long can he sustain it?
Stay retarded
Nigger that video is 20 yrs old
that bitch on the right is so fuckable
Why does Trump keep supporting Israel
It wasn't supposed to be like this guys...
he supported Israel from the beginning you have to sign a little piece of paper to run anywhere worldwide that states
'I sell my spirit to Israel now and forever withstanding.'
Shawarma Bro, how goes it. I love your your cultural food!
We spend 3.2 b dollars on Israel and 2.5b on Egypt and Iran . Complain about the 3b dollars we give to Arab nations
there won't be any cults left once Israel's homebred Zionism is through with 'em.
What about this one
wake up nigger
Fake jew's waiting for the ultimate leaders to descend,and clam they are the rightful jew's...
If he goes to war with Iran, we know he's controlled opposition. If he turns out to be a phony, I will be very angry and I don't think (((they))) expect that.
>no no we are the real cultists.
o.k. shlomo.
They expect everything.
Learn history moar nigger
Me and you both
soon the world will bow to the rabbi.
Well then the only way to defeat them is to do something that no one not even (((they))) expect. Until then, the white race will die out sooner than (((they))) planned out.
>They in Jewish quotations.
Moloch and Co. in the fourth dimension ya mean?
Here's an idea
you can't jump with a shit tier record who knows where you might end up.
the horrid king moloch remains the de facto leader of pol.
wtf do you mean leaf?
There are higher planes of existence user. Didn't you learn anything in School son?
jump you pussy!
Stop acting retarded. A big reason why people voted for Trump is because he seemed to understand that intervention policy is fucking cancer.
100%, otherwise pic related happens
i want my cum to drip off those fake eyelashes. been a dry season here.
no I am part of the American education system leaf. Teach me right now about the higher plane. what does Moloch have to do with it?
Dunno, but it will be fun to see how those F-35 do on the battlefield.
Moloch exists in a timeless area ruled by Moloch. When you sacrifice energy to Moloch you are strengthening the entity. Once an entity gets enough sacrifices. Intervention is possible. Moloch exists in the lower realms for example you could bury a corpse to Moloch smeared in blood.
that's great. How can Moloch be defeated?
No no bro, they're real
>1 State solution
>Already accepted Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
>Mentioned multiple times that the best way to deal with Iran is to nuke it
The 1% is when he realizes that it would start a full out war with Russia
The only way to defeat an entity striving off of 'tradition' sacrifices to the demon is to stop sacrificing things to it. Ending the dimensional Gate to Moloch's Realm.
Can't wait to get conscripted and rape a sandnegro woman in Iran while serving. Fuck all you Muslim loving NatSocs.
>whant to buddy upp with Russia
>invade Russias second greatest ally (after belarus)
Trumps seems dumb enough to do that
Oh of course Donald's not stupid. He knows exactly who his allegiances lie with.
It wouldnt be that hard to invade,most iranians hate their islamic government. Heck im pretty sure the gulf countries will bank-roll 75% of the war.
>I can't wait to rape women
Settle down Achmed
so it makes me wonder then, why did Putin seem so eager to work with Trump?
he won't go into Syria
he won't go into Iran
does Putin know that Trump will invade Iran? why the fuck would Putin support Trump if he knows Iran will be invaded by Trump?
russia is a paper tiger. No way they will start a nuclear winter over fucking iran. And conventional warfare america would destroy russia.
They're in the same club. The upper Class of Judaism. The elusive Kabbalah Molech Owl Evil Worship.
You guys realize Iran and Russia are involved in Syria only out of common, temporal interest?
You know, Iran and Russia are rivals in other issues like fossil fuel market, the Caspian Sea jurisdiction, influence in the Caucasus etc.
You know, second greatest ally of Russia after Belarus is most likely India
Dammit nigger, you know
does >pic related have to do with that too?
He will though. He needs the oil to compensate for the hyper-inflation his overprotectionist economic plan will generate.
>inb4 Russia
Russia just wants to be able to offshore its oil into Europe and the Indian Ocean, hence the interest in Assad and Iran. If America gives them that, they won't gaf about the rest.
Iran is about to be invaded. May kek bless Iran and give Trump a heart attack. Shadilay shalom fuck the kikes
All Predation dates back to the original Parasites.
Kek has spoken
Beyond bodily tension we are in a war we don't understand with energies we don't understand how to harness. With Physicists and Mathematicians being useful idiots and out right lying to us.
hows your psychosis, is it comfy?
>Psychology Jew.