There is literally nothing wrong with mother son incest. It isn't painful or mentally scarring...

There is literally nothing wrong with mother son incest. It isn't painful or mentally scarring, in fact it's the safest and most discreet way for a young boy to explore his sexuality.

A mother coaxing the cum out of her son's teenage balls is one of the most maternal and loving gifts a young boy could have.

Prove me wrong

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Why can't I come back home to this?

Literally wouldn't be such a moody cunt and it would give me something to live for.

Mother/son is absolutely disgusting. Father/daughter is the only good parent/offspring incest.
How will a girl know her daddy really loves her and thinks she's pretty if he won't even cum inside her?

It's not innately scarring to women either. Most women don't suffer any long-term trauma from sexual assault. It is exaggerated because it is just another card they can play to manipulate those around them. There have been studies that show the trauma is directly related to how many people know about the event. In cases where no one knew, the scarring was practically non-existent.


Ironic shitposting is still shit posting.

Young boys have no bussiness exploring sexualities, fuck off pedo.

Typical Anglo scum fantasizing about incest.

You literally can't make this shit up. No wonder you're all inbreds.

Yeah, that's right.

Anglo stronk


I'm not talking about her being my mother, you dumb burgercuck. I mean just to come back to find a milf and fuck her.

Get your mind out of the gutter.

You will burn in hell for this,degenerate!

>look at flag
nice try aussie.. there is nothing wrong with roo/human sexual interchange. go suck some kangaroo dick you fucker

You're from Tasmania, aren't you?

goddamnit australia.



What happened to family values



That's like traumatic tier gross to imagine ever fuckin my mom
Afraid to go to sleep now

Exactly, a young boy should be focusing on his studies so he can develop into a man. But a little girl doesn't need that so it's good for her daddy to do her. It's good for hwe to be trained to please a man early. And if you're not fucking your daughter what's the point of having one?

I'm for father daughter incest only, plebeian

I see that flag.

you should be thrown in an oven

>note the nude photographs next to her on the sofa



Incest(the good kind, not thebad kind OP suggested) is family values. You don't want your daughter to be a slut going around getting fucked by boys, do you? Then you should do her yourself. If she's getting it at home she won't look for it elsewhere.
What's your problem?


When I was growing up my mum had zero respect for privacy for me or my brother, so would regularly go through draws and generally snoop.

One night I had gone to bed nude, and was trying some foreskin stretches (phimosis fag, circumcised now). I rolled it right back which was very tight and painful, and kind of traps the blood a bit giving a very tight hard erection.

Anyway I was just trying to sleep and let it stretch out a bit before rolling it back, when my mum came in to put some clothes away. I just lay there sort of half asleep, and she came over to the side of my bed and stopped. I think she saw my PJ shorts on the floor in a pile, and picked them up wondering which set they belonged to, then decided to lift up up the duvet to check which pair I was wearing.

I was eyes closed on one side, and I didn't see, but she held the duvet up for about 10 seconds with a full on view of my raging hard cock. Then put the duvet back, carried on putting a few things away and left.


I cast you into hell satan! +

not picky, would fuck and/or eat
anyone who says they wouldn't is a god damn liar

That before or after her black husband has creamed inside?


You do get that this is what creates sluts and promotes degeneracy in women? There's a reason it's called "daddy issues". The girls that get fucked by their fathers usually have abusive fathers that never show them an ounce of love. Then when they hit puberty and start becoming attractive, their fathers have sex with them. Their immature brains perceive this as them finally getting attention and "love" from their father, so they confuse "love" with sex. That's why they go dress like sluts and sleep with as many men as possible, because they want to be loved, just like their daddies "loved" them.




I thought about what would be happen if i met with my mother when she was at my age. She is very pretty women. She wouldnt even bother to talk me. She would probably say "who is this disgusting dumb"

>treat your daughter to not be dependend on sex by having sex with her yourself
You're a degenerate

>the stereotype I built is every situation
>treat your daughter to not be dependend on sex
Learn to type

Show me 1 (one) culture/ritual around the world where sons fucking their mothers is normal.

Unless you find any counter evidence, it's not natural with mother son incest. Hence there's no culture that promotes it.

all incest is good, but older sister/younger brother is the best kind.


Russia, it's legal there.

Be careful. There are still the levels of degeneracy cultural marxists haven pushed yet.

*havent pushed


>older sister/younger brother
That's almost as bad as mother/son.

>Prove me wrong
I can't.

I want to cummy in mummy

The story of Oedipus?


I definitely am not attracted to my own mom but I definitely would love to bang my friends' moms. Or just milfs in general.

He gouged his eyes out on realizing what he'd done. It's not promoting it, it's the opposite.

>There is literally nothing wrong with father daughter incest. It isn't painful or mentally scarring, in fact it's the safest and most discreet way for a young girl to explore her sexuality.
>A daughter coaxing the cum out of her father's old man balls is one of the most fraternal and loving gifts a young girl could have.
>Prove me wrong

>checks flag
Of course it's a fucking Aussie.

Strong family values that focus on raising children only so they can be productive independent members of society is the foundation of every great civilisation pushing incest like this will only cause generations of inbreds and massive amounts of degeneracy since the only thing that children will learn is to have sex


Thanks Adelaide

I'm tempted to mention Lot, but the dumb bitches thought they were the last ones alive on the planet
so it's a pass I guess

Looks like Australia has been stepping up it's game lately leaf

Mother Son sound hot cuz its the ultimate taboo

It would be much grosser though irl.Porn doesnt always work well

aus day shitposting

are you competing with canada for the worst shitposter 2017?

What the fuck, my gf is 22 and her vag is way fucking uglier

i think you watch too much porn buddy

you came out of there so what's wrong with cumming back in?

kill yourself jahans you fat gyno cuck
Joseph fritzle please

Hey Joe, how is it going?

>Researchers have estimated that between 60 and 80 percent of rapists, sex offenders and sexually aggressive men were sexually abused by a woman in their childhood.

I know the US president fucks his daughter but that doesn't mean it's ok for everyone to molest their kids

>in fact it's the safest and most discreet way for a young boy to explore his sexuality

Yeah because sex is usually so deadly and hard to have. Bait post I know but, do better next time yeah.



What's wrong with you sickos

Good point.

Sex is wrong. Women are gross. Get over it.
Get on with the times grandpas.

>havung sex with your daughter means she won't also learn other womanly skills
>sex must lead to babies
Nucka, you crazy.

>A mother coaxing the cum out of her son's teenage balls is one of the most maternal and loving gifts a young boy could have.

>have pecs and visible abs
>fat gyno cuck

Kill yourself, Moishe.

>'emotional incest' between mothers and their sons is almost a defining feature of Japanese society - 'the entire culture has this undertone'.

>Women are gross.
Not all of them bro.

I cannot completely object

Japanese mothers use this to improve the grades of their sons
something more a mother can do for their child
to go so far to improve the future life of your children
western, dedicated mothers are very difficult to find in these times

What about brother/sister incest?

very many things

I'm probably a racist too

I love my mother - she's a good caring woman who deserved more in her life - but if I'd ever seen her dressed like this I'd have topped myself!

>TFW I have legitimate sexual feelings for my mother
I don't know what to do. What is wrong with me? Should I just off myself? It's even gotten so bad I once I had to jack off in a nearby bathroom to settle myself


>They are all anime watching pedophile freaks with a negative birthrate


most of girls with daddy issue didn't get any attention at all not even molestation from their father or even had one and thus they want some other "daddy" to give them the attention

>thinks his man tits are pecks and fat rolls from slouching is a six pack


That picture of an ugly whore is an example of one that is gross, right?

And people still say that Sup Forums ain't about satire,,,

Who is she ?

I don't care about incests, I want to get some sauce on that pic.

game of thrones doesn't real


Is that yer mommy, lad!? I'd shag her in the arse!