guys they know our most important secret
Its not even a misspelling
>just figuring this shit out
it actually derived from ''lel''
It's a tasty Turkish treat to show our love of kebab and that Sup Forums is a board of peace
>it actually derived from ''lel''
Actually it's from WoW
I thought kek came from korean where they type ㅋㅋㅋ for laughter in online games and shit, which would be romanized as kekeke
Being this new
>top huz
But the reason that it's a meme on Sup Forums is because of /s4s/ shitposters: No one used kek in place of lel until those autists spammed it everywhere for over a year.
it's literally from wow, when the alliance see someone from the horde typing lol it translates to kek where has the other way around is bur
nobody even goes there
No. In wow if a horde player typed lol into chat an alliance player would see it as kek because of the chat filter that is there to make a feeling of a world with more than one language.
it's a Starcraft meme that ended up in WoW as kek.
in Korea instead of lol they type kekekekekekeke
a lot of Koreans play Starcraft and they would always type that.
as an easter egg Blizzard made the Orc version of lol "kek".
from there /s4s/ ripped it off and tried to pass it off as their own meme but it didn't really take off until Sup Forums got it.
isn't it also the sound of zerglings?
Yea, It's "bur" when ally scum types "lol"
Does that shit work anymore.
Haven't play WoW for two years now.
Started in 2006.
Shit, the nostalgia is kicking in again
yeah this still remember the kekekekeke
>pepe is used as a hate symbol
They're still not getting the joke...
How do these things taste? The frankly look delicious
>alt-right meme
Do norms just think all of Sup Forums is alt-right?
>being this much of a newfag
neck yourself
>not putting funny tabs when you screenshot
Blizzard is responsible for so much cancer it´s actually unbelievable.
>Warcraft I-III
Just think how many young men wasted their time on these games instead of getting laid/a decent education/a gf for now nearly 30 years.
>Go to wow
>Create an alliance character
>get killed by a horde
>watch them type lol
>you will see kek
Which is from >>>/reddit/
E is 6 keys away from O
how can you misspell something 6 keys away?
you're fucking stupid
Dont tell them the bronies are General Forchan's right wing death squad. Nothing happens here except trading mongolian pony sperm here on this breeding forum. The MLP army are not our trojan horse.
Netflix was playing Fuller House ^_^
It legitimately comes from World of Warcraft.
Nah, its from WoW, if you were from the alliance and you talked to people from the horde they would only read gibberish, same with happen if you were horde and you talked to someone from the alliance
When you typed "lol" the other person read it as "kek"
Still, we don't say "kek" because of that, we say it because the egyptian god kek.
>Poland is wrong
Lmao secret chat rooms when its just youtube and irc
They discovered it. lol
>Pepe is used as a hate symbol
They're still going on about that?
That's not even funny. I watch that daily.
You played WoW from 2006 to 2015?
Holy shit, how did you didn't get bored in such a long time?
I got bored in around a year and a half.
Top jej
Old fag here.
Kek is not a miss spelling of lol though common usage is now the same as lol.
Kek is older than you guys think, and it's been around since the 90s. It goes back to like 1998 or 1999.
Kek is a term coming from the game Star Craft. The 1st one. It's the noise of a successful zergling rush, and you say it to your opponent.
A zerg player often will taunt there opponent going kek kek kek while they are destroying them.
It's laughing at them...
I know this because at the time I was playing starcraft all the time, and it was a thing back then.
It has since evolved, and become much more than that, but those are it's roots.
Alt-Right Using Secret Internet "Orcish" Language to Subvert Peaceful Protests - My Buzzfeed column here:
Burgers hear me out. I am ready to destroy Buzzfeed just give me plane tickets a explosive device (nuclear preferably) and you won't see Buzzfeed ever again. Also don't worry about your reputation I will dress like a Muslim jihadist and I will shout Allah Akbar and all that mudslime nonsense. Liberals will cry how Buzzfeed was oppressing Muslims, you will have lulz and a Buzzfeed free world and me well... My life sucks anyway and at least I will go out in a epic bang.
Loktar Ogar, fellow neo Nazi.
It once began as some shitty starcraft meme.
But this was kek's plan. One cannot make themselves known too quickly, all was preparation for kek to come into contact with us on the wired (let's love lain), it was a form of primordial meme magic. Kek is truly the ancient Egyptian meme god, as long as Buzzfeed has no knowledge of this, the memes can flow freely.
finally, thank you desusenpai
are the zergs stronger than the spergs?
It is from wow. If you played as alliance when horde would type "lol" You would see kek. Usually it was used to shitpost people you ganked. this is circa 2004
Zerg rush goes kekeke, it's korean laughter; ㅋㅋㅋ
kek is from WoW orcish translation of lol
[s4s] kek comes from the mutation of lol into lel, and thence into kek
not late game. Bad air tech
if you type LUL in cyrillic layout you get кeк
"4-Channers get BIG keks by reporting Shia LaBeouf to the police"
s4s has nothing to do with it.
It was a Sup Forums meme long before s4s existed because it came from wow and starcraft.
Thanks for the explanation user. Never knew that. I also did know that tomorrow is fruit.
>not knowing kek is a chaos god
MSM clueless as always
no, s4s kek has a different origin, but it's basically the same thing as wow kek, both meaning lol
who am I to say which one people on Sup Forums started using circa 2015 except probably not the one from 2004
Are you under eighteen? it's much older than that.
Maximum jej.
You have to lurk here for only a week to pick up on most of the inside jokes and lingo. Are they really that scared of the Sup Forums boogieman?
hey buttfeed, you got it wrong, let us explain our secrets ITT
morans, where is your opsec
remember when it took work to fit in? faggots
this one is good
This. I still remember getting bullied by Koreans
> Victims are left wondering "Why is all this happening to me?"
Are you retarded?
I always thought kek was just a sound one makes when they chuckle
Mods will not divide us
It is, if you're korean.
Top zozzle
>God is mispelling of Dog
This is why we need actual archivers
> it didn't really take off until Sup Forums got it
It was widespread trough Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and others well before Sup Forums got flaggified, ergo, become relevant itself.
It is tho..... Fat fingers type kek instead of lol. Same way that fatsos like myself sometimes type ypu instead of you.
lol begot lel
lel begot kek
kek begot jej
but jej went too far so we settled for kek
lulz is a corruption of lol
It was used wherever weebs settled as an alternate to lol but it wouldn't become a religion of digits until Sup Forums got it.
Should've shaved the moustache. What a shame
Daily reminder that this is a slide threat, a fun one,but slide nonetheless.
Daily reminder that this is loosh farming.
Daily reminder that Shit Le bugs is one of the pizzapupets and don't deserve any of your attention.
Daily reminder that pizzagate is gaining traction in other media and you are not helping.
Daily reminder that this magic is called mirror magic, just put a mirror in front of a monkey and monkey will see and monkey will do.
Daily reminder that Shit Le bugs is a AUTISM like us , he is the perfect distraction for keep our autism in check, he is like us will never stop , disengagement is the ONLY WAY to deal whit him.
do it
my dog killed my neighbors and fucked my girlfriend am i'm rigth kekekeke
As a religious thing it became in late 2015,
but to say that kek wasn't used extensively beforehand is franky untrue.
In fact, during Gamergate when moot decided to fuck Sup Forums to oblivion and back, he put in place wordfilter that turned cuck into Kek.
You could argue that was the first big boost to the expression, but as I said, it had already taken root in Sup Forums well before.
haha you suck dicks
I don't suck dicks, you suck dicks haha lol XD :^)
get out newfag
exactly, the fucking E is no where near the L or O
even on autistic DVORAK layouts because both the K and E are on the same left hand side which means either way its a deliberate type and impossible to be construed as a "misspelling"
There was a time when cuck filtered to kek
It's not worth it, dont go back
>BuzzFeed News asked the members of the Tinychat room if they were affiliated with Sup Forums, but members of the room claimed they had come there from Reddit.
The best part is I don't even know if they're lying or not now.
is one of the few boards not cucked by jews.
Well they wouldn't be cucked except for the part where they watch the electric jew habitually.
For the record I haven't owned a television in ten years. I don't netflix or that shit either.
It still does if you type it in Caps
Its from WoW, the Alliance and Horde cant talk to ea other and just see gibberish when the other factions talk. "Kek" was the gibberish alliance saw when Horde players said "Lol"
Only the most dangerous hackers are able to use IRC.