Wow u racist like totally got owned.
Wow u racist like totally got owned
Other urls found in this thread:
Will she be one of the thousand killed?
wow thats like totally mean and stuff. You misogonist.
who else would plow laci green
A link to the cancerous blog post, since OP is too stupid even spell the word "you" correctly, let alone provide a source. Fucking Swedish cucks...
wow sexist
>giving laci hits
You're the cuck. Delete that now.
So the Law existed killed thousands then was stopped? why?
I don't get it, how the fuck it will kill femnazis?
yeah, great fucking idea. send traffic her way.
post a pic of the site instead you dumb fuck
because it like killed women. What do u racist dont understand
>not wanting sources posted
>thinks no sources should be posted
Kill yourself, leaf.
I would fuck her ass with a condom so hard and then make her swallow it.
>I would rather base my opinions off of a single picture rather than the actual source of said picture.
My post is staying up. If you don't want to read it, don't click the link. I'm leaving the thread now. Have a nice day.
archive it you mong
lrn2screenshot newfag
>giving her more traffic
Is that you Laci? Are you here to read about how Sup Forums wants to hate fuck you again?
she makes a claim and then supports that claim by quoting her own site. kys shill
It won't. That idea is absurd and originates from the cesspool of degeneracy and ignorance that is Laci Green's mind.
I would hate fuck her to oblivion
>Not having abortions unless absolutely necessary (eg. complications) will kill thousands of women???
Why?, because they will have to keep their legs closed or use protection now to avoid getting pregnant?
how do i like reply to posts
>Attention whoring titcow Lacing Green
>I am not exaggerating here
Fat bitch.
Thank you for the link.
I irony is it will save women
Indian women will go straight to the abortion clinic if their baby is a girl
made me kek honestly
Right here buddy.
Now, what's this lady killer law?
you can't tell people what to do like that
kek was she shooting up on a live stream? what a loser
>who else would plow laci green
She's hot without those fucking specs. Why the fuck do women wear those large ass glasses? Why did they come back to surface in popularity? They should have died with the rest of the tacky shit from the 80's and early 90's. Instantly takes of 100 points on the attractive meter.
Laci Logic: defunding abortion is equivalent to killing because fetuses are dangerous and should be coathangered,
And some of you faggots respected her.
Mother mortality due to birth is very low.
Not having an abortion does not kill the mother.
i am 12 and what is this rofl
look at that classic clickbait shit
>did she just assume that everyone who is female is a woman
OK Svenmed, where is the explanation?
What about the thousands of female babies that will ve saved?
>And some of you faggots respected her.
thank you!
yeah, it is the Mexico City gag order, the US is no longer paying for abortions in foreign countries. This is obviously a terrible thing, what is next, we won't pay for their food and shelter either? How can america be so shellfish (that is how they spell selfish in libtardland)
I fucking love this guy. So jealous of Americans
I'm not digging through the archives for shots. The Laci apologists were plentiful
>things are looking GRAVE AF
>people respected her
What did she say for anyone here to respect her outside her huge ass tits and THICCCC thighs?
Also abortion is good for the sole purpose that the majority of people who get abortions are niggers. It's helped contain to a certain degree the nigger population in our country if you haven't noticed.
I sure hope so.
Its a law forbidding USA-funded NGOs from providing services related to abortion in the USA
Trump is not killing women, he's saving babies
Not sure if you're actually retarded or just acting like one for added bait effect.
>linking to your own tumblr as evidence to back up your sensationalist claim
Did that jugheaded bitch just shoot up on camera?
If the tumblr has sources that would exceed twitter's character limit to post then it's understandable, but her's probably isn't substantial. Probably just links to a news story and opinions and speculation.
>red knees
> Take Ethiopia, where unsafe abortion is the second-leading cause of death (after HIV/AIDS)
3rd cause is propably rape.
You cant make it up.
Literaly fucking kills niggers.
>killing the vaginal Jew is a bad thing now
Americans who hate abortion are extra retarded since you'd have literally DOUBLE the nigger population without the wonderful ability for single mothers to not carry their future criminal scum to term.
Retards fall for this every time its posted
Makes me question the intelligence of this board
>not archiving
>not posting screencap
>giving the whore money
Consider suicide
*sigh* not this shit again *unzips dick*
Lacey Green is a toddler
She has herpies and a coal burner
So lol, no
We're getting owned and BTFO'd so much every fucking day that it's a miracle any of us is even alive
> have superconsenservative inlaws
> they lose their everloving shit over abortion
> tell them that the majority of abortions are done on black women, abortion kills more niggers than sickle cell and the drop in violent crime seen in the early to mid 90s was probably attributable to Roe V. Wade
> tfw
Why don't you at least tell us how they were being apologists.
we don't care about your fat femenist jewish lies laci
KYS faggot.
>my body, my choice
>you should still pay for it
Fuck leftists.
proud of your victim, achmet? you are lucky that goats make no protest.
Maybe it's all part of the plan.
I remember the 1980s. Specifically the gun culture back then. It's was fucking glorious. They came out with new shit all the time, nickel plating was in, there were these fuckall huge laser sights... and nobody cared if you killed niggers. One little Jew in NYC wasted 3 or 4 of them in one sitting and got in less trouble over it than some people do for overdue parking tickets. And then in the 90s the nigger population slowly dried up and it was harder to justify firearms ownership for self protection.
So what if making abortion harder to get is part of a larger plot to increase the nigger population to increase gun rights?
>Wage war
>Lose war
Perfectly reasonable outcome. Can't wait until feminists die out like dinosaurs.
>abortion isn't murder
>lack of abortions is murder
jogs the ol nog innit
also, i love articles that begin with "here’s what you need to know" - it's like a guarantee you'll get the most one-sided, hysterical horror story imaginable
I think people that don't want kids shouldn't have kids and if they get pregnant they should have abortions. But I don't think the federal government should pay for it.
Except... If the government subsidized abortions for low income (black and low IQ) individuals, then it would work as a good eugenics program. It would even be hailed by the left as progressive.
So welfare shouldn't pay for kids and should instead give you free abortions. That'd be good.
People have to stop giving aid to third world countries. It's been going on for decades and not one of them have improved one bit.
Who cares?
No, it works like this
>slut gets pregnant because condoms are haram
>can't get abortion
>dad notices belly
PS: we need more refugees
Vapid whore is vapid.
I don't understand.
Why does america OWE the rest of the world to pay for their abortions?
Even german fags understand this.
why mess with a proven formula? What if we stop all aid and they get their shit together?
the last thing we need is a working africa
I get why we owe the world shit. I mean we wuz nazis and shit.
But you beat the nazis.
The world owes you thanks
lol if that's what you think would happen.
Wow that must be a trusted source
With out a second tought. Vaginal, anal, oral for hours and then i would strangle her to death.
Actually, we should thank you for the 6 million dead jews
>I would fuck her ass with a condom
>Self cuck
>Not wanting to rub your penis skin with her insides
This is a new level of cuckery.
I'm assuming she's talking about the US subsidizing abortions for Mexican women residing in Mexico, right? Why in the fuck did we ever do that in the first place?
Fuck muh poor brown womynz, if Laci cares so much she could just send private donations to a charity that would fund those abortions for her. Ditto to all lefty shits who have an irrational sense of empathy for foreigners residing in foreign lands
I agree
What is this gag order meme? I'd love to gag Laci btw.
Why not chain her in the basement and keep her around for awhile?
Nah too much hassle, she is not worth the food, water and effort i would need to provide in order to keep her going.
Did he legalise abortion nationwide?
Me me me
With a condom on, of course.
>sex ed for the internet
>post political opinions
You two are both a couple of dipshits for giving this human hemorrhoid attention.