The german newspaper FAZ just released this comic about Trump coming to germany.
I translated it for you, so I can share the pinnacle of German """"satire"""" with you, and show you how detached we are from American politics.
The german newspaper FAZ just released this comic about Trump coming to germany.
I translated it for you, so I can share the pinnacle of German """"satire"""" with you, and show you how detached we are from American politics.
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>tfw Frauke will never be your maid
why even live
What a shitshow
Ah the famous German sense of humour.
Why is this giving off literal cuck vibes? I'm just envisioning an angry German nu mald hate jacking it to the thought of Trump baging dimes.
Trump's caricature is more flattering than Merkel's, even.
>Didn't even blow air out of nose
Stick to genocide, Deutschbro. Humour was never your strong point.
>German Humour
Does the make any sense in German or is it just really fucking stupid?
it's just really fucking stupid. It has a few "quirks" about the bad English of most politicians but the rest is just "humor"
This comic isn't very ethnically diverse
wtf I love german humour now
Hard proof that Germans have no sense of humour.
>worthless italian bonds
>unironically thinking that Frauke is attractive
What the fuck Germany
Also, why do they keep acting like 'oh, these politicians are going to forgive the bankers that ruined the country because it is convenient to my point of view'. Fucking leftists, man. As if it wasn't their initiative to even bail out the banks in the first place. They just conveniently left that out.
Why is none of this funny at all?
>German """""Humour"""""
Holy Shit, are Germans retarded??? What even is this? This is why they should stick to building things.
Not even Funnybot could save this shit.
>German humor
because it is German.
This is the funniest German joke ever invented (translated to English)
A horse walks into a bar.
The barman immediately calls the local stable to report the missing stallion, and his owner promptly arrives to take him home. He thanks the landlord and offers a small reward, but it is respectfully declined.
i cant stop laughing. this is german comedy gold. haha. good job kangaroo bro
this was god awful
I didn't read past the first few panels but its interesting to note how Germans implicitly believe the US rules them, which I guess is true. How miserable, to be a German.
Now give me the porn version.
A horde of migrants walks into europe
>This is the funniest German joke ever
I dont like that joke pal
I thought Germany's best joke was WW2.
It's like hot a what baabhabhiat all over again.
>all that humorless butthurt
I would bang wagenknecht
This is not even an attempt at humour. It's just generic references.
>Lol Trump hosted a tv show
>Lol the right-wing are russian agents because Lugenpresse say so
our best joke was the holocaust
Holy shit, that's just blunt projection,Unfunny and pathetic
All I got from this was that Germans believe they are a vassel of the U.S. , pretty funny in itself
I approve of all six pages
>implying that's actually not the case
That was just a prank.
How is that supposed to make Trump look bad?
It's actually a good tactic. If you vote for the prettiest politician lefties would never even compete.
Everyone, listen. This comic does not represent the german thinking and doesn't represent german humor. This is just a perfect example of german lügenpresse.
Germans trying to be funny is the only funny thing to come out of Germany.
I-I guess that was pretty good user.
I shared this story with my unborn fetus and it's so scared right now it is going to self abort. Thanks Trump.
Also, thanks for a quality post scatfetishOP.
There is a severe problem with this. He has been ignoring Merkel's calls so he's unlike to go to Germany at all nevermind act how Germans think he will.
tbqh it represents german humor pretty well
because you cant get humor via any medium in the open here, wich should give everybody a hint at the walking on eggshells we have to endure
Pretty funny desu. Mostly because it is the most bland, boring piece of shit I've ever read. Was this written by a downie? Thank you, Germany.
Perfect example of German autism you mean. Back to making cars bud you can't even humor right.
It even has 2 authors
We may as well take their gold before Merkel hands it to Muhammad
I've heard the Germans don't have a sense of humor but that was brutal.
I thought the same thing. Aside from the deadpan "hur dur he's so dumb! XD" trump actually cucked Germany and won
>german humour
I don't understand the ending. Why is pretty unhappy if she became Chancellor?
>others pander to him already
kek this is exactly what would happen!
wagenknecht becomes chancellor in the comic
>Useless Italian bonds
That is about the funniest part of the comic.
since when did the germans have a sense of humor?
Maybe you missed it, but the holocaust was pretty funny.
This is oddly similar to those Fernando BDSM comics.
Comics are haram.
>1 hour later
>No one has made the obvious crop
I want Redditors to fucking leace
So fucking unfunny. That last picture with Trump holding a guy's neck is pretty funny, but that's it
Is that that Laci slut?
>muh dick
Petry a CUTE
These people are responsible for the bad reputation of German humor in the world, this is not ok
>German """""Humour"""""
Ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!
>that arm in the last panel
I don't get it
>tfw Frau Petry will never wake you up and say "a wonderful morning your majesty"
the ABSOLUTE STATE of kraut humour
You can abduct it.
>germany doesn't spend the required %2 of gdp on defense and instead just relies on the US to protect it without giving the US anything
>vassal state
this is daily show-level minless liberalism garbage, there must be actual funny people in germany
translate some of THAT stuff
Lefty propaganda at its finest
Jesus christ germany just end yourself already.
> newspapers in germany
> news
> not communist propaganda
Just immagine this would happen in any other country with the "wrongthinkers", it wouldn't be called a democracy anymore
no its just typical leftie butthurt
The FAZ is the biggest piece of shit leftist paper you can come across. It's on the level of Huff Post left.
It's a leftist paper. They are never funny.
>Putin ending
Not original, but I chuckled.
It's funny because the maker doesn't have any alternative than to just bash Trump, Frauke, and Putin, knowing—but not saying—the only alternative is Merkel, who has ruined your fucking country.
>casually blows up the world of finance
>stocks up $2 trillion since he took office
>DOW hits 20,000 for the first time
>dollar riding high
Germany's pretty much fucked, huh?
Pathetic. FAZ has turned to shit since Spiegel fags were allowed to publish articles there
i found it pretty funny desu
That's why we don't like Merkel - SHE'S UGLY!
>It's not the Muslims, Stupid!
Does anybody have the Ben Garrison originals?
> Germans make trump statement
> Sup Forums can't decide if it's positive or negative.
> fuck it, we'll take it. literally anything works.
It's so painful watching fashion trends slowly die a long and painful death. When is blind Trump support going to become like...Making Michael Jackson jokes. Just something nobody bothers with anymore because all 'humor' has been tapped.
Where's the joke ?
around 8 years
OK this made me laugh and wake up the sleeping gf
>blows up financial market
The dollar is stronger than ever, the download topped 20k. Of course the Euro is tanking, but too bad, America first!
>German Comedy
>Canadian humor:
So a moose walks into a bar and the bartender says "KILL NIGGERS AND GAS THE BIKES. RACE WAR NOW sorry we are out of beer"
Merkel would have been a great politician if she stood up to her (((handlers))) and refused to allow mudslime migrants into Europe.
Now her political future is far more uncertain than it would have been without that. Too bad she'll still probably win, I just hope she starts listening to her CSU colleauges and stop importing Ahmeds into the EU.