Holy guacamole!
>People Are Becoming Disabled By Choice And Calling Themselves 'Transabled'
Holy guacamole!
>People Are Becoming Disabled By Choice And Calling Themselves 'Transabled'
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Autism knows no bounds.
There are people who cut off perfectly good limbs
>tfw lost a leg in Iraq
This disgusts me
yeah. there was one where a dumb bitch got a doctor to blind her on purpose.
so... wait? what? They purposefully cripple themselves or e.g. they just use wheelchairs when they don't need to?
no. they get doctors to permanently cripple them in some fashion.
it's a mental disease just like homosexuality, trannies etc.
Fun fact : Neuroscientists did a study on people that have body integrity disorders (ie people that feel like their arm isn't part of their body and need to remove it) and trannies; they have the same lack of activity in their brain zones.
this just sounds like some fake news
Woman was/is "transblind" so dumped drain cleaner into her eyes until she became blind.
Pinhead. Get the chains.
>retards killing themselves
Why are you surprised? It's not like because we pour money on them that Darwin will be proven wrong.
>and raising everyone's health insurance rates to cover it
>I'm not special enough
>Nobody's paying attention to me.
Thank God their genes will stagnate.
you mean like this, OP?
and instead of treating them with antipsychotics we appease their insanity
>was born perfectly healthy
Yeah I honestly doubt that
Wasnt there a town in USA that all purposely maimed and disabled themselves in order to surive off disability income after industry collapsed? I vaugely remember reading about it a long time ago. These are likely folks with the sane harebrained scheme
Sucks to be you, I guess.
Should've never been in Iraq.
I guess you'll have to lose another to get the leg up on the competition
Crabs amputates their own claws tho
Yup, he'll have to step up his game.
>lost a leg in a failed mission
why is earth so gay to produce creatures like this?
lol shoulda joined a real branch and not the ground poundin IED findin brigade
Fuck me, the thought of losing my sight is one of my greatest fears, shocks to think of someone doing it willingly
Just think about it, you could never browse Sup Forums again. You'd be cut off from the truth forever.
Mocking a one-legged veteran.
I hop you're proud of yourselves.
A bunch of faggots.
>Fought in Iraq
For what purpose?
I know that feel bro. As an Iraq war veteran-kin myself, the PSTD is horrible.
>tfw I started this
>tfw I ACTUALLY started this as a meme, here, on this website and it's finally become reality of "on all levels but physical I am a cripple"
Do you want to get rid of this pesky problem? Then, shout after me:
Btk amputee, fucking agreed dude.
What the actual fuck. If public healthcare covers this shit I'd be fucking livid.
Did they dismantle all the gas chambers after the second world war?
Most legit people who are disabled would be fucking pissed.
Honestly we should just have a massive culling of these retards who label themselves as trans-whatever.
the docu that pic in OP is from 2008 or something....maybe even older
This has been around for decades, leave your house more.
Man biid has been around forever but it was rightly scrutinized.
You guys ever see that movie Quid Pro Quo muh fukkin dik >no qt mature disabled gf
to hell with all this trans shit
I'm employed but I think I identify as transunemployed person now gib me my gibs
get rekt faggit
Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
>woman wants to be useless and waited on hand and foot
nobody is suprised
Tell some no shit there I was stories.
I have that same feeling, the thought of losing my sight terrifies me, if I was blind i'd probably just kill myself, life wouldn't be worth living never being able to experience all the beautiful sights on this earth.
You ever been to the Grampians National Park Ausbro? If I couldn't experience views like that again there would literally be nothing left to look forward to.
if thats really how they feel who the hell am i to tell anyone to "stop playing disabled" if they still do their jebs sitting down. for example the woman in the article worked while sitting down, so who cares if she chosed not to walk around "because muh mental handicap"
>Believing him on an anonymous website
>tfw my back hurts everyday where I broke my spine years ago
I'm lucky I can still walk. I bet there's plenty of paralyzed people who wish they could just decide to be transmobile.
This has been going on for years, the only difference is victim-culture is making it more prevalent.
I leave my house whenever I need fresh meat.
Australia, you make me sad.
I care.
If even a dollar of tax money goes to taking care of someone who mutilated themselves for attention that is wrong
Is... is this not against the hippocratic oath? I am beyond fucking baffled here. What the shitfucking assbangle is this?
Jessi Slaughter is one of these people I guess
haha kurwos u fucking spic xDDD
Can someone help them become transdead?
least I can hop
You should've quick saved.
What the fuck happened???
Losing one of your senses must be horrible, but losing your sight must be the worst of them all.
I'd rather not hear and speak than not seeing. I'd just feel too helpless.
This psychotoc cunt probably didn't even realize yet what she did to herself...
Didn't know Ahmed got internet in the rapefugee camps. One more reason to nuke germany i guess
>american bantz
>"n-no you"
How funny that both their ids are green - the holy colour of islam
>(((Jew)))el Shuping
welcome in club, Muhammad
>born with a deformed leg
>mocked tirelessly as a child
>either treated as a freak or someone to have sympathy for as an adult
>Now other people want to have my disability for attention
Being disabled is hell. These people won't last. They'll try it but soon realize the social stigma that exists and give up. Normal people don't want to be around disabled people. They will see you as a ball and chain.
Jews are superior.
Fucks sake.
There is no saving this shit.
Christ, you're all fucking obtuse.
this. You are letting these faggots loose and they are just going to duck shit up
>not identifying as a fully-abled biped
Do you not know what year it is?
Even mudshits know that being a mudshit is a bad thing, a curse if you will.
Shoulda joined the Teams
Thanks for your service
eye puss
Can I identify as trans-big dicked? If im with a girl she basically HAS to acknowledge im hung like a donkey because that is what I identify as, and if she doesnt, she is being bigoted and transphobic.
I know this feel. lost a pen earlier this week at work, hate when it happens
I would gladly and loudly claim to be transabled if that was legit reason to get neetbux associated with disability.
Hahahahahahahahaha, we need to use this against them
Fucked up Romania, kek
Consequences were never the same.
I don't think they are the only ones at fault here. Our society worship disability and deviations at this point. "Proud to be gay", "look how brave that blind person is", benefits for cripples. I think in this situation our good-natured wish to help crippled people does a lot of harm and the society should probably change attitude towards disabled to stay functional.
Thanks for your services! Mr. Goldberg will be more than happy to take note of your bravery!
this is the first thing i thought about when i heard that term
Didn't Slaughter commit suicide?
cancer amputee here
>People Are Becoming Disabled By Choice And Calling Themselves 'Transabled'
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Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>a one-legged veteran
one-legged slave to Israel*
It seems like she had an irrational fear of mirrors that went too far.
It was a worthy sacrifice for Israel.
That person is also a tranny...think about it.
Crabs can regenerate lost limbs.
Well if people are allowed to pretend they're disabled can't you just pretend you aren't disabled and call yourself transfunctional or some shit?
She probably WANTED to be helpless.