This bitch is educating the new generation

I wish we could find where she works and who she is.

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I bet CNN and Buzzfeed would love to show what tolerant teachers there are.

If she could smuggle that in she could have brought any handgun into the school, how did they let this happen?

I'm no expert, so maybe a burger can answer this one.

Isn't threatening POTUS a federal offense?

Teacher's unions are hotbeds of subhuman SJWs.

Yes also what she did in her class is illegal

Sad what propaganda does to retards

In her mind he's Superhitler but really he's no more conservative than her grandfather was.

Now imagine if she were muslim.

"Looks like her name is Payal Modi and she works for the Dallas ISD"

>Teacher's unions are hotbeds of subhuman SJWs.
>Unions are hotbeds of subhuman SJWs.
Fixed that for you.

Maybe she'll put out anal to save her job.

America has some young teachers.

My english 3 teacher used to get called out in the hallway by other teachers cause they thought she was a student.

Since they're in Texas, I wonder if her bringing a toy gun to class is actually not a problem. Of course, there are other problems with this behavior.

I went to school with two people, a guy and a girl, who grew up to become English teachers at the same University. They constantly post the most insufferable and inane liberal crap on FB all the time. They talk about marking people down for having the "wrong opinion", one gave someone an F for writing against BLM movement, openly discuss killing Trump and his cabinet, claim they cried at his inauguration, and pat themselves on the back for changing the Freshmen to have views close to their own. They are only adjuncts atm, but it's just a matter of time...these are the people educating the easily-influenced 18-20 year olds. I'm neither liberal nor conservative, but the entire situation becomes even more depressing when my mother, who taught at VT, told me about some of the insane things even the older faculty has said regarding politics (organizing anti-trump rallies in secret and talking assassination plots against him with students, and how it would be worth it for one person to take the fall).

Wait what? Isn't it, like illegal for a teacher to push her political beliefs on children?

Did some looking and it's already reported that the secret service in Irving are already aware of the video.

Here's hoping she gets her ass locked up in solitary for a long time.

The students don't sound too enthused, are the genX memes true?

Trump should cut finance on universities like this.

When will Nu-Austin fuck off seriously
Dallas was an absolute nigger gutted shithole as early as ten years ago and they get a (((gentrification))) project and suddenly they're competing with themselves to slobber over SJW values.

It's a horrible kind of fucking cognitive dissonance because the niggers aren't gone either. It's extremely common to go get an overpriced beer in some hipster cafe in deep ellum and get accosted by a pack of niggers for spare change, food, etc in the same five minutes and in broad daylight


Cute. I hope you banged her.


It's the main problem we have here too. This pipeline of preschool-primary school/middle school-high school-university/college and then to graduate and go right back into it. These people have never seen the outside world, have never worked in a business or in the private sector to see what is out there. They grew up in the bubble of schooling and plan to live and die there, it's why so many 22yr old teachers are so shit. I'm not saying all are, there are plenty who have a gift for teaching and excel at it, my best friend at 23 was a high school math teacher and was great at what he did and had a passion for it. Filtering this type of person from the other is the problem.

rather than accept pimple faced 21yr olds to teach pimple faced 17yr olds we should entice those in the private sector to return to teaching. My best teacher was a man who worked shittonnes of jobs in his field and finally decided he wanted a quiet stable life and began to teach his topic. These are the kids of people we need to entice to schools, those with not just the knowledge but also experience in their topics. Along with this they bring valuable knowledge about life as well, the 53yr old retired engineer teaching you physics can teach you a lot more than the high school grad of 3yrs ago can about life, it's where I learned most of my shit before I finished high school.

pretty sure the squirt gun was used as a metaphore of her vagina squirting all over Trump after being so arroused by a male being a man of his word

It's illegal if the political belief goes against the establishment.

Um. No. My dad and his brothers were in the Masters, Mates and Pilots Union. They were all redpilled as fuck.

do you have a puck version of this pic.


>The sign is large, like Texas, and unabashedly direct, like the state’s collective attitude. It’s white, nailed to two sturdy wooden posts, and coolly offers a bold-lettered warning.

I love it.

On that note. It's a special kind of feeling of failure when your professor in uni is younger than you.

Dont worry. Students generally rebel against their teachers before college.

>liberals think this is the correct way to fire a pistol



I went to boarding school in South Africa

More than half my teachers were men, and most had previous careers before they got into teaching.

My History teacher, for example, had spent most of his adult life in the Army; our math teacher used to be an accountant; our Afrikaans teacher was a professional Rugby Ref.

There was a huge difference between them and the life-long teachers and an even bigger difference between them and the female life long teachers.

My history teacher probably the most influential educator I have ever had, also, his bantz were weapons-grade... he would effortlessly BTFO entire classes. It was art.

time to ruin her life. god damn I love using the government to scare and or punish people I dislike.

feels good.

this why they wont win the war

PEople who come from a life of shit outside the education bubble and become teachers bring with them things none of these lifetime school people ever could. Life experience, stories, lessons learned. It's very telling about an education system when you have people teaching business classes when they have never been in the private sector themselves.

Also male teachers were the best I had too, definitely should be encouraging more men (men not """men""") to enter teaching if they feel their career coming to an end.

Why do some make a forward moving motion when "shooting". Do they think you have to http the bullet travel forward?

Post their information along with evidence showing what you said. We'll take care of that for you.

That's literally an MK-ultra level reaction there.

Every time I hear folks talk about arming the teachers, I think back to my school days where this emotionally unstable teacher repeatedly and daily completely broke down sobbing for no apparent or recent cause.

Holy shit, that belongs on a cringe compilation.

by squirt they mean her vaginal fluids?

Technically, having even a toy gun in school gets you mandatory reports to the principal.